Sunday, October 03, 2004

Fascism and hate under the guise of no-spam_Kool Aid squad

Fascism and hate under the guise of nospam_Kool Aid squad

A primer in turnspeak on the lower end_ nospam

The Roverian smearbot has CREEPed into usenet.
Spaming right wing hate under the guise of anti spam bringing their 'all they know is hate' (assuming every body is hateful like them) 'projections' to anything progressive or liberal or what most people have called patriotic since WW2 like anti fascist or anti NAZI . This is done under defending freedom, their love for America, and of course the constitution. Freedom of speech civil rights etc.

Notice PROOF THAT LIBERALS HATE AMERICA is supposed to be a way of them showing their love for America or whatever.

You couldn't make this stuff up. These kool aid kids even eat their own. The Dit Head brown shirts IN WW2 Germany even became an embarrassment to Hitler.

Ra Energy Fdn.
Raleigh Myers


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