Monday, November 22, 2004

Theft of US Election Rallies World Against Fascism_the F word

Ra Energy Fdn.
Raleigh Myers
Worksheet bio

Theft of US Election Rallies World Against Fascism_the F word

The anti communist fervor pales in comparison to the anti fascist sentiment world wide. The theft of two American elections has set the stage for world wide cooperation against world conquest by the known fascist entities. The former communist countries also lost millions of their citizens in the thwarting of Corporatist funded Fascism in WW2 hastens the creation of a formidable aware and sympathetic audience. The world bank and the WTO have shown their Corporatist Fascist Neo Liberal trade treaty strategies. The realization that Privatization is outright theft of the commons stimulates anti privatization sentiment and is reflected by the shut downs and strikes world wide. The Intelligence communities are now in question for the fermenting of world chaos. As this is becoming known the civil wars and manipulated conflicts in many countries are now suspect and the parties can now comes to grip with a phenomenon where they are forgiven for the atrocities committed in their name by the subterfuge of the intelligence communities.

  A small contingency of self anointed worthies (disturbed control freaks) religions zealots designing crime and sin to divide and to confuse has in so many words held our prophetic inheritance in abeyance a virtual probate of sorts.

don't hate the media - become the media. Start your own Independent media print and email list outlet in your community. Get the blog sphere to head in that direction. Use subtraction synergy at every turn.

Subtraction the Gandhi strategy
Imagine: All we have to do is subtract our participation in the investor corporate stranglehold on our life support needs as Gandhi pointed out. The investor corporate structure is totally corrupt, so what do we have to loose? We loose the predatory investors (less than one percent of the population) hiding behind the limited liability -person hood firewall of the corporation.

Call to Action blog

Ra Energy Fdn.
Raleigh Myers
Worksheet bio

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