Saturday, January 15, 2005

Alert; CIA asset whistle blowers now is the time

Alert: CIA asset whistle blowers now is the time

All those who have participated in this Corporatist- Fascist scam should come forth for the sake of humanity and tell it like it is. Amenda Marcos, Noriega, Duvaliers, the kin of the right wing dictators around the world who were set up by our corporatists and the invisible army CIA etc. and Bin Laden included.

Osama Bin Ladin was used as a CIA asset who persuaded friends who got killed in the Brezinski ploy to obtain control of Afghanistan. It is quite possible that Osama put the Al Qaeda Al CIAdah sting in place. As for the Twin Towers the FBI was part of the first bombing using Arab assets to mask the blame it is quite possible that the same thing happened only with a more elaborate Wag the dog production. It was the PNAC this time.
Imagine Bin Laden and family coming to our rescue by exposing the reality of this Wag the dog Al CIAdah business. The PNAC fits into the whole mess and the people have been had. As I put it in the piece below an ancient civilization giving us some time to sort it out as well as save face. The Saudis have been manipulated to finance much of this to mask direct involvement of our own operatives. Much of what Bin Laden wanted has been realized, now he can help us out of this by helping us vote the mess to a close.

Ra Energy Fdn.
Raleigh Myers

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