Save Cities Rent to Own 1/3 Income for Foreclosures Stabilizes Housing Prices at 1989 levels
Raleigh Myers
Ra Energy Fdn,
Founded in 1973
Ra-Chi is our agenda
Save Cities Rent to Own 1/3 Income for Foreclosures Stabilizes Housing Prices at 1989 levels yeah rent determines the value of housing... how to calculate it...
It seems the end user side of the equation doesn't see what is coming _ migrations, transitions, back to the future etc.. With Quadrillions in phantom fiat debt, no way in hell is there a solution that resembles any thing that has come before...
We have to save the cites even at the cost of the states. We have to live somewhere but don't have to support hundreds of layers of representative politico government to do it... talking points...
We The People's government is what is going to hold all this together in the transition time . We have Social Security Pension contracts and medicare insurance funds to deal with, which are not taxes but collected policies in mutual insurance and pension annuities etc.. We have no nothings calling FICA(Federal Insurance Contribution Act) a tax when we pay for insurance policies, with profit included, to Frankencorp and call it paying premiums WTF.
When the Insurance companies and banks tank when the phoney speculated values of their required reserves shrink by devolution, the associated derivatives are canceled due to bare cupboards. We The people will have to assume our own risks minus those of the PIGS default swaps of course . Hello Social Security for the pensions and life insurances and Medicare for the health insurances. We used to joke about daddy's Oldsmobile now it is Grannies SS and Medicare for all. Goes around comes around when we have later day pirates on the run and the sociopathic bankster thieves perp walking in ankle bracelets... Forget too big to jail _ Criminal intent is real and proven...
The transition to the Village,
Intentional Community- Support Group- Autonomous Community
system of governing and life support, will take some time and a global vote, but saving cities is a now thing, to save our skins and not giving our mutually held safety net and personal property to bankster Neo cons... Put people in the foreclosures and get rid of the politicians at the same time by creating Villages out of the cities where We The people can govern ourselves and ten million or so villages can manage the space ship... we take the fairness factor into consideration, we are in lowest common denominator territory. We don't use the rule of law or any caveat emptor contracts to save the bankster booty, it should be treated a stolen goods acquired with criminal intent. Phantom wealth and gambling securities are not what we can tell our children is the reason for their homelessness... What your PTSD kids will be experiencing...
We just ask the question as Gandhi did. Think of the weakest among us and if what we are about to do, does not give positive results for them, we should change course. We make it even simpler by asking the same question about our progeny. Do we really want to burden our children, who will have to put up with this crap, especially when we have a flow chart staring us in the face and all we have to do is vote on it _ win win for us and them...
When we fractal it down, the inconvenient truths become self evident... restructuring the way we do life support is inevitable and We The People's government is the direct rout to the people's claw back. Any body talking down the government, as the problem, small enough to drown in a bathtub is insulting you directly. We, all of us together, ARE the Government and we are the only thing We The People have left that can defrock Frankencorp's psychopathic hegemony of predation...
So restructuring...
The options we need to make Obama comply with or make him OBEY...
WeThePeopleIsm 1775 _ the spirit of 75 we need to muster _ yanking corporate charters will be the shot heard round the world...
Print, Tweet, email etc. this poster and pass it around _
If we workers take a notion we can stop all speeding trains, every ship on the ocean, We can tie with mighty chains every wheel in creation, Every wheel in creation every mine and every mill, fleets and armies will at our command stand still...
The March Of The Pitchforks WeThePeopleIsm 1775 calling on The Second Superpower
Obey MAKE HIM DO IT _ make him OBEY _ viralize it...
Much of what we do, is to give talking points to focus the conversation on lowest common denominator solutions and thinking. Many have seen some of these points before, how about those you might share this with... Creative Commons encourages you to share and enhance...
40 Trillion Saved In Ten Years _ Medicare For All, FICA (Federal INSURANCE Collection Act) All Transaction
All Pay
Insurance is not considered a tax when collected outside We The People's government...
VIDEO | Keith Olberman: Legislators for Sale
Keith Olbermann, MSNBC Countdown: "Finally tonight, as promised, a Special Comment on Health Care Reform in this country, and in particular, the 'public insurance option.'"
WE need to rattle the cage a bit here with a global consciousness uptick, or put another way, a mass realization that the waking of the Collective Consciousness are destined to become WeThePeopleIsm 1775...
On the solution side above and beyond nations and parties... Before we have a revolution, lets have a global election of We The People by We The People for We The people as a bill of rights voted with We The People. This land is Your Land, This Land is My Land, This Land (Spaceship Earth) Is Made for You and ME as we have been singing around the world in a hundred or so languages for the last fifty years _ we have already voted....
We have a way out with the global vote _ a covenant between ourselves _ WeThePeopleIsm 1775 planet wide...
Lowest Common Denominator in human equality is a covenant between ourselves to go where no one has ever gone before...
Raleigh MyersAll Pay
Insurance is not considered a tax when collected outside We The People's government...
VIDEO | Keith Olberman: Legislators for Sale
Keith Olbermann, MSNBC Countdown: "Finally tonight, as promised, a Special Comment on Health Care Reform in this country, and in particular, the 'public insurance option.'"
WE need to rattle the cage a bit here with a global consciousness uptick, or put another way, a mass realization that the waking of the Collective Consciousness are destined to become WeThePeopleIsm 1775...
On the solution side above and beyond nations and parties... Before we have a revolution, lets have a global election of We The People by We The People for We The people as a bill of rights voted with We The People. This land is Your Land, This Land is My Land, This Land (Spaceship Earth) Is Made for You and ME as we have been singing around the world in a hundred or so languages for the last fifty years _ we have already voted....
We have a way out with the global vote _ a covenant between ourselves _ WeThePeopleIsm 1775 planet wide...
Lowest Common Denominator in human equality is a covenant between ourselves to go where no one has ever gone before...
Ra Energy Fdn.
Founded in 1973
Ra-Chi is our agenda
Op Eds more of the latest going back decades
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Videos Ought 2010 A Transcendence Odyssey a movie where ALL the worlds' a stage Everyone is in it _ See Currency The Redistribution of TIME and Digging Slavery's Grave, the secular version.
Let us experiment with laws and customs, with money systems and governments, until we chart the one true course - until we find the majesty of our proper orbit as the planets above have found theirs. And then at last we shall move all together in the harmony of our sphere under the great impulse of a single creation - one unity, one system, one design.
Roger Bacon
Let WE The People vote on a covenant between ourselves...
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