Monday, December 20, 2004

Vote Fraud: Ask Members of the Senate and House to declare their intent

Ask Members of the Senate and House to declare their intent to object
to unlawful electors on January 6th, 2005

What We Are Doing

We're lobbying members of the Senate and House to declare their
intent to object to unlawful electors on January 6th, 2005 by
publicly endorsing the "Declaration of Intent" posted at

In essence, by asking them to endorse the declaration, we are posing
the following question:

"Are hours-long poll-tax-lines for poor, minority voters AND none for
affluent, white voters a tolerable condition for you? Will you uphold
the objection to electors from a state where this is the documented
reality, or become complicit with the perpetrators of this

A lot of people are talking about lobbying to get an objection on Jan
6th. We think that is too late and believe they need to declare their
intent now in order to (1) put election officials on notice that
their electors are at risk unless they take steps remedy the
discrimination, and (2) make a clear public statement that cuts
through the propaganda about deadlines.

How You Can Help

We all watched in horror (many for the first time) as the movie
Fahrenheit 9/11 opened by recounting how our political "leaders" sat
idly by on Jan. 6, 2001 as the Congressional Black Caucus tried nobly
but futilely to object to the unlawful Florida electors. But even
Michael Moore seemed unaware of "the rest of the story."

On Jan. 7th two Democratic Senators were asked by Tim Russert why
they didn't come to the defense of their House colleagues. Their
answer (in unison): "Nobody asked us." They've made it clear:


We need your help to flood their offices with requests! Please take a
few minutes to visit and do the following:

1) Click on the "Flyer Version" button to read the declaration (one

2) Click on the "What to Do ­ Now!" button and contact your senators
and congressional representative as suggested OR go directly to to send your message.

3) Spread the word. Pass this alert on to others!

Additional Information and Action

We have already presented the Declaration of Intent to several
Members of Congress and it has been included in the record of the
Conyers hearing on Ohio Voting Irregularities:

The Declaration was also a topic of discussion on the Mike Malloy
Radio Show on the AirAmericaRadio network on Dec. 8th:

If you represent a group, try to get all your members to ACT NOW!

If you are willing to request a meeting with one or both of your
Senators, or with your Representative, please contact Patty Keeshan
at 908 233 8172. We'd like to track and report on visits. We're also
available to discuss "talking points" in advance of any meeting.
Sample meeting request:

Running into resistance? You'll find "talking points" at

Questions, suggestions, or comments?

Contact Patty Keeshan
908 233 8172

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Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. - - Margaret Mead


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