Key Stroking the Planet _ Phunney Money Acquiring Land, Oil, Food, Water QE2-3-4-5-6-
Key Stroking the Planet _ Phunney Money Acquiring Land, Oil, Food, Water QE2-3-4-5-6 etc.
Phoney funny money made in closed loop tulip trading of derivatives, traunches of second story mortgages even garlic cloves, oil, food etc., are used to generate key stroke credit to create other bubbles using the quantitative easing cash as seed capital.
Phantom profits on paper trading is causing life support itself to be the a bubble. The tulip trade type of nonsense has brought us the artificial price spike in energy, food, and the Chinese are trading garlic cloves to generate capital to carpet bag the planet literally. The idea behind the FED's helicopter money, is to keep the ridiculously high artificial value of the mortgages, the original leverage point of the new found fiat phunney money, as high as possible. Beyond that, to keep the value of the booty as high as possible and un-affordable to WTP. But keeping it as high as possible so when the carpet baggers go to re sell, game, etc. the booty, they have already stolen with all the fast track foreclosures And that of course is after they have, devalued the currency with QE2-3-4-5-6- Ponzi paper, inflated the cost of living, robbed, sacked, privatized, pawned etc. the savings and pensions, along with cities, states and the federal government of We The People. What is it you don't understand about liquidating humanity _ Any questions?
Some indications, incriminating evidence etc. of this are the fact they are continuing to block, in locked step, any reforms to stop all this and are determined to keep on this same track to tweak these obvious results to advantage the bankster class. The banking fraud investigations should be able to expose a clear path demonstrating criminal intent, so WTP( We The People) will own, by confiscation, the mortgages they robbed, along with those we already own at HUD, Fannie Fredie, GMAC etc. After all We The People took the ten trillion dollar loss, by the in house bankster pumping and then dumping, shorting etc. of the speculative value of the mortgages as a premeditated heist. Then helicopter Ben's ten trillion to booty, pun intended, to attempt to get WTP to pay thrice for a thieving scheme that went south... Later day Pirates use the SHIP of state... think Corporatist perp walk at the end of the movie Avatar, as they are being loaded into some galactic Elba island transport ...
Saving the cities by putting 1/3 income rent to own into the confiscated housing, will jump start the city budgets with tax paying potential home owners and get the value of the housing to where it was almost affordable, in 1989. This can also serve to tank the banks and get these parasites out of the way. The insurance companies who dabbled in the derivatives will also tank along with the bubble machines they have conspired in locked step with the Worthies, to create, to facilitate the acquisition of the planet. The Insurance companies that cover health insurance will have to be liquidated and the policies converted to Medicare FICA( Federal Insurance Collection Act). The life insurance, pensions, annuities 401Ks etc. will no longer qualify and have to go to Social Security FICA( Federal Insurance Collection Act) etc.
We The People are the only entity with the authority and the means to justify a seamless rescue of the people's wealth. Justice is when fairness has been breached and they have been caught with their parasitical paws in the cookie jar... Save Cities Rent to Own 1/3 Income for Foreclosures... the whole nine yards, countering the Mellon Liquidation of humanity in progress _ the rescue, take back and restructuring strategy...
It isn't any secret that they are in the business of looting humanity as the Mellon papers stated in the last depression that they caused for this express purpose. They have been attempting to dismantle all the safety measures established to keep this from happening again and are marching around going even further into their 1930s CREEPing fascism model, brown shirts, second amendment solutions and all...
CREEPing Fascism has been a long time coming and it is time for us frogs to get out of the boil water and short circuit this. WeThePeopleIsm was a Grand 1775 experiment begun by the people and now it has been infiltrated by the Koch-Armee-FOX Corporatists. We need to take off the ditto lemming costumes and get with the needs of our progeny rather than the catechisms of corporatism sold to us with the same psy ops strategies they used in Germany in the thirties and every government overthrow since... WeThePeopleIsm Is All The Isms _ Corporatism Is Just Fascism, the mother of all left behind poison pills still harming Humanity by remote control...
On the solution side above and beyond nations and parties, with the perp walk of the corporatists in the movie Avatar, still fresh in our minds, Before we have a revolution, lets have a global referendum, a revolt of the star stuff...
As things progress down the rabbit hole, some of you might want to take a look at this stuff again _ red pill recommended...
Much of what we do, is to give talking points to focus the conversation on lowest common denominator solutions and thinking. Many have seen some of these points before, how about those you might share this with... Creative Commons encourages you to share and enhance...
Raleigh Myers
Ra Energy Fdn.
Founded in 1973
Ra-Chi is our agenda
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Videos Ought 2010 A Transcendence Odyssey a movie where ALL the worlds' a stage Everyone is in it _ See Currency The Redistribution of TIME and Digging Slavery's Grave, the secular version.
Let us experiment with laws and customs, with money systems and governments, until we chart the one true course - until we find the majesty of our proper orbit as the planets above have found theirs. And then at last we shall move all together in the harmony of our sphere under the great impulse of a single creation - one unity, one system, one design.
Roger Bacon
Let WE The People vote on a covenant between ourselves...
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