Big Picture _ Starship Earth Reclamation Project
Big Picture _ Starship Earth Reclamation Project
We are depleting the planet-starship 30% faster than it can replenish. Putting a vector on our exercises is crucial to coming to grips with our starship issues.
The job here is to accommodate ten billion citizens who have a right to be here, with a universal standard of living with half the resources of today. Recognizing that we all have a right to be here is still something we have to get together and make it so _ reversing the psy ops of the money changers.
The logic of lowest common denominator, is how we can empower our progeny. We need to ratchet down our human foot print from where we are. Question, if what you are about to do will head things in a different direction or if it is worth doing at all.
Every minute we waste propping up our square peg in a round hole, milking parlor for cash cows, life support systems of today, is an insult to our progeny.
The urgency dictates that we fess up to the impending disaster and all get with an end product that will work under these parameters _ This land is made for you and me.
Like the Gandhi strategy to determine fairness as a simple test... will it be of use to all with the added insight of empowering our progeny , the mother father sister brother lover of all common causes.
Getting through the door to the other side is a work in progress directed in part by the MEME harvest of accumulated insight of the artistic community over millennia...
MIND becomes a reality when we chase the other side of the edge of the envelope rather than what has been established synthetically _ what IS. Man's Inner Nature and Development is the part of Humanity that seeks. Seekers become seers when the fractal capability in all of us is allowed to function _ some call it Hemispherical Integration, the Akashic, the ethers-dark matter, meditating, communing with nature, inductive thought, Zoning, Alpha, Theta, indigenous knowledge, the stilled small voice within, the sound of silence _ what ought.
To crash the system, like it or not, vigilantes have activated the doomsday events for currency termination...
Quadrillions of phantom derivative exploitation gives the mathematics of fiat currencies the bare bones of an ultimate calamity. Organized Usury has stifled itself while the universe watched the great terrain robbery unfold.
That having been said we now need an alternative metric for a TIME direct solution that has been staring us in the face since the money changers began. How do we value the redistribution of TIME if all the currencies resemble the Zimbaway as the world currency? A the Bishop Said to Amadeus, Too many notes:)
Granted we need to ratchet down to the new LCD directives, but it should head in the paradigm direction for the sake of universal life support and the foot print ogre looming over us all. In other words Digging Slavery's grave comes out as the Paradigm Shift or what we OUGHT to have done at the beginning of the anthropocine, leaving out the nose ring of the money changers' along with the resulting divisiveness.
Creating a new value system from scratch is easier than most would figure at fist glance. Simply put we can value TIME direct by giving it a value index based on human caloric intake provided by the Earth itself or Pachamama with enough teat for tat.
After all everybody living needs about 2000 calories a day, so why not project it as a birthright, cosmic currency to back up the cosmic right to be here, estimated earnings as the casino predators calculate it _ a birthright in a covenant between ourselves that should have been understood as a Three Rs Archetype of Fairness new beginning.
It is hard to deny We The People's real personal worth, the ownership of their own TIME, when Corporate Worthies even base the worth of their stock on estimated earnings based on estimated consumption, sales, Human need etc. then leverage that into even more phantom wealth based on futures, derivatives in the quadrillions.
All the currencies can be calculated back to the effort put into earning the currency, pensions, savings, personal property etc. but not casino finance aka unearned income.
All together WE have to initiate We The People's directive of THIS LAND (STARSHIP) IS MADE FOR YOU AND ME _ the eighty or so countries and fifty USA states dancing and revolting in locked step are in need of a global plan, a planet in need of Hemispherical Integration _ double entendre intended :)
Get it viral get out the GLOBAL vote... Google: TENINIC Read it, then vote on it in Facebook click on LIKE and when a few billion people Friend all of us and appear altogether on the same page, WE, the newly awakened collective consciousness, now has a way of breaking the stranglehold of global slavery _ Les Miserables unshackled...
Much of what we do, is to give talking points to focus the conversation on lowest common denominator solutions and thinking. Many have seen some of these points before, how about those you might share this with... Creative Commons encourages you to share and enhance...
Raleigh Myers
Ra Energy Fdn.
Founded in 1973
Ra-Chi is our agenda
Op Eds more of the latest going back decades
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Ought 2010 A Transcendence Odyssey a movie where ALL the worlds' a stage Everyone is in it _ See Currency The Redistribution of TIME and Digging Slavery's Grave, the secular version.
Let us experiment with laws and customs, with money systems and governments, until we chart the one true course - until we find the majesty of our proper orbit as the planets above have found theirs. And then at last we shall move all together in the harmony of our sphere under the great impulse of a single creation - one unity, one system, one design.
Roger Bacon
Let WE The People vote on a covenant between ourselves...
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