Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Cracks in the Empire: Compilation of insiders who have criticized Bush's Iraq policy

Cracks in the Empire: Compilation of insiders who have criticized Bush's
Iraq policy
By Anna Manzo and Scott Harris

When U.S. Defense Department analyst Daniel Ellsberg leaked the
"Pentagon Papers" to the press during the Vietnam War, the 47-volume
Defense Department internal study of the U.S. role in Southeast Asian
conflicts over three decades was classified top secret. The documents
chronicled the lies and deceit employed by government officials to
justify U.S. military intervention in the region's wars. Ellsberg -- a
strong supporter of the Vietnam War who later became a committed
opponent -- faced felony charges that could have put him in prison for
115 years. Those charges were dismissed in 1973 on grounds of
governmental misconduct, which led to the conviction of several White
House aides. The targeting of Ellsberg was an important factor in the
impeachment proceedings against President Richard Nixon.

Today, numerous Washington insiders are speaking out against what they
allege are Bush administration violations of the public trust: most
notably, the justifications cited for pre-emptive war in Iraq. In turn,
high-level officials -- former Ambassador Joseph Wilson, former White
House counter-terrorism chief Richard Clarke, former Treasury Secretary
Paul O'Neill and former United Nations weapons inspector Scott Ritter --
and others have become victims of smear campaigns reportedly directed
from the White House.

Compelling charges of secrecy and deception are leveled by former Nixon
aide John Dean. In "Worse Than Watergate: The Secret Presidency of
George W. Bush," the former counsel to the president-turned
whistle-blower reminds us that no one died in the Watergate scandal.
Dean, whose testimony helped convince the House Judiciary Committee to
vote for articles of impeachment against his former boss, charges that
George Bush is guilty of impeachable offenses.

As Election Day draws near, presented here is an alphabetical, annotated
list of several prominent government insiders -- many of them
Republicans -- who have spoken out against President Bush's decision to
launch the Iraq war his administration's conduct in managing the

Rand Beers, former anti-terrorism adviser to President George W. Bush,
and now John Kerry's homeland security adviser. He said the
administration is "underestimating the enemy;" has failed to address
terrorism's root causes; and that difficult, long-term issues at home
and abroad have been avoided, neglected or shortchanged and generally
under-funded. The Iraq war created fissures in U.S. counterterrorism
alliances, he added, and could breed a new generation of al Qaeda
recruits. Source: "Former Aide Takes Aim at War on Terror," Washington
Post, June 16, 2003.

Doug Bereuter, retiring Republican Nebraska congressman who broke ranks
with his party, reversed his earlier stance, saying the military strike
against Iraq is a "mistake," and blasted a "massive failure" of
intelligence before the war. Source: "Retiring GOP congressman breaks
ranks on Iraq," CNN, Aug. 18, 2004

Robert L. Black, a retired Ohio judge of Hamilton County Common Pleas
Court and the Ohio First District Court of Appeals, stated publicly that
he believes the "Republican party candidate's record has a history not
only of repeated violations of the key principles underlying our
democracy, but of the core values of the Christian faith to which he
claims commitment." Black says he will refuse to support his lifelong
Republican party in the re-election of the incumbent president. "
Source: A Republican Declares His Independence," The Cincinnati
Enquirer, Oct. 13, 2004

Hans Blix, former U.N. chief weapons inspector in Iraq and author of
"Disarming Iraq." Two weeks before attacking Baghdad, the U.S.
unsuccessfully pressured him to tell the Security Council that Iraq was
violating UN resolutions. He said that if inspections had continued,
Iraq may have proven its lack of banned weapons. He also says the
U.S.-led invasion of Iraq had failed tragically in its aim of making the
world a safer place and succeeded only in stimulating terrorism.
Sources: "U.N. Inspector Writes of Pressure From U.S. on Iraq: Blix's
Book Said He Was Challenged About Arms Assessment on Eve of Last Report
to Security Council," Washington Post, March 9, 2004. "Blix Says Iraq
War Stimulated Terrorism," Reuters, Oct. 13, 2003

Paul Bremer, former U.S. official appointed by Bush to govern Iraq after
the invasion, said that the United States made two major mistakes: not
deploying enough troops in Iraq and then not containing the violence and
looting immediately after the ouster of Saddam Hussein. Source: "Bremer
Criticizes Troop Levels," Washington Post, Oct. 5, 2004

John Brown, foreign service officer in Eastern Europe and Moscow, was
the second career U.S. diplomat who resigned to protest the Bush
administration's Iraq policies. The 22-year veteran said the Bush
administration is pursuing a narrow-minded strategy, jeopardizing
relationships with long-time allies around the world. Source: "Second
Foreign Service officer resigns in protest over Iraq," The Government
Executive, March 12, 2003.

Vince Cannistraro, former CIA head of counter-terrorism and member of
the National Security Council under Ronald Reagan. He said, "These have
been an extraordinary four years for the CIA and the political pressure
to come up with the right results has been enormous, particularly from
Vice President Cheney. I'm afraid that the agency is guilty of bending
over backwards to please the administration. George Tenet was desperate
to give them what they wanted and that was a complete disaster." Source:
"The CIA 'Old Guard' Goes to War with Bush," The Telegraph/UK, Oct. 11,

Richard A. Clarke, former White House counter-terrorism chief. Clarke
helped shape U.S. policy on terrorism under President Reagan and the
first President Bush, then served under President Clinton and the
current President Bush. He said that in the aftermath of Sept. 11,
President Bush ordered him to look for a link between Iraq and the
attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, despite being told
there didn't seem to be one. His book, "Against All Enemies," is
critical of the administration's early emphasis on removing Saddam
Hussein from power; downplaying of al Qaeda's threat prior to 9/11; and
diverting military resources to a war in Iraq, instead of fighting al
Qaeda in Afghanistan. In response, the administration called the career
public servant an "opportunist." Sources: "Clarke's Take on Terror," 60
Minutes, March 30, 2004; "A White House Adept at Revenge," The
Associated Press, March 27, 2004.

Robin Cook, a former British foreign minister under Tony Blair. Resigned
and wrote a book saying the threat of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction
was over-exaggerated. Source: "Cook Denies Saddam was Threat," The
Guardian/UK, June 17, 2003

John Dean, former counsel to President Nixon, dared to tell him in 1973
that the web of lies surrounding the Watergate break-in of the
Democratic Party headquarters had formed "a cancer on the presidency."
Dean sees a worse scenario in the Bush White House. Sources: "Bush Puts
a 'Cancer on the Presidency' - Watergate Insider calls this White House
'Scary'" Los Angeles Times, March 30, 2004; "Ex-Nixon Aide John Dean
Tells Bill Moyers that Bush Should be Impeached," NOW with Bill Moyers,
April 2, 2004

Marie deYoung, a former Army chaplain who audited accounts for
Halliburton's subsidiary Kellogg, Brown and Root. After complaining of
waste and fraud to her superiors to no avail, she says there was no
effort to hold down expenses because all costs were passed directly on
to taxpayers. DeYoung produced documents detailing alleged waste on
routine services: $50,000 a month for soda, at $45 a case; $1 million a
month to clean clothes - or $100 for each 15-pound bag of laundry.
Source: "New Halliburton Waste Alleged," MSNBC, July 1, 2004

Diplomats and Military Commanders for Change, 27 retired diplomats and
generals -- including Arthur Hartman, former ambassador to the Soviet
Union; Admiral Stansfield Turner, former director of the CIA; and
General William Crowe, one-time chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff --
have signed a statement declaring that George W. Bush's foreign policy
has harmed U.S. national security and that his administration must be
defeated in the 2004 presidential election. Many served under Republican
Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush. Source: "Diplomats &
Military Commanders for Change,"

Fifty-two former diplomats signed a letter to British Prime Minister
Tony Blair regarding their deepening concern with the policies which
have followed on the Arab-Israel problem and Iraq, in close cooperation
with the U.S.. Signers included Francis Cornish (ambassador to Israel
1998-2001); Sir James Craig (ambassador to Saudi Arabia 1979-84);
Richard Muir (ambassador to Kuwait 1999-2002); Sir Crispin Tickell
(British permanent representative to the UN 1987-90); Sir Harold Walker
(ambassador to Iraq 1990-91). Source: "Doomed to failure in the Middle
East: A letter from 52 former senior British diplomats to Tony Blair,"
The Guardian, April 27, 2004

Charles Duelfer, chief U.S. weapons inspector with the Iraq Survey
Group, reported that Iraq had no stockpiles of biological, chemical or
nuclear weapons before the March 2003 U.S.-led invasion and that Iraq's
nuclear capability had decayed, not grown since the 1991 war. Source:
"Report concludes no WMD in Iraq," BBC News, Oct. 7, 2004.

Sibel Edmonds, former FBI translator. Told the 9/11 commission that well
before Sept. 11, 2001, the bureau had detailed information that
terrorists were likely to attack the U.S. with airplanes. Sources: "We
Should Have Had Orange or Red-Type of Alert in June/July of 2001,", March 26, 2004; "Lawyers Try to Gag FBI Worker over
9/11," Independent/UK, April 26, 2004

Jay Garner, the U.S. general abruptly dismissed as Iraq's first
occupation administrator after a month in the job. Garner said he fell
out with Bush's circle because he wanted free elections and rejected an
imposed privatization program: "My preference was to put the Iraqis in
charge as soon as we can, and do it with some form of elections ... I
just thought it was necessary to rapidly get the Iraqis in charge of
their destiny." Source: "General Sacked by Bush Says He Wanted Early
Elections," Guardian/UK, March 18, 2004

Katharine Gun, a British government linguist who leaked an e-mail
purportedly from U.S. intelligence services asking for help to spy on
U.N. ambassadors. She faced a two-year prison term for charges filed
under the British Official Secrets Act; the charges were dismissed.
Sources: "GCHQ Translator Cleared Over Leak," BBC, Feb. 25, 2004; "U.S.
Stars Hail Iraq War Whistleblower," Observer/UK, Jan. 18, 2004

Chuck Hagel, Republican senator of Nebraska, criticized the GOP party
line of "staying the course in Iraq." He said that "crisp, sharp
analysis of our policies is required" to avert a prolonged engagement
similar to Vietnam. He said in a CBS "Face the Nation" interview, "We're
in deep trouble in Iraq" and that it would take "probably two years" to
get an Iraqi army and police force up to speed to secure the country. He
said in 2002 that he could think of no historical case where the U.S.
succeeded in an enterprise of such gravity and complexity as regime
change in Iraq without the support of a regional and international
coalition. Sources: "Republican discord in the Senate," The Boston
Globe, Sept. 22, 2004; "CIA Analysis Holds Bleak Vision for Iraq's
Future," The Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Sept. 16, 2004

Bill Harlow, former CIA spokesman who resigned with former director
George Tenet, acknowledged that recent CIA leaks had been made from
within the agency to undermine the Bush administration with a battery of
damaging leaks and briefings about Iraq. "The intelligence community has
been made the scapegoat for all the failings of Iraq. It deserves some
of the blame, but not all of it. People are chafing at that." Source:
"The CIA 'Old Guard' Goes to War with Bush," The Telegraph/UK, Oct. 11,

David Kay, former Bush administration chief weapons inspector sent to
Iraq to find evidence of weapons of mass destruction. Resigned saying he
didn't believe Saddam Hussein's government had large-scale weapons
production programs in the 1990s. Source: "Ex-Arms Hunter Kay Said No
WMD Stockpiles in Iraq," Reuters, Jan. 23, 2004.

John Brady Kiesling, a former political counselor at the U.S. embassy in
Athens, Greece, and first career U.S. diplomat to resign in protest of
the Bush administration's Iraq policies. He wrote, "We have begun to
dismantle the largest and most effective web of international
relationships the world has ever known. Our current course will bring
instability and danger, not security." Source: "Diplomatic Offensive,", March 14, 2003.

Karen Kwiatkowski, a retired lieutenant colonel formerly assigned to the
Pentagon's Office of Special Plans. Wrote an article revealing how
"Defense Department extremists suppressed information and twisted the
truth to drive the country to war" in a plan that was never made public.
Source: "The New Pentagon Papers", March 10, 2004

Larry Johnson, former CIA analyst and State Department Office of
Counterterrorism official, also a registered Republican who contributed
financially to the 2000 Bush campaign. Said the White House smear
campaigns against former officials -- Army Chief of Staff Gen. Eric
Shinseki, Ambassador Joseph Wilson, and Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill
-- were mild compared to the vicious assault against Clarke. Source:
"The War on Clarke,", March 29, 2004

Richard Lugar, Indiana Republican senator and chairman of the Foreign
Relations Committee, said so little Iraq reconstruction money has been
spent due to the "incompetence in the administration." He said at a
hearing, "Our committee heard blindly optimistic people from the
administration prior to the war and people outside the administration --
what I call the 'dancing in the street crowd' -- that we just simply
will be greeted with open arms. The nonsense of all that is apparent.
The lack of planning is apparent." Sources: "Republican discord in the
Senate," The Boston Globe, Sept. 22, 2004; "CIA Analysis Holds Bleak
Vision for Iraq's Future," The Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Sept. 16,

Tom Maertens, former U.S. State Department deputy coordinator for
counterterrorism. Described the Bush administration smear campaign
against Clarke and confirmed Clarke's charges that the Bush
administration ignored the threat from al Qaeda and instead chose to
fight "the wrong war" by attacking Iraq. Source: "Clarke's Public
Service," by Tom Maertens, Star Tribune, March 28, 2004

John McCain, Arizona Republican senator, who on a Fox Network interview,
criticized the serious mistakes of not having enough ground troops sent
into Iraq and said that Bush perhaps is not as straight with the
American people "as we'd like to see." Source: "Republican discord in
the Senate," The Boston Globe, Sept. 22, 2004

Ray McGovern, a retired CIA analyst. Said outgoing CIA Director George
Tenet took the fall for faulty intelligence on Iraq's weapons of mass
destruction, the motivation behind Bush's Iraq war policy. The policy
was predicated on a neoconservative strategy to use military force to
gain dominant influence over oil-rich Iraq and to eliminate any possible
threat to Israel's security. He also described how former Ambassador
Joseph Wilson's public denouncement of Bush administration claims that
Iraq had attempted to buy uranium from the African nation Niger for
their nuclear weapons, led to the White House outing of Wilson's wife as
a CIA operative. The public disclosure is a felony. Sources: "Taking the
Fall for Iraq," Miami Herald, June 7, 2004; "Critics Question
Credibility of FBI Investigation into White House Leak Exposing CIA
Operative," Between The Lines, Week Ending Oct. 17, 2003.

Roger Morris, a retired diplomat who quit over Nixon's invasion of
Cambodia, sent out a call to Americans on the front lines of the Foreign
Service, asking them to resign from the Bush administration, which
Morris describes as "the worst regime by far in the history of the
republic." Source: "A Call to Conscience," Common, May 25,

National Intelligence Council, said Bush disregarded intelligence
reports that prior to the invasion of Iraq a war could unleash a violent
insurgency and rising anti-U.S. sentiment in the Middle East. Sources:
"Bush Ignored Warnings on Iraq Insurgency Threat Before Invasion:
Intelligence suggested country faced years of tumult," the Guardian/UK,
Sept. 29, 2004; "CIA Analysis Holds Bleak Vision for Iraq's Future," The
Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Sept. 16, 2004

Paul O'Neill, former Bush administration treasury secretary. He said in
his book, "The Price of Loyalty," that 10 days after the inauguration --
eight months before 9/11 -- there was a "conviction" in the
administration that Saddam Hussein was a "target" for removal. Source:
"Bush Sought 'Way' To Invade Iraq," by CBS News, Jan. 11, 2004

Kevin Phillips, a one-time Republican strategist. Wrote in his book,
"American Dynasty," that "[T]he Bush family has used all its resources
to create a political dynasty that has gained the White House to further
its family and ideological agenda, which would have horrified America's
founding fathers. They, after all, led a revolution against a succession
of royal Georges." Phillips also discusses the involvement of Prescott
Bush and his father-in-law with Nazi-era German holding companies and
how they became useful resources for the CIA during the Cold War.
Source: "American Dynasty: Aristocracy, Fortune and the Politics of
Deceit in the House of Bush," Viking, 2004

Scott Ritter, the former lead inspector for the U.N. Special Commission
(UNSCOM) Concealment and Investigations team in Iraq for seven years and
a registered Republican. He opposed the war before it was launched,
saying Iraq posed no threat to the U.S. He also said Saddam Hussein's
secular government was the antithesis of an Islamic fundamentalist,
anti-American regime and had no links to the Sept. 11 attack. He blames
senior officials in the Bush administration -- ideologues in pursuit of
global hegemony -- for a war in Iraq that the "president elected to
fight under false pretense." Source: "The Iraq War and The Bush
Administration's Pursuit of Global Domination," Counterpoint, WPKN
Radio, Sept. 15, 2003.

Michael Scheuer (originally "Anonymous,") a 22-year veteran CIA
official, serving in a senior counterterrorism post and who headed the
special office to track Osama bin Laden and his followers from 1996 to
1999. He has written a book, "Imperial Hubris," in which he warns that
the U.S. is losing the war against radical Islam and that the Iraq
invasion has played into the enemy's hands. Sources: "Book by C.I.A.
Officer Says U.S. is Losing Fight Against Terror," New York Times, June
23, 2004; "Bush told he is playing into Bin Laden's hands," The
Guardian/UK, June 29, 2004; "CIA Felt Pressure to Alter Iraq Data,
Author Says Agency analysts were repeatedly ordered to redo their
studies of Al Qaeda ties to Hussein regime, a terrorism expert charges,"
the Los Angeles Times, July 1, 2004; "Boston Phoenix' IDs 'Anonymous'
CIA Officer," Editor & Publisher, June 30, 2004

Security Scholars for a Sensible Foreign Policy, a nonpartisan group of
experts in the field of national security and international politics.
Over 725 foreign affairs specialists in the United States and allied
countries have signed an open letter opposing the Bush administration's
foreign policy and calling urgently for a change of course. Source:

Gen. Eric Shinseki, former Army chief of staff. He was criticized by
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and Deputy Defense Secretary Paul
Wolfowitz after he told Congress in February 2003 that the occupation
could require "several hundred thousand troops." Sources: "Ex-Army Boss:
Pentagon Won't Admit Reality in Iraq," USA Today, June 3, 2003; "The
High Costs of War with Iraq: The Administration Plays Russian Roulette
with Our Economy,", March 1, 2003.

Clare Short, Britain's former international development secretary. She
resigned from Prime Minister Tony Blair's government in protest after
the Iraq invasion, and said she saw transcripts of conversations
clandestinely recorded in UN Secretary General Kofi Annan's office.
Source: "UK Spies Bugged UN Chief, Claims Short," The Independent/UK,
Feb. 26, 2004

Tami Silicio, and her husband, David Landry, employees of Pentagon
contractor Maytag Aircraft. They were fired because they "violated
Department of Defense and company policies by photographing and
releasing for publication, images of the flag-draped caskets of American
servicemen and women being returned to the United States," defying a
Bush administration ban on public dissemination of such photos. Source:
"Bush Afraid to Let American People See Deadly Reality of Needless War,"
Niagara Falls Reporter, April 27, 2004

Greg Thielmann, former chief of the U.S. State Department's bureau of
intelligence and research (INR) and aide to Secretary of State Colin
Powell. He told journalist Sydney Blumenthal, "Everyone in the
intelligence community knew that the White House couldn't care less
about any information suggesting that there were no WMDs or that the UN
inspectors were very effective." Source: "How Bush Misled the World," by
Sydney Blumenthal, The Age, Feb. 6, 2004

Mike West, a Halliburton labor foreman in Iraq, was paid $82,000 a year
but claims he never had any laborers to supervise. "They said just log
12 hours a day and walk around and look busy," he said. "OK, so we did."
Source: "New Halliburton Waste Alleged,", July 1, 2004

Thomas White, former Army secretary. He said in May 2003 that senior
defense officials "are unwilling to come to grips" with the scale of the
postwar U.S. obligation in Iraq. A series of public feuds with Defense
Secretary Donald Rumsfeld led to his firing. Source: "Ex-Army Boss:
Pentagon Won't Admit Reality in Iraq," USA Today, June 3, 2003

Andrew Wilkie: former Australian Office of National Assessments
intelligence analyst. He resigned, arguing that based on U.S. and other
intelligence information he saw, there was no justification for war on
Iraq. Source: "Australian Government Rocked by Resignation of Anti-War
Official," InterPress Service, March 12, 2003

Joseph Wilson, a former U.S. ambassador. He investigated and refuted the
White House claim that Iraq tried to buy uranium in Niger for a nuclear
weapons program, and later publicly accused the White House of ignoring
his findings. His wife, Valerie Plame, was then outed by columnist
Robert Novak as a covert CIA operative, reportedly by a White House
leak. Wilson believes the case, now before a grand jury, will reveal
that the White House exposed his wife's identity to punish him and
intimidate other critics from going public. Sources: "CIA Leak is Big
Trouble for Bush," The Nation, Sept. 29, 2003; "Former Envoy Talks in
Book About Source of C.I.A. Leak," New York Times, April 30, 2004.

Ann Wright, a career Foreign Service officer and Army Reserve  colonel.
The day of the invasion of Iraq, Wright resigned from the State
Department in protest over several foreign and domestic Bush
administration policies. She accused the administration of shunning the
need for international cooperation on the Iraq issue and of "leaving the
organizations [particularly the United Nations] in tatters that we have
helped build." Wright also criticized the curtailment of civil liberties
in the U.S. since the Sept. 11 attacks. Source: "Diplomat Resigns to
Protest War,", March 21, 2003

Anthony Zinni, former commander-in-chief of U.S. Central Command, has
co-written a book with Tom Clancy, "Battle Ready." He criticizes the
handling of postwar Iraq and the abuses of the U.S. military: "In the
lead-up to the Iraq War and its later conduct, I saw at a minimum, true
dereliction, negligence, and irresponsibility, at worse, lying,
incompetence and corruption." Sources: "Chaos Under Heaven, and More to
Come," Inter Press Service, Jan. 25, 2004; "Battle Ready" book review,
Publisher's Weekly.

Anna Manzo and Scott Harris are producers of Between The Lines radio
newsmagazine,, heard on more than 35 radio stations in
the U.S, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. An earlier version of this
article was published in the Summer 2004 print edition of the magazine
Toward Freedom,

Ra Energy Fdn.
Raleigh Myers
Worksheet bio

"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a
boot stamping on a human face -- for ever." -
George Orwell, 1984

Sing this at the polls NOV 2 TAKIN' MY COUTRY BACK sing it

 Sing this at the polls NOV 2     SING THE VOTE
DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE in song is the first step to a fascism free planet

IMAGINE: WE are children of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; WE ALL have a right to be here

This would get some air time if we did it at GOP campaign events even in congress this Summer and fall and beyond after all it is the anthem of the Age of Aquarius no. We suggested that "THIS LAND" be the Global Village Planetary anthem at Woodies celebration in San Francisco at the Geary Theater in 1967. It was seconded by three ambassadors and has become the second third fourth etc. anthems to many countries.

FOLKSAY(people say) ............ has become Our defacto Global Village Planetary anthem and in essence we voted for citizen empowerment as we sung it. Now let's get it officially on record by singing it everywhere as direct democracy.
        THE DAWNING OF THE AGE OF AQUARIUS is the reality at hand! The children of the universe, the right to be here generation _ the meek taking their prophetic inheritance out of probate is not a conspiracy.

Ra Energy Fdn.
Raleigh Myers

Worksheet bio

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