Ra Energy Fdn.
Raleigh Myers
Worksheet bio
The Text: ESCAPING THE MATRIX & GLOBAL TRANSFORMATION This is a five year collaboration on the net. Finally we have text book for change.
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Ra Energy Fdn.
Raleigh Myers
Worksheet bio
Call to Action blog a virtual seminar for change
Newsgroups beginning in the eighties click on date and web
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. - - Margaret Mead
Saudis, Enron money helped pay for US rigged election
Ra Energy Fdn.
Raleigh Myers
Worksheet bio
Saudis, Enron money helped pay for US rigged election
Several days ago, I wrote that David Corn of The Nation magazine had done
some serious counter-investigation of the "Stolen Election" theories flying
around and now quickly becoming a cottage industry for the next four years.
Facts to refute Corn's information need to be verified before we can
conclude anything--not silly attacks on the character of the messenger as I
have now seen on several occasions.
Comes now the latest in theories, that if true, counter Corn's evidence and
is a bombshell. Hold on to your hats because we are being told here that the
Bush campaign paid $29 million to pay polling place operatives around the
country to rig the election. This editorial (versus news story) has already
got the true believers of a massive conspiracy by a secret cabal salivating.
Whoaaaa...not so fast as they say here in Oklahoma. Lets look at this
closely. With a story this explosive--I think we need to have the following
evidence or proof:
1. Informed sources are not just good enough--who are these people?
2. A massive conpiracy is alleged here by numerous "insiders" who
supposedly did the deed all of which are keeping their mouths shut to
everyone bu this individual. How is that possible? What not leak this to the
UK/Guardian or the UK/Indpendent or the San Francicso Bay Guardian and its
equivalents around the country?
3. The article claims disguntled hackers of which the Bush campaign reneged
in payment are the source of the story. This much at stake and the Bush
people are fooling around with not "paying" people or paying them off? Hard
to believe.
4. A $29 million dollar check in the author's possession? Great make it
public on this same web page below to bolster the believability of this
claim. Too much is at stake here to be fooling around, I would say.
5. Fairly odd that the financial institutions and companies who have
previously been notoriously in the news--BCCI, Enron., etc. show up in this
piece Is this too much of a coincidence?
6. Most importantly you will excuse me if I ask HOW this deed was done with
numerous different election districts around the country to break into?
Where is the actual proof of how this all happened simulataneosly around the
7. Finally, this is really big news--I would strongly suggest that this
individual and his breathless supporters who have jumped on this instant
proof funnel this to any publication in the country or out to print as a
news story. If this is as "big" as claimed, then we should be hearing
something about this in the next 24 hours or less by some
publication-alternative or not. I will be watching.
8. Of course, suggesting all of this immediately makes me party of "the
conspiracy" which is out to get you and "of course" there is nuttin you can
do about it against the big powerful secret cabal.
Special Report
Saudis, Enron money helped pay for US rigged election
By Wayne Madsen Online Journal Contributing Writer
November 25, 2004-According to informed sources in Washington and
Houston, the Bush campaign spent some $29 million to pay polling place
operatives around the country to rig the election for Bush. The
operatives were posing as Homeland Security and FBI agents but were
actually technicians familiar with Diebold, Sequoia, ES&S, Triad,
Unilect, and Danaher Controls voting machines. These technicians
reportedly hacked the systems to skew the results in favor of Bush.
The leak about the money and the rigged election apparently came from
technicians who were promised to be paid a certain amount for their
work but the Bush campaign interlocutors reneged and some of the
technicians are revealing the nature of the vote rigging program.
There have been media reports from around the country concerning the
locking down of precincts while votes were being tallied. In one
unprecedented action in Warren County, Ohio, election officials locked
down the facility where votes were being counted. The officials said
this was in response to a Level 10 high-threat terrorist warning being
issued by the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI for Warren
County. George Bush won 72 percent of the vote in Warren County, much
larger than his percentage of victory statewide.
The money to rig the election in favor of Bush reportedly came from an
entity called Five Star Trust, largely based in Houston but a worldwide
entity that is directly tied to the Saudi Royal Family. Five Star Trust
was termed "a well-protected vehicle" that has been used to support
both Bush and Osama bin Laden in the US and around the world.
Other money used to fund the election rigging was from siphoned Enron
money stored away in accounts in the Cook Islands, which was once the
base of one of the more questionable and Saudi-linked BCCI
subsidiaries. Cook Islands banks also handled some of the weapons
smuggling financing of the Iran-Contra scandal. A former Justice
Department attorney who helped prosecute the BCCI case said the use of
the Cook Islands by the Bush reelection team indicates they wanted the
bank arrangements to be a "quick folding tent" operation that would
cease to exist when the election was over. He said the Cook Islands was
notorious for not requiring any documentation for such operations.
In fact, the Cook Islands has been a favorite location for various
covert intelligence activities. This most recent use of the islands is
a continuation of a scandal discovered in New Zealand in the early '90s
called the "Winebox Affair." In 1992, a computer dealer named Paul
White bought some secondhand computers and floppy disks from the
Citibank office in Auckland, New Zealand, that had earlier sold them to
a scrap dealer.
White later discovered the floppies (and 10 paper files) detailed a
scheme to use the European Pacific Bank in the Cook Islands to bilk
foreign governments and banks for a phony 15 percent tax bill assessed
on various transactions by the Cook Islands government (at the time run
by Tom Davis, a former US Army and NASA research scientist who was
allegedly on the payroll of the CIA). European Pacific reaped millions
of illegal dollars from the New Zealand Treasury and a number of
Japanese banks, including Mitsubishi Bank. Paul White later died in a
suspicious auto accident.
As detailed in the book "The Paradise Conspiracy" by New Zealand
journalist Ian Wishart, the Cook Islands scheme also involved several
CIA operatives, including Lawrence John Fahey, who had an interest in
InterAir of Nevada, one of the airlines used by Ollie North to funnel
arms to Iran. It also involved William Raupe, a CIA officer stationed
under cover as a USAID employee at the US embassy in Suva. Raupe had
once worked for Air America in South East Asia. Another CIA agent
active in the Cooks was Robert C. Allen, known to New Zealand
authorities as a US agent who was formerly with the CIA proprietary
firm Bishop, Baldwin, Dillingham, Wong Ltd. In addition, along with the
late former Treasury Secretary William Simon, Gerald Parsky was also
involved in the European Pacific Bank's Cook Islands operations. Parsky
is George W. Bush's chief fundraiser and adviser in California (he led
Bush's 2000 California campaign) and supported Simon's son's
unsuccessful bid for the governorship of California against Gray Davis
and then again in the recall of Davis. Enron was involved early on with
Arnold Schwarzenegger at a meeting in 2001 at the Beverly Hills Hotel
at the same time Enron was bilking California utility customers with
increases as high as 1000 percent This scheme eventually led to Davis's
recall and his replacement by Schwarzenegger.
The Cook Islands-Citibank-European Pacific fraud appeared to have been
cooked up to take the place of other "outed" CIA banking activities,
including Nugan Hand Bank in Australia. European Pacific also involved
assets of BCCI, in particular the Commercial Bank of Commerce in
Rarotonga, Cook Islands, a BCCI subsidiary. MIchael Hand, a former
Green Beret who reportedly served with Deputy Secretary of State
Richard Armitage in Laos (and whose partner, Frank Nugan, was found
shot to death in 1980 in Australia) later turned up associated with
Euromac (European Manufacturing Center) Ltd., a British company that
tried to sell nuclear trigger krytrons to Saddam Hussein before the
first Gulf War. Nugan Hand's chief counsel, William Colby, a former CIA
Director, was found floating in the Chesapeake in 1996.
The sale of nuclear material to Iraq was funded through Saudi
operations in Houston, including those associated with George H. W.
Bush, George W. Bush, James R. Bath, and Saudis Abdullah Taha Baksh,
and Kamal Adham, as well as Lebanese businessman Ghaith Pharaon (who
was also involved in the collapse of Miami's CenTrust S&L, a bank that
had ties to Jeb Bush). This gang, along with Salem Bin Laden, the older
brother of Osama, funneled over $1 million into failed Bush ventures,
including Arbusto, Spectrum 7, and Harken Energy. Some of the Saudi
money also financed Enron Oil and Gas Resources (later EOG Resources)
in the Belspec Fusselman Field in Midland, Texas, a deal in which
George W. Bush had a financial stake. In fact, Saudi planes in the
1980s landed in Houston with mountains of cash used to buy nuclear
material for Saddam to possibly use against the Iranians. The money was
laundered through Houston's Main Bank, a bank close to the Bush family.
Skyway Aircraft of Houston, owned by Bath, was invested in by Abu
Dhabi's ruler (the main owner of BCCI) and whose parent company in the
Cayman Islands was used by Ollie North to collect foreign money for his
Iran-contra enterprise.
Another person involved in the Cook Islands bank defrauding scheme was
a Lebanese-American named Samir Bashout (alias Dr. Khalaf B. Bashout)
who set up Midland International Bank and Trust Ltd in the Cook Islands
with no real capital. Bashout's Midland had nothing to do with Midland
Bank of the UK but may have been named for Midland, Texas, of George W.
Bush fame. Bashout was later convicted of beating his wife in Rancho
Park, Calif., amid a nasty divorce. She claimed he secreted away much
of his money. Bashout's Metro Bank (Philippines) account in Los Angeles
was found to contain only $10,000, not the $10 million he claimed to
Cook Islands' authorities. US Treasury agent John Shockey alerted the
Cook Islands internal auditor to Bashout's repeated attempts to bounce
a check for $5 million. In January 2002, Hamilton Bank failed after it
lost $500 million due to loan scandals and money laundering charges.
The recipient of a $5.5 million loan was Metro Bank International,
headquartered in Vanuatu, an offshore banking location similar to the
Cook Islands. Metro Bank was thought to contain some of the billions of
dollars laundered by the CIA and the Cook Islands International Trust
Corp. on behalf of Ferdinand Marcos. Marcos's CIA intermediaries in the
Cooks were Eldon William Morris, James Centers, and Dante Dominigo
Agdeppa. Morris was under investigation by the Queensland Special
Branch and the FBI in Hawaii and California.
Bashout was also involved in the defunct World Arabic Television News
(WATN), an Arabic television network that attracted the attention of
the Houston-based Arab Times newspaper as not delivering on its
promises and defrauding investors.
Wayne Madsen is a Washington, DC-based investigative reporter. He was
also the Operations Officer at Naval Facility Coos Head, Oregon from
1980 to 1982 and assisted the FBI and NIS in the investigation as a
temporary special agent.
The other election fraud stuff
Call to Action blog a virtual seminar for change
Newsgroups beginning in the eighties click on date and web
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. - - Margaret Mead
Unless the Election was Stolen
GOP Election Fraud 20% is chance one in 250 million is not
Some wiggle room
John Kerry wrote in a recent email to us, his supporters:
"Regardless of the outcome of this election, once all
the votes are counted -- and they will be counted --
we will continue to challenge this administration.
This is not a time for Democrats to retreat and
accommodate extremists on critical principles -- it is
a time to stand firm. I will fight for a national
standard for federal elections that has both
transparency and accountability in our voting system.
It's unacceptable in the United States that people
still don't have full confidence in the integrity of
the voting process. I ask you to join me in this
cause." (JFK 11/19/2004)
To learn about and support the full and fair counting
of votes in Ohio and elsewhere, please refer to the
following non-partisan organizations, which are NOT in
any way shape or form associated with the Kerry
campaign but which are instead entirely independent in
that they want every vote be counted regardless of
what the outcome may be:
To stay fully informed about ALL the subjects that
matter to us, treat yourself to Al Franken's
rapidly-growing talk radio network either through
streaming audio online or your local radio station.
> "If we cant win this damn election, with a Democratic Party more
> unified
> than ever before, with us having raised as much money as the
> Republicans,
> with 55% of the country believing were heading in the wrong direction,
> with our candidate having won all three debates, and with our side
> being
> more passionate about the outcome than theirs if we cant win this one,
> then we cant win shit! And we need to completely rethink the Democratic
> Party." James Carville
> Unless the Election was Stolen and I believe it was.. There is no other
> way to explain the exit polls. And why did Kerry cave? You also can't
> help
> but wonder, is this something they discuss at Skull and Bones and where
> they decide?
> Hank
Ra Energy Fdn.
Raleigh Myers
Worksheet bio
Call to Action blog a virtual seminar for change
Newsgroups beginning in the eighties click on date and web