Frankencorp's Hidden GOP Agenda Read It and Weep _ Push Back For Progeny's Sake
Raleigh Myers
Ra Energy Fdn,
Founded in 1973
Ra-Chi is our agenda
Frankencorp's Hidden GOP Agenda Read It and Weep _ Push Back For Progeny's Sake
When compassion comes to mind one can reminisce the Dali Lahma in an interview telling the audience if one mosquito needs some nourishment I let him drink but if he invites his family and friends to suck my blood, i begin to swooh them away. This can be our way of determining the degree of push back needed for what is happening to humanity today.
The GOP have put a hit out on We The People's government _ We The People have been insulted _ We The People are the government and it is the enforcer of our right to be, against the predatory practices of Corporatism. We are at loggerheads with a group of psychopaths that have infiltrated our government by trickery blackmail extortion you name it _ right-wing voices are loudly complaining that President Obama�s remarks about the Supreme Court... Republican majority "would appear to afford the same protection to multinational corporations controlled by foreigners as to individual Americans.
This parallels the psy ops on steroids, Manchurian Zealot Money Changer infiltration of all religions, who were sanctioned to promote coexistence spirituality, to push the hate buttons to create dividian sects that would jump over a cliff like Lemmings, or vote against their own self interests, rather than coexist with each other to push back against Fascism, even if their lives and those of their progeny depend on it.
We are one year into the supposed relief from GOP compassionate conservatism, Neo con, Neo Liberalism and it is turning into a pissing contest. The corporatists are using their ability to lie, spin, prothletize as they do in advertising, deception management psy ops disguised as Public Relations and have affected a portion of the Ditto Lemmings among us to belive that smaller government lower taxes, already denounced by their sell out in chief Greenspan, is still a good idea.
snip: Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA) then pressed him to clarify his words. �In other words, you found that your view of the world, your ideology, was not right, it was not working,� Waxman said. �Absolutely, precisely,� Greenspan replied. �You know, that�s precisely the reason I was shocked, because I have been going for 40 years or more with very considerable evidence that it was working exceptionally well.�Greenspan admitted fault in opposing regulation of derivatives and acknowledged that financial institutions didn't protect shareholders and investments as well as he expected.
The above shows how the system works in the Worthy world when robbing the public for 40 yeas goes exceptionally well. See 28th amendment on the solution side
When you add the GOP locked step obstruction of the regulatory system to wipe out the national nest egg, rob the pensions, 401Ks retirement funds of millions involved, with the swip of a pen. It gives credence to the fact that this is not very productive for humanity to have these earn and rob cycles scheduled out , manipulated etc. every so often, as they put it in the free to mess with market, just Profit taking... See how it clicks together as banking fraud mostly GOP(Group Of Predators) controlled like the job off shoring and layoffs-not hiring, obstruction of regulation etc. in either case...
Government of We The People small enough to drown in a bathtub is the killbill, insult etc Nordquist, Gingritch, Reaganhood strategy, . of no teeth to regulate you with _ or police ( Support our Police?) a Group Of Predators( GOP) as in the liquidate humanity banking fraud agenda.
Notice how they have a locked step, no snitch, no vote, policy for their members just like the street gangs?
When the I am not a crook crowd Nixon clones are fearful of We The People policing them, we have an attitude problem _ society who has just been fleeced have a pickpocket problem. Or put another way we have been raped while the Group Of Predators attempt to obstruct the police-regulators from finding out or doing anything about in the future _ that about says it now doesn't it... reflects in the GOP (Group Of Predators) mantra of small government lower taxes no teeth to police you with.
They own the Frankencorp media and have been given the boost by a corrupt Supreme Court allowing Frankencorp to extend their psychopathic behavior to politics by endless switboating of anything Frankencorp doesn't like. Harry and Louise the movie... and the never prosecuted Libel and Slander political anti Kerry Switboating Frankencorp ads.
Beyond the GOP appointed supreme court's role in the GOP agenda, it should be interesting when Fiat's Berlisconi and Citi-Service's Hugo Chavez put out infomercials pointing to the CIA as false flaggers using the rope they were given...
Think Network and get the pitchforks marching... If we workers take a notion we can stop all speeding trains, every ship on the ocean, We can tie with mighty chains every wheel in creation, every mine and every mill, fleets and armies will at our command stand still... Corporatism will stop CREEPing if We The People push them back down the hill...
Support our troops morphs into support our police now charged with policing Frankencorp's Frankenbanks, caught red handed robbing the nation's nest egg...
So read this and see how much they have accomplished by their endless bullshit and get their strategies around to relive the pain that will be caused when the youth and future progeny will put scorn upon you for not acting in time, or seen on tea party footage screaming corporate hate the government(We The People) messages. In other words failing to save the planet from IMF Rollerball corporate ownership.
Much of what we do, is to give talking points to focus the conversation on lowest common denominator solutions and thinking. Many have seen some of these points before, how about those you might share this with... Creative Commons encourages you to share and enhance...
40 Trillion Saved In Ten Years _ Medicare For All, FICA (Federal INSURANCE Collection Act) All Transaction
All Pay
Insurance is not considered a tax when collected outside We The People's government...
VIDEO | Keith Olberman: Legislators for Sale All Pay
Insurance is not considered a tax when collected outside We The People's government...
Keith Olbermann, MSNBC Countdown: "Finally tonight, as promised, a Special Comment on Health Care Reform in this country, and in particular, the 'public insurance option.'"
WE need to rattle the cage a bit here with a global consciousness uptick, or put another way, a mass realization that the waking of the Collective Consciousness are destined to become WeThePeopleIsm 1775...
On the solution side above and beyond nations and parties... Before we have a revolution, lets have a global election of We The People by We The People for We The people as a bill of rights voted with We The People. This land is Your Land, This Land is My Land, This Land (Spaceship Earth) Is Made for You and ME as we have been singing around the world in a hundred or so languages for the last fifty years _ we have already voted....
We have a way out with the global vote _ a covenant between ourselves _ WeThePeopleIsm 1775 planet wide...
Lowest Common Denominator in human equality is a covenant between ourselves to go where no one has ever gone before...
Raleigh Myers
Ra Energy Fdn.
Founded in 1973
Ra-Chi is our agenda
Op Eds more of the latest going back decades
Videos Ought 2010 A Transcendence Odyssey a movie where ALL the worlds' a stage Everyone is in it _ See Currency The Redistribution of TIME and Digging Slavery's Grave, the secular version.
Let us experiment with laws and customs, with money systems and governments, until we chart the one true course - until we find the majesty of our proper orbit as the planets above have found theirs. And then at last we shall move all together in the harmony of our sphere under the great impulse of a single creation - one unity, one system, one design.
Roger Bacon
Let WE The People vote on a covenant between ourselves...
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