Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Gerrymandering the vote is a signal to resist_a PUNCHLIST

Ra Energy Fdn.
Raleigh Myers
Worksheet bio

"Fascism should more appropriately be called CORPORATISM because it is a merger of state and corporate power." -- Benito Mussolini (from Encyclopedia Italiana, Giovanni Gentile, editor).

Gerrymandering the vote is a signal to resist_a PUNCHLIST. Anti Globalization is now anti Fascism via vote theft
For formatted text with hyperlinks

The GOP created an unfair advantage with their manipulated numbers in the legislatures.  When asked is this fair the answer is obvious to all.  When Cheney was asked he told Sen. Leahey to go Cheney himself. The burn baby burn Enron influence to the Gramm decisions to allow derivatives on electricity added to Tobacco is not addictive, to pension and now Social Security theft to Halliberton asbestos and bid free contracts, Covert Propaganda, GOP FDA Eugenics, GOP controlled FCC media extortion now translates to vote suppression in most states, the gerrymandering the voting machines in Democratic precincts, the software manipulation of the counting and hub gaming exposed the theft of an election where the whole world was watching as President Carter pointed out. 

That having been witnessed by the global population along with the CIA records made public, it is no mystery that the planet has turned blue. This is the advantage we need to present the alternative _ digging slavery's grave.

Christ Michael's federation rules were more the spiritualism of coexistence rather than forming another religion.     
Michael was in essence developing the strategies for anti fasces or ways to thwart the unfairness of Roman rule of the sticks and hatchet _ the first anti fascist. We have bundled the 'turn the other cheek' and 'do unto others' into the Archetype of Fairness which is basically the teaching of all the Prophets and are in the myths and mythologies which are the foundations that the world's religions were built on.  The passive resistance of subtraction which is the Gandhi strategy is what is effective in a meek shall inherit the earth world. Just simply don't come out an play just subtract ourselves from the Matrix. It worked in India and Martin Luther King took up the yoke now all on Earth are invited to collectively fill the shoes of the fisherman Gandhi and King. Become the change you want to happen.

We have in essence well over 80 % of the planet's population aware of the CREEPing Fascism especially since the last US election.  The population is also aware of the fact they can now be effective by just switching brands so to speak. In other words from corporatism's clutch to home grown organic.

We have prepared a punch list of the obvious strategies still to be accomplished. We know giving the plan will give the Mammonists an possible edge but they have children and women who see the need to empower their progeny.

End privatization as the Bolivians have just shown. Resist government overthrow as Venezuela has done. Follow the tutelage of the French when it comes to not quitting a general strike.  Follow artists like Micheal Moore in creating media. Create home grown newspapers some that can be downloaded and printed out on a computer from the indy media website.  Become part of the grid computing necessary to give all on Earth a blog to scan as the collective consciousness. Ten Questions to be answered will be the Premise when a super majority of the planet chimes in. All those who have sung THIS LAND IS MADE FOR YOU AND ME give this system the MEME edge while giving slavery the reapers's rush .

Form support groups Villages devoted to life support rather than commerce.

Fairness is the only way civilization will achieve the trust for coexistence and claim a spiritual motivation for doing so. Archetype of Fairness Punch List for Equity Restorative Justice

Ra Energy Fdn.
Raleigh Myers
Worksheet bio

Call to Action blog a virtual seminar for change

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Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. - - Margaret Mead