Monday, December 27, 2004

War Crimes Torture

The buck stops here for the hundreds of millions of deaths since WW2.

Question is: What took so long????

   Washington Post
   December 23, 2004
   The Washington Post | Editorial

 Bush War Crimes
Thanks to a lawsuit by the American Civil Liberties
  Union and other human rights groups, thousands of
  pages of government documents released this month
  have confirmed some of the painful truths about the
  abuse of foreign detainees by the U.S. military and
  the CIA - truths the Bush administration implacably
  has refused to acknowledge. Since the publication
  of photographs of abuse at Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison
  in the spring the administration's whitewashers -
  led by Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld - have
  contended that the crimes were carried out by a few
  low-ranking reservists, that they were limited to
  the night shift during a few chaotic months at Abu
  Ghraib in 2003, that they were unrelated to the
  interrogation of prisoners and that no torture
  occurred at the Guantánamo Bay prison where
  hundreds of terrorism suspects are held. The new
  documents establish beyond any doubt that every
  part of this cover story is false.

  Though they represent only part of the record that
  lies in government files, the documents show that
  the abuse of prisoners was already occurring at
  Guantánamo in 2002 and continued in Iraq even after
  the outcry over the Abu Ghraib photographs. F.B.I.
  agents reported in internal e-mails and memos about
  systematic abuses by military interrogators at the
  base in Cuba, including beatings, chokings,
  prolonged sleep deprivation and humiliations such
  as being wrapped in an Israeli flag. "On a couple
  of occasions I entered interview rooms to find a
  detainee chained hand and foot in a fetal position
  to the floor, with no chair, food or water," an
  unidentified F.B.I. agent wrote on Aug. 2, 2004.
  "Most times they had urinated or defecated on
  themselves, and had been left there for 18 to 24
  hours or more." Two defense intelligence officials
  reported seeing prisoners severely beaten in
  Baghdad by members of a special operations unit,
  Task Force 6-26, in June. When they protested they
  were threatened and pictures they took were

  Other documents detail abuses by Marines in Iraq,
  including mock executions and the torture of
  detainees by burning and electric shock. Several
  dozen detainees have died in U.S. custody. In many
  cases, Army investigations of these crimes were
  shockingly shoddy: Officials lost records, failed
  to conduct autopsies after suspicious deaths and
  allowed evidence to be contaminated. Soldiers found
  to have committed war crimes were excused with
  noncriminal punishments. The summary of one
  suspicious death of a detainee at the Abu Ghraib
  prison reads: "No crime scene exam was conducted,
  no autopsy conducted, no copy of medical file
  obtained for investigation because copy machine
  broken in medical office."

  Some of the abuses can be attributed to lack of
  discipline in some military units - though the
  broad extent of the problem suggests, at best, that
  senior commanders made little effort to prevent or
  control wrongdoing. But the documents also confirm
  that interrogators at Guantánamo believed they were
  following orders from Mr. Rumsfeld. One F.B.I.
  agent reported on May 10 about a conversation he
  had with Guantánamo's commander, Maj. Gen. Geoffrey
  D. Miller, who defended the use of interrogation
  techniques the F.B.I. regarded as illegal on the
  grounds that the military "has their marching
  orders from the Sec Def." Gen. Miller has testified
  under oath that dogs were never used to intimidate
  prisoners at Guantánamo, as authorized by Mr.
  Rumsfeld in December 2002; the F.B.I. papers show

  The Bush administration refused to release these
  records to the human rights groups under the
  Freedom of Information Act until it was ordered to
  do so by a judge. Now it has responded to their
  publication with bland promises by spokesmen that
  any wrongdoing will be investigated. The record of
  the past few months suggests that the
  administration will neither hold any senior
  official accountable nor change the policies that
  have produced this shameful record. Congress, too,
  has abdicated its responsibility under its
  Republican leadership: It has been nearly four
  months since the last hearing on prisoner abuse.
  Perhaps intervention by the courts will eventually
  stem the violations of human rights that appear to
  be ongoing in Guantánamo, Iraq and Afghanistan. For
  now the appalling truth is that there has been no
  remedy for the documented torture and killing of
  foreign prisoners by this American government.


Ra Energy Fdn.
Raleigh Myers
Worksheet bio

Call to Action blog a virtual seminar for change

Newsgroups beginning in the eighties click on date and web

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. - - Margaret Mead

Giving Them a Sicko Feeling Lillygate Harry and Louise Republican controlled FDA

Giving Them a Sicko Feeling Lillygate Harry and Louise Republican controlled FDA

The GOP is heavy into pharmaceuticals the administration has a Lillygate in the Bushes,GGLD:2004-15,GGLD:en&q=Bush+Lilly

and Rumsfeld a Monsanto-Searl Aspartame Bextra Valdecoxib pusher guy.

Eugenics and the Republican controlled FDA

The harry and Louise fiasco in the Clinton era should be the window into the CREEPing fascism of phamacopia. Click on groups for more,GGLD:2004-15,GGLD:en&q=Harry+and+Louise+raenergy

The profits in the pharmaceutical war against the people are interesting.

Bush To Impose Psychiatric Drug Regime With Zyprexa bieng the Lilly Lulu it makes sense.

Los Angeles Times
December 22, 2004

Giving them a sick feeling

Drug firms are on the defense as filmmaker
Michael Moore plans to dissect their industry.,0,6802866.story

By Elaine Dutka Times Staff Writer

America's pharmaceutical industry is putting out an
advisory about the latest potential threat to its
health: Michael Moore.

Moore, the filmmaker whose targets have included
General Motors ("Roger & Me"), the gun lobby (the
Oscar-winning "Bowling for Columbine") and President
Bush ("Fahrenheit 9/11") has now set his sights on the
healthcare industry, including insurance companies,
HMOs, the Food and Drug Administration - and drug

At least six of the nation's largest firms have already
issued internal notices to their workforces, preparing
them for potential ambushes.

"We ran a story in our online newspaper saying Moore is
embarking on a documentary - and if you see a scruffy
guy in a baseball cap, you'll know who it is," said
Stephen Lederer, a spokesman for Pfizer Global Research
and Development.

In September and October, GlaxoSmithKline, the second-
largest in retail sales, as well as AstraZeneca and
Wyeth, sent out Moore alerts, instructing employees
that questions posed by the media or filmmakers should
be handled by corporate communications. Heavyweights
Sanofi-Synthelabo and Aventis Pharmaceuticals each sent
out similar memos before their recent merger. Merck &
Co., Abbott Laboratories, Eli Lilly & Co., Bristol-
Myers Squibb, Novartis Pharmaceuticals and Teva
Pharmaceutical Industries send periodic messages about
dealing with the press but haven't singled out Moore by
name. Johnson & Johnson declined to comment.

Moore's project is only the latest bit of bad news for
the embattled industry. Popular - and lucrative - drugs
such as Vioxx, Celebrex and Aleve have been linked to
cardiovascular problems, and the possibility of
lawsuits is looming. Canada is undercutting U.S. drug
prices, and health budgets are being slashed. And then
there's increased scrutiny by the FDA, whose oversight
of the drug industry and its relationship to it is
raising many questions.

"We have an image problem - not only with Michael
Moore, but with the general public," said M.J.
Fingland, senior director of communications for the
Washington, D.C.-based Pharmaceutical Research and
Manufacturers of America. "We're criticized on the Hill
and in the press - put in the category of the tobacco
industry, even though we save lives."

The industry, Fingland said, has made great strides in
the last three years - ever since a new ethics policy
was implemented in 2001. Drawn up with the help of the
American Medical Assn. and other medical specialty
groups, it restricted the types of gifts given to
doctors, for example, setting a $100 ceiling on each.
Although pharmaceutical companies can still sponsor
meetings, they no longer have free rein to treat
doctors to five-star dinners or pick up their hotel

"Giveaways, lavish trips are a thing of the past,"
Fingland said. "We've cleaned up the business

Despite the improvement, pharmaceutical executives are
bracing for the worst.

"Moore's past work has been marked by negativity, so we
can only assume it won't be a fair and balanced
portrayal," said Rachel Bloom, executive director of
corporate communications for the Wilmington, Del.-based
AstraZeneca. "His movies resemble docudramas more than

Rumors are already flying within the industry about
Moore's moviemaking tactics. Moore, it is said, has
hired actors to portray pharmaceutical salesmen who
offer gifts to doctors who promote their products.
There's also word that he's offered physicians $50,000
apiece to install secret cameras in their offices in an
effort to document alleged corruption.

In September, employees said that Moore was shoving a
microphone at people at GlaxoSmithKline, Bloom notes,
even though he was in town only for a radio appearance.

"We have six business centers nationwide, all of which
report 'sightings,' " Bloom said. "Michael Moore is
becoming an urban legend."

Tentatively titled "Sicko," Moore's film will probably
be released in the first half of 2006, sometime between
the Sundance and Cannes film festivals. No deal has yet
been reached, but an announcement is expected after the
new year. There's interest in the industry, he says, on
the part of some of the major studios and not just
their specialty divisions.

Reached at his home in Michigan, the director declined
to say whether he's hired actors to portray
pharmaceutical salesmen and denied paying doctors to
help him install secret cameras. ("I didn't need to. So
many doctors have offered to help, for free, in an
effort to expose the system.") He does admit to hanging
around hospitals, insurance companies and
pharmaceutical companies, including two that have not
issued internal alerts.

It's getting harder and harder to find corporate
executives, however, who are willing to sit down for
interviews, Moore said.

Moore decided to make a film about healthcare because
it's "a hot-button issue with the average American -
the domestic issue of the day," he said. "Being screwed
by your HMO and ill-served by pharmaceutical companies
is the shared American experience. The system, inferior
to that of much poorer nations, benefits the few at the
expense of the many."

Tackling the health industry first occurred to the
documentarian after he shot a segment for his now-
defunct TV show, "The Awful Truth," about a man
fighting his insurance company to pay for a kidney and
pancreas transplant. He said the viewer response was
enormous - as was audience reaction to a derogatory
line about HMOs in the Jack Nicholson-Helen Hunt movie,
"As Good As It Gets." There was a raw nerve, he
ultimately decided, that wasn't being addressed.

Last summer, the Endeavor agency, which represents
Moore, tested the Hollywood waters - sending out a six-
page outline of "Sicko" to a host of independent
producers, independent film companies and the major
studios. The movie, according to the treatment, would
end with Moore sailing to Cuba with ailing Americans to
take advantage of that country's free healthcare. That,
he says, was only a joke made on a late-night talk

According to the summary, human interest stories about
victims of the system will be interspersed with
interviews. He will dig up conflict-of-interest
concerns aimed at members of Congress overseeing
Medicare and will look at politicians who accept
campaign contributions from a host of insurance
companies, as well as concerns about the "merger mania"
in the healthcare industry.

Nancy Pekarek, vice president of corporate media
relations for British firm GlaxoSmithKline, said
employees are uneasy about an assault.

"We've been getting voicemail messages," she said.
"This is their career, after all, and it's no fun to be
targeted. The problem is that Moore's film [isn't
likely to] reflect the stringent standards of today."

The movie, Moore said, is only in its early stages "and
already people are freaky-deaky."

While "Sicko" is coming to life, "Fahrenheit" hasn't
been laid to rest. Beginning on Inauguration Day, Moore
will be documenting the activities of the Bush
administration for "Fahrenheit 9/11 1/2 ."

"The word is out to whistle-blowers, in networks and
corporations, that Bush has his sequel - a second
term," Moore said. "And one bad sequel deserves a good
one. What form it takes depends on the 'improvisation'
of my lead actor. I'm more than happy to share
residuals with him if he'd sit down with me for 10

Copyright 2004 Los Angeles Times,0,6802866.story

Ra Energy Fdn.
Raleigh Myers
Worksheet bio

Call to Action blog a virtual seminar for change

Newsgroups beginning in the eighties click on date and web

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. - - Margaret Mead