Monday, November 22, 2004

The world Returns are in Fa$cism voted out

Ra Energy Fdn.
Raleigh Myers
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The world Returns are in Fa$cism voted out

What the Europeans see

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Theft of US Election Rallies World Against Fascism_the F word

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Trespass Against Us Dow makes Enron look good

Corporatism-Fascism is not good for your survival.

Trespass Against Us:
Twenty Things to Know About Dow Chemical on the 20th Anniversary of Bhopal
By Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman

Let's assume for a second, as the law does, that a corporation is a person.

If a corporation is a person, then how come we don't see biographies of

We're not talking about "official" biographies -- those written by
people in the pocket of the corporation.

Of course they exist.

By why not warts-and-all biographies of major American corporations?

Like -- the Life and Times of General Motors?

Actually, a historian by the name of Brad Snell has been working for
years on such a biography about General Motors -- warts and all. He says
he's almost finished.

In 1974, Gerard Colby Zilg wrote a book titled "DuPont: Behind the Nylon
Curtain," which was a biography of DuPont Corporation -- warts and all.

Zilg claimed that his publisher, under pressure from DuPont, buried the
book -- and it went nowhere.

Now comes Jack Doyle.

Doyle is trying to make a career out of writing critical corporate

In 2002, under contract with the Environmental Health Fund, Doyle wrote
his first corporate biography, titled Riding the Dragon: Royal Dutch
Shell & The Fossil Fire.

Now, to coincide with the 20th anniversary of the Bhopal disaster, Doyle
is out with Trespass Against Us: Dow Chemical and the Toxic Century
(Common Courage Press, 2004).

At midnight on December 2, 1984, 27 tons of lethal gases leaked from
Union Carbide's pesticide factory in Bhopal, India, immediately killing
an estimated 8,000 people and poisoning thousands of others.

Today in Bhopal, at least 150,000 people, including children born to
parents who survived the disaster, are suffering from exposure-related
health effects such as cancer, neurological damage, chaotic menstrual
cycles and mental illness.

Over 20,000 people are forced to drink water with unsafe levels of
mercury, carbon tetrachloride and other persistent organic pollutants
and heavy metals.

Activists from around the world -- including human rights, legal,
environmental health and other experts -- are mobilizing over the next
two weeks to demand that Dow Chemical, the current owner of Union
Carbide, be held accountable.

Here we are 20 years after this disaster, and the company responsible
for this catastrophe and its former executives are still fugitives from
justice. Union Carbide and its former chairman, Warren Andersen, were
charged with manslaughter for the deaths at Bhopal, but they refuse to
appear before the Indian courts.

Many events worldwide are taking place to coincide with the 20th
anniversary, including the release of Doyle's book-length rap sheet
against Dow.

Doyle took the title of his book "Trespass Against Us" from Lord's prayer:

Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those who trespass against us.

We asked Doyle if he was urging humanity -- those who have been polluted
by Dow chemicals -- to forgive Dow for its trespass against us.

"Not at all," Doyle said. "By using the 'trespass against us' phrase, I
am trying to make visible the invisible -- trying to show that there are
boundary lines being violated daily by toxic substances. Corporations
are making a profit on the invasion of my personal space, my biology.
They are not controlling the full costs of their operation, and we are
picking up the tab for their externalities in form of disease, illness,
lower immunity, altered reproduction, birth defects, cancer. That's not
right. That's a mortal trespass, an unforgivable transgression that must
be stopped. We are certainly not calling on consumers to ask that
companies be forgiven -- quite the opposite. They need to be prosecuted.
Companies like Dow are getting away with biological trespass daily."

And his book documents this.

In honor of the dead and dying in Bhopal, we urge you to buy Doyle's
book. Every time you use common plastic items, think of the destruction.
Every time you use Saran Wrap (originally a Dow product), question the

And in commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the crime of Bhopal, we
present here 20 things to remember about Dow Chemical -- the company now
responsible for Bhopal and a fugitive from justice.

20. Agent Orange/Napalm -- The toxic herbicide and jellied gasoline used
in Vietnam created horrors for young and old alike -- and an uproar back
home that forced Dow to rethink its public relations strategy.

19. Rocky Flats -- The top secret Colorado site managed by Dow Chemical
from 1952 to 1975 that is an environmental nightmare for the Denver area.

18. Body burden -- In March 2001, the Centers for Disease Control
reported that most Americans carry detectable levels of plastics,
pesticides and heavy metals in their blood and urine.

17. 2,4-D -- An herbicide produced by Dow Chemical. It is still in use
today. Used for killing lawn weeds, crop weeds, range weeds, along
utility company rights-of way, railroads. One of the key ingredients in
Agent Orange, the toxic defoliant used in Vietnam. 2,4-D is the most
widely used herbicide in the world.

16. Mercury -- In Canada, Dow had been producing chlorine using the
mercury cell method since 1947. Much of the mercury was recycled, but
significant quantities were discharged into the environment through air
emissions, water discharges, waste sludge and in end products. In March
1970, the governments of Ontario and Michigan detected high levels of
mercury in the fish in the St. Clair River, Lake St. Clair, the Detroit
River and Lake Erie. Dow was sued by state and local officials for
mercury pollution.

15. PERC -- Perchloroethylene, the hazardous substance used by dry
cleaners everywhere. Dow tried to undermine safer alternatives.

14. 2,4,5 T -- One of the toxic ingredients in Agent Orange. Doyle says
that "Dow just fought tooth and nail over this chemical -- persisted
every way it could in court and with the agencies, at the state and
federal levels, to buy more time for this product. They went into a
court in Arkansas in the early 1970s to challenge the EPA administrator.
They did that to buy some extra marketing time, and they got two years,
even though it appears that Dow knew this chemical was a bad actor by
then, caused birth defects in lab animals, and was also being found in
human body fat by then. But it wasn't until 1983 that Dow quit making
2,4,5-T in the U.S., and 1987 before they quit production in New
Zealand. And 2,4,5-T health effects litigation continues to this day."

13. Busting unions -- In 1967, unions represented almost all of Dow's
production workers. But since then, according to the Metal Trades
Department of the AFL-CIO, Dow undertook an "unapologetic campaign to
rid itself of unions."

12. Silicone -- Key ingredient for silicone breast implants, made by a
joint venture between Dow and Corning (Dow Corning). Made women large,
but also made them sick. Ongoing illness and litigation.

11. DBCP -- Toxic active ingredient in Dow pesticide Fumazone. Doctors
who tested men who worked with DBCP thought they had vasectomies -­ no
sperm present.

10. Dursban -- Chlorpyrifos, a toxic pesticide, a product that proved to
have the nerve agent effects that Rachel Carson warned about. Also
tested on prisoners in New York in 1971 and in 1998 at a lab in Lincoln,
Nebraska. Took over for DDT when DDT was banned in 1972. Huge seller. In
June 2000, EPA limits use.

9. Dow at Christmas -- "Uses of Dow plastics by the toy industry are
across the board," boasted Dow Chemical in an internal company memo one
Christmas season -- "and more and more of our materials are found under
the Christmas tree and on the birthday table, make some child, some toy
company, and Dow, very happy indeed." Among the chemicals used in these
toys -- polystyrene, polyethylene, ethylene copolymer resins, saran
resins, PVC resins, or vinyls and ethyl cellulose. And a Happy New Year.

8.The Tittabawassee -- River and river basin polluted by Dow in its
hometown, Midland, Michigan.

7. Brazos River, Freeport, Texas -- February 1971 headline in the
Houston Post read: "Brazos River is Dead." In 1970 and 1971, Dow's
operation there was sending more than 4.5 billion gallons of wastewater
per day into the Brazos and on into the Gulf of Mexico.

6. Toxic Trespass -- Doyle writes: "Dow Chemical has been polluting
property and poisoning people for nearly a century, locally and globally
-- trespassing on workers, consumers, communities, and innocent
bystanders -- on wildlife and wild places, on the global biota and the
global genome. ... Dow Chemical must end its toxic trespass."

5. Holmesburg Experiments -- In January 1981, a Philadelphia Inquirer
story reveals that Dow Chemical paid a University of Pennsylvania
dermatologist to test dioxin on prisoners at Holmesburg Prison in
Philadelphia. Tests were conducted in 1964. Seventy inmates tested.

4. Worker deaths -- Dow has a long history of explosions and fires at
its facilities, well documented by Doyle in Trespass Against Us. One
example, in May 1979: an explosion ripped through Dow Chemical's
Pittsburgh facility, killing two workers and injuring more than 45 others.

3. Brain tumors -- In 1980, investigators found 25 brain workers with
brain tumors at the company's Freeport, Texas facility -- 24 of which
were fatal.

2. Saran Wrap -- The thin slice of plastic invaluable to our lives.
Produced by Dow until consumers were looking for Dow products to
boycott. Dow decided to get out of consumer products for this reason --
they sold off Saran Wrap -- and since just makes chemicals that make our
consumer products.

1. Bhopal -- Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our
trespasses, as we seek to bring to justice those who trespass against us.

Russell Mokhiber is editor of the Washington, D.C.-based Corporate Crime
Reporter, Robert Weissman is
editor of the Washington, D.C.-based Multinational Monitor, They are co-authors of the
forthcoming On the Rampage: Corporate Predators and the Destruction of
Democracy (Monroe, Maine: Common Courage Press;

(c) Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman

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Ra Energy Fdn.
Raleigh Myers
Worksheet bio

Newsgroups beginning in the eighties click on date and web

Call to Action blog a virtual seminar for change

Complete US Exit Poll Data Confirms Net Suspicions

Complete US Exit Poll Data Confirms Net Suspicions
Full 51 State Early Exit Poll Data Released For The First Time
Wednesday, 17 November 2004, 10:45 pm
Article: Alastair Thompson is delighted to be able today to publish a full set of 4pm
exit poll data for the first time on the Internet since the US election.
The data emerged this evening NZT in a post on the Democratic Underground
website under the forum name TruthIsAll.

    The new data confirms what was already widely known about the swing in
favour of George Bush, but amplifies the extent of that swing.

    Click for big version
    Figure 1: Graph showing the "red shift" between 2004 US General
Election exit polls & the actual 2004 US Election results

    In the data which is shown below in tabulated form, and above in graph
form, we can see that 42 of the 51 states in the union swung towards George
Bush while only nine swung towards Kerry.

    There has to date been no official explanation for the discrepancy.

    Ordinarily in the absence of an obvious mistabulation error, roughly
the same number of states should have swung towards each candidate.

    Moreover many of the states that swung against Democratic Party hopeful
John Kerry swung to an extent that is well beyond the margin of error in
exit polls. Exit polls by their nature - they ask voters how they actually
voted rather than about their intentions - are typically considered highly

    Last week in an analysis of a similar, but incomplete set of data, Dr
Stephen F. Freeman from the University of Pennsylvania calculated that the
odds of just three of the major swing states, Florida, Ohio and
Pennsylvania all swinging as far as they did against their respective exit
polls were 250 milllion to 1. (SeeÂ?"The Unexplained Exit Poll
Discrepancy" ­ Dr Stephen F. Freeman - .pdf format)

    Dr Freeman's academic paper contains a thorough description of why and
how exit polls are conducted (in some countries they use them to prevent
against vote fraud), and considers a number of hypotheses for why this
year's polls could have been so dramatically wrong. He concludes that the
reasons are unknown.

    CAUTIONARY NOTE: The data that is released today shows the 4pm data run
from the Edison-Mitofsky polling company. This run was based on 63% of the
full 13660 sample in the poll. However as we also have a set of data from
around midnight with which to compare this data, we can tell that the final
exit poll results were not that far different than these early results.
This in itself tends to suggest that the polling system did not have a
systemic bias in its early data as suggested by some commentators in early
reports on this puzzle.

    (For a more detailed description of the limitations of this data and
the claimed gender bias in the early data see.. EXTENDED FOOTNOTE ON THE

    For more background and the latest news links on this news subject see
also Scoop's A Very American Coup Special Feature



    Ever since the first analyses (See... "Faun Otter: Vote Fraud - Exit
Polls Vs Actuals ") showing the swing in favour of US President George Bush
between the exit polls and the actual results were published, the internet
has been swimming with rumour and speculation about what the results meant.

    These initial internet news reports were debunked in a report from the
CALTECH/MIT Voting Technology Project which was widely distributed to the
media in the days immediately following the election. The unnamed authors
of this report stated:

        "If we look at the 51 separate exit state polls, we see that 30
predicted more votes for Kerry than he actually got, while 21 predicted
more votes for Bush than he actually got. Therefore, at the state level,
the polls favored Kerry less than the sum of all the polls aggregated up to
the national level. Furthermore, if we do a statistical test to see whether
the differences between the exit polls and the official returns are
significant, only three out of 51 are.5 Therefore, while it is fair to say
that the exit polls predicted a significantly greater vote for Kerry
nationwide than the official returns confirmed, it is not immediately
apparent that any systematic biases are revealed when we take the analysis
down to the state level."

    This report was subsequently quoted in a November 12th New York Times
front page article ("Vote Fraud Theories, Spread by Blogs, Are Quickly
Buried") that purported to debunk Internet conspiracy theories and
misconceptions about the 2004 election, including those about the exit
polls. The New York Times stated:

        A preliminary study produced by the Voting Technology Project, a
cooperative effort between the California Institute of Technology and the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, came to a similar conclusion. Its
study found "no particular patterns" relating to voting systems and the
final results of the election.

        "The 'facts' that are being circulated on the Internet," the study
concluded, "appear to be selectively chosen to make the point."

    However CALTECH/MIT's analysis had already been proved flawed on
November 11 when published the first iteration of a set of data
that was fortuitously captured by activist Jonathan
Simon in the early minutes of Nov. 3 (SeeÂ? "47 State Exit Poll Analysis
Confirms Swing Anomaly"). Dr Freeman's report was also based on this data.
However Jonathan Simon had not managed to capture data for all states -
hence the hunt for the full set of data continued.

    Interestingly after the Simon data was widely circulated in the
blogosphere the authors of the CALTECH/MIT report edited their footnotes
(see footnote 2 & compare with the version cited above & hosted on Scoop)
making it clear that the source of their data was the publicly available
Exit Poll reports on which were "rebalanced" in the early hours of
Nov. 3. This data which has effectively been recast to fit the final
results cannot really be termed exit poll data at all and has been the
source of a great deal of confusion.


    The complete set of New 4pm Edison & Mitofsky 2004 General Election
exit poll data follows in tabulated form (sorted in descending order of the
magnitude of the "red shift"):

(SEE website for chart)


        By Jonathan Simon

        Always keep in mind that this 4pm exit poll data is the early
sweep, skewed for women (58% to 42%) and therefore towards John

        While this sample may have been accurate for the time of day
measured (more women voting because of workforce composition and
schedules), it constituted only one component of the full exit poll (63% of
the sample), which consisted of two additional sweeps which reflected
increased participation of men in later hours.

        Thus the later updates (c. 12:20 a.m.), which impounded all three
sweeps but was posted before contamination with tabulated data, is the best
results we have at this time for comparison with the final results.

        The first sweep has been singled out as having poisoned the whole
barrel; but this is ridiculous - you simply need to make a slight
adjustment to the final gender breakdown (@ 12:21 a.m.), if you believe
that to be skewed, which has very little effect on the results (read on to
see exactly how this works in terms of actual numbers).

        That is, whether or not the first sweep had some distortion
relative to our expectations for that time of day - it all amounted to very
little, and is easily and inconsequentially adjusted for in the long run.

        Let's see how it works. Take Florida with the 54% women/46% men
exit poll sample that was supposed to be "way" off - you get the following
for the full sample of respondents (men and women): 49.8% Bush, 49.7%

        If we adjust the sample to 52% women/48% men (probably about
right), you get the following for the full sample of men and women: 49.9%
Bush, 49.6% Kerry - that's right, a whole glaring 1/10th of one percent

        If we go "all the way" to a 50% women/50% men sample, now it's
50.0% Bush, 49.5% Kerry, a whole 'nother 1/10th of a percentage point.

        The reason for this is that the gender gap is just not that
dramatic and neither is the gender departure from a perfectly weighted

        In fact, if we want to get Bush up to a whole 1% lead, we'd have to
take an exit poll sample of 55% men / 45% women.

        But Bush "won" Florida by 5% (52% to 47%), a "red flag" discrepancy
from the exit poll, however the poll is weighted by gender. Here's a fun
fact: to get the exit poll results to equal the tabulated outcome, you'd
have to sample all men, that's right 100% men / 0% women, just like the
good ol' days before they passed that blasted 19th Amendment.

        The argument has also been made that the early (morning/afternoon)
exit poll sweeps were gender weighted 58% women/42% men, thereby
invalidating the exit polls in general.

Ra Energy Fdn.
Raleigh Myers
Worksheet bio

Newsgroups beginning in the eighties click on date and web

Call to Action blog a virtual seminar for change

The world Returns are in Fascism voted out

Ra Energy Fdn.
Raleigh Myers
Worksheet bio

The world Returns are in Fascism voted out

What they see

What is next
Theft of US Election Rallies World Against Fascism_the F word

Call to Action blog a virtual seminar for change

Newsgroups beginning in the eighties click on date and web

Designer sin is savage beyond 'belief' _ pun intended

Ra Energy Fdn.
Raleigh Myers
Worksheet bio

Designer sin is savage beyond 'belief' _ pun intended
A small contingency of self anointed worthies (disturbed control freaks) religions zealots designing crime and sin to divide and to confuse has in so many words held our prophetic inheritance in abeyance _ a virtual probate of sorts.

Beyond that: We are the children of the universe each aware of being a missing piece to the greater puzzle and the key to the mystery of the ages. We have a right to be here and take this awareness to empower our progeny as a gift to the unborn. Let us begin! Let us pool our keys to the mystery of the ages to begin the synaptual switching on the global intelligence and morph into the collective consciousness. Carl Jung brought awareness to this phenomenon with the unfurling the mysterious collective un consciousness.

This all leads up to One people one and the same
From the time of Abraham and Isaac 4000 years ago the light has shown. Now we are at a crossroads in Canaan. All we can hope for is the test of time will prove out this monumental experiment in enLIGHTenment.

Ra Energy Fdn.
Raleigh Myers
Worksheet bio

Newsgroups beginning in the eighties click on date and web

Call to Action blog a virtual seminar for change

Arctic Climate Impact Assessment_climate change is real.

Ra Energy Fdn.
Raleigh Myers
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Arctic Climate Impact Assessment_climate change is real.

The nay sayers have shrunk and the reality of destruction and chaos is revealed. Below is a copy of the ACIA report. It is a stunning well detailed 14m download.

Ra Energy Fdn.
Raleigh Myers
Worksheet bio

Newsgroups beginning in the eighties click on date and web

Call to Action blog a virtual seminar for change

Theft of US Election Rallies World Against Fascism_the F word

Ra Energy Fdn.
Raleigh Myers
Worksheet bio

Theft of US Election Rallies World Against Fascism_the F word

The anti communist fervor pales in comparison to the anti fascist sentiment world wide. The theft of two American elections has set the stage for world wide cooperation against world conquest by the known fascist entities. The former communist countries also lost millions of their citizens in the thwarting of Corporatist funded Fascism in WW2 hastens the creation of a formidable aware and sympathetic audience. The world bank and the WTO have shown their Corporatist Fascist Neo Liberal trade treaty strategies. The realization that Privatization is outright theft of the commons stimulates anti privatization sentiment and is reflected by the shut downs and strikes world wide. The Intelligence communities are now in question for the fermenting of world chaos. As this is becoming known the civil wars and manipulated conflicts in many countries are now suspect and the parties can now comes to grip with a phenomenon where they are forgiven for the atrocities committed in their name by the subterfuge of the intelligence communities.

  A small contingency of self anointed worthies (disturbed control freaks) religions zealots designing crime and sin to divide and to confuse has in so many words held our prophetic inheritance in abeyance a virtual probate of sorts.

don't hate the media - become the media. Start your own Independent media print and email list outlet in your community. Get the blog sphere to head in that direction. Use subtraction synergy at every turn.

Subtraction the Gandhi strategy
Imagine: All we have to do is subtract our participation in the investor corporate stranglehold on our life support needs as Gandhi pointed out. The investor corporate structure is totally corrupt, so what do we have to loose? We loose the predatory investors (less than one percent of the population) hiding behind the limited liability -person hood firewall of the corporation.

Call to Action blog

Ra Energy Fdn.
Raleigh Myers
Worksheet bio

Newsgroups beginning in the eighties click on date and web

Call to Action blog