Are You Doing All You Can For Us _ Your Progeny Reminding >>>>>
Ra Energy Fdn.
Raleigh Myers
Worksheet bio
If what we are contemplating is not fair to our progeny we have a failed event in retrospect
Are You Doing All You Can For Us _ Your Progeny >>>>>
I may be singing to the choir, with these talking points, but there are over six billion people who need attitude adjustment as you were in the same need just a bit ago. They need this help because many of you did not share your newly acquired awareness with them. If you have made your contribution please use these points for more outreach_give them a piece of your MIND.
For Gandhi, the function of non-violent action was to make the hidden violence of institutions, of the "established disorder" visible; in the same way, we have wanted to make visible the violence done to peasants, citizens, science, democracy, and to the simple duty to govern. The French legal system has finally understood that so that we may all grasp the consequences.
Some other lectures leading to solutions
Franklin Roosevelt said that the domination of our nation by large corporations is the
definition of fascism.
-Labor is prior to, and independent of, capital. Capital is only the
fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first
existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much of higher
-Abraham Lincoln
Under the placid surface [of the economy], there are disturbing trends: huge
imbalances, disequilibria, risks -- call them what you will.
Altogether the circumstances seem to me as dangerous and intractable
as any I can remember, and I can remember quite a lot.
Paul Volcker, Former US Federal Reserve Bank Chairman
April 10, 2005.
"Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes that you can do these things. Among them are a few Texas oil millionaires, and an occasional politician or businessman from other areas. Their number is negligible, and they are stupid."
-- President Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1952
"The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises
in moral philosophy: that is the search for a superior moral
justification for selfishness."
-- John Kenneth Galbraith
"Fascism should more appropriately be called CORPORATISM because it is a merger of state and corporate power." -- Benito Mussolini (from Encyclopedia Italiana, Giovanni Gentile, editor).
Ra Energy Fdn.
Raleigh Myers
Worksheet bio
Call to Action blog a virtual seminar for change. I may be singing to the choir, with these talking points, but there are over six billion people who need attitude adjustment as you were in the same need just a bit ago. They need this help because many of you did not share your newly acquired awareness with them. If you have made your contribution please use these points for more outreach.
Newsgroups beginning in the eighties &
and web,GWYA:2005-04,GWYA:en&q=%22Ra+Energy+Fdn%2E%22
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. - - Margaret Mead
Let us experiment with laws and customs, with money systems and governments, until we chart the one true course - until we find the majesty of our proper orbit as the planets above have found theirs& And then at last we shall move all together in the harmony of our sphere under the great impulse of a single creation - one unity, one system, one design.
Roger Bacon
FAIR USE NOTICE: This may contain copyrighted (C ) material the use of which
has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Such
material is made available for educational purposes, to advance
understanding of human rights, democracy, scientific, moral, ethical, and
social justice issues, etc. It is believed that this constitutes a 'fair
use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C.
section 107 of the US Copyright Law. This material is distributed without
Election Theft Emergency
Ra Energy Fdn.
Raleigh Myers
Worksheet bio
If what we are contemplating is not fair to our progeny we have a failed event in retrospect
Election Theft Emergency
I may be singing to the choir, with these talking points, but there are over six billion people who need attitude adjustment as you were in the same need just a bit ago. They need this help because many of you did not share your newly acquired awareness with them. If you have made your contribution please use these points for more outreach_give them a piece of your MIND.
For Gandhi, the function of non-violent action was to make the hidden violence of institutions, of the "established disorder" visible; in the same way, we have wanted to make visible the violence done to peasants, citizens, science, democracy, and to the simple duty to govern. The French legal system has finally understood that so that we may all grasp the consequences.
Some other lectures leading to solutions
Franklin Roosevelt said that the domination of our nation by large corporations is the
definition of fascism.
-Labor is prior to, and independent of, capital. Capital is only the
fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first
existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much of higher
-Abraham Lincoln
Under the placid surface [of the economy], there are disturbing trends: huge
imbalances, disequilibria, risks -- call them what you will.
Altogether the circumstances seem to me as dangerous and intractable
as any I can remember, and I can remember quite a lot.
Paul Volcker, Former US Federal Reserve Bank Chairman
April 10, 2005.
"Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes that you can do these things. Among them are a few Texas oil millionaires, and an occasional politician or businessman from other areas. Their number is negligible, and they are stupid."
-- President Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1952
"The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises
in moral philosophy: that is the search for a superior moral
justification for selfishness."
-- John Kenneth Galbraith
"Fascism should more appropriately be called CORPORATISM because it is a merger of state and corporate power." -- Benito Mussolini (from Encyclopedia Italiana, Giovanni Gentile, editor).
Ra Energy Fdn.
Raleigh Myers
Worksheet bio
Call to Action blog a virtual seminar for change. I may be singing to the choir, with these talking points, but there are over six billion people who need attitude adjustment as you were in the same need just a bit ago. They need this help because many of you did not share your newly acquired awareness with them. If you have made your contribution please use these points for more outreach.
Newsgroups beginning in the eighties &
and web,GWYA:2005-04,GWYA:en&q=%22Ra+Energy+Fdn%2E%22
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. - - Margaret Mead
Let us experiment with laws and customs, with money systems and governments, until we chart the one true course - until we find the majesty of our proper orbit as the planets above have found theirs& And then at last we shall move all together in the harmony of our sphere under the great impulse of a single creation - one unity, one system, one design.
Roger Bacon
FAIR USE NOTICE: This may contain copyrighted (C ) material the use of which
has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Such
material is made available for educational purposes, to advance
understanding of human rights, democracy, scientific, moral, ethical, and
social justice issues, etc. It is believed that this constitutes a 'fair
use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C.
section 107 of the US Copyright Law. This material is distributed without
PNAC Mein Kamph Of The Lucifer Rebellion For Lack Of a Better
Ra Energy Fdn.
Raleigh Myers
Worksheet bio
If what we are contemplating is not fair to our progeny we have a failed event in retrospect
PNAC Mein Kamph Of The Lucifer Rebellion For Lack Of a Better Word
For those who are familiar with Judeo Christian Islam faiths know of the Lucifer rebellion as a metaphor for evil. For those who haven't, only have to read the Neo Con con PNAC(Plan for a New American Century) to get up to speed.
As Galbraith pointed out "The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy: that is the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.". The idea of a group of fascists serving as a living example of the Lucifer rebellion should shed some light on what is happening in our name. But by manipulating this as a land grab executed under our name as a nation, makes the PNAC the lowest form of traitorism ever devised _ the selling out of humanity literally. The main menu of this rebellion against humanity is to get the recourses of the Earth in the Corporatist camp leaving 99 percent of the population of the planet scraping their trickle down from lamp posts and fire hydrants.,GWYA:2005-04,GWYA:en&q=PNAC
I may be singing to the choir, with these talking points, but there are over six billion people who need attitude adjustment as you were in the same need just a bit ago. They need this help because many of you did not share your newly acquired awareness with them. If you have made your contribution please use these points for more outreach_give them a piece of your MIND.
For Gandhi, the function of non-violent action was to make the hidden violence of institutions, of the "established disorder" visible; in the same way, we have wanted to make visible the violence done to peasants, citizens, science, democracy, and to the simple duty to govern. The French legal system has finally understood that so that we may all grasp the consequences.
Some other lectures leading to solutions
Franklin Roosevelt said that the domination of our nation by large corporations is the
definition of fascism.
-Labor is prior to, and independent of, capital. Capital is only the
fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first
existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much of higher
-Abraham Lincoln
Under the placid surface [of the economy], there are disturbing trends: huge
imbalances, disequilibria, risks -- call them what you will.
Altogether the circumstances seem to me as dangerous and intractable
as any I can remember, and I can remember quite a lot.
Paul Volcker, Former US Federal Reserve Bank Chairman
April 10, 2005.
"Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes that you can do these things. Among them are a few Texas oil millionaires, and an occasional politician or businessman from other areas. Their number is negligible, and they are stupid."
-- President Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1952
"The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises
in moral philosophy: that is the search for a superior moral
justification for selfishness."
-- John Kenneth Galbraith
"Fascism should more appropriately be called CORPORATISM because it is a merger of state and corporate power." -- Benito Mussolini (from Encyclopedia Italiana, Giovanni Gentile, editor).
Ra Energy Fdn.
Raleigh Myers
Worksheet bio
Call to Action blog a virtual seminar for change. I may be singing to the choir, with these talking points, but there are over six billion people who need attitude adjustment as you were in the same need just a bit ago. They need this help because many of you did not share your newly acquired awareness with them. If you have made your contribution please use these points for more outreach.
Newsgroups beginning in the eighties &
and web,GWYA:2005-04,GWYA:en&q=%22Ra+Energy+Fdn%2E%22
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. - - Margaret Mead
Let us experiment with laws and customs, with money systems and governments, until we chart the one true course - until we find the majesty of our proper orbit as the planets above have found theirs& And then at last we shall move all together in the harmony of our sphere under the great impulse of a single creation - one unity, one system, one design.
Roger Bacon
FAIR USE NOTICE: This may contain copyrighted (C ) material the use of which
has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Such
material is made available for educational purposes, to advance
understanding of human rights, democracy, scientific, moral, ethical, and
social justice issues, etc. It is believed that this constitutes a 'fair
use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C.
section 107 of the US Copyright Law. This material is distributed without
Ignoring the Prophets for Profit
Ra Energy Fdn.
Raleigh Myers
Worksheet bio
If what we are contemplating is not fair to our progeny we have a failed event in retrospect
Ignoring the Prophets for Profit
Organized Usury, Organized Money-Crime, The Core Investor Group, are the One Percent of the population hiding behind the limited liability and person hood of the corporation while milking the planet for their personal fortune.
Usury is verboten.
I may be singing to the choir, with these talking points, but there are over six billion people who need attitude adjustment as you were in the same need just a bit ago. They need this help because many of you did not share your newly acquired awareness with them. If you have made your contribution please use these points for more outreach_give them a piece of your MIND.
For Gandhi, the function of non-violent action was to make the hidden violence of institutions, of the "established disorder" visible; in the same way, we have wanted to make visible the violence done to peasants, citizens, science, democracy, and to the simple duty to govern. The French legal system has finally understood that so that we may all grasp the consequences.
Some other lectures leading to solutions
Franklin Roosevelt said that the domination of our nation by large corporations is the
definition of fascism.
-Labor is prior to, and independent of, capital. Capital is only the
fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first
existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much of higher
-Abraham Lincoln
Under the placid surface [of the economy], there are disturbing trends: huge
imbalances, disequilibria, risks -- call them what you will.
Altogether the circumstances seem to me as dangerous and intractable
as any I can remember, and I can remember quite a lot.
Paul Volcker, Former US Federal Reserve Bank Chairman
April 10, 2005.
"Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes that you can do these things. Among them are a few Texas oil millionaires, and an occasional politician or businessman from other areas. Their number is negligible, and they are stupid."
-- President Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1952
"The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises
in moral philosophy: that is the search for a superior moral
justification for selfishness."
-- John Kenneth Galbraith
"Fascism should more appropriately be called CORPORATISM because it is a merger of state and corporate power." -- Benito Mussolini (from Encyclopedia Italiana, Giovanni Gentile, editor).
Ra Energy Fdn.
Raleigh Myers
Worksheet bio
Call to Action blog a virtual seminar for change. I may be singing to the choir, with these talking points, but there are over six billion people who need attitude adjustment as you were in the same need just a bit ago. They need this help because many of you did not share your newly acquired awareness with them. If you have made your contribution please use these points for more outreach.
Newsgroups beginning in the eighties &
and web,GWYA:2005-04,GWYA:en&q=%22Ra+Energy+Fdn%2E%22
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. - - Margaret Mead
Let us experiment with laws and customs, with money systems and governments, until we chart the one true course - until we find the majesty of our proper orbit as the planets above have found theirs& And then at last we shall move all together in the harmony of our sphere under the great impulse of a single creation - one unity, one system, one design.
Roger Bacon
FAIR USE NOTICE: This may contain copyrighted (C ) material the use of which
has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Such
material is made available for educational purposes, to advance
understanding of human rights, democracy, scientific, moral, ethical, and
social justice issues, etc. It is believed that this constitutes a 'fair
use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C.
section 107 of the US Copyright Law. This material is distributed without
Unfairness Un- forgiveness
Ra Energy Fdn.
Raleigh Myers
Worksheet bio
If what we are contemplating is not fair to our progeny we have a failed event in retrospect
Unfairness Un- forgiveness
When unfairness causes an impasse forgiveness can end it. But we are not there yet. We need to stop and regress to the point where the unfairness began and restore the equity to the point of quittance, forgiveness and reconciliation.
We have some action. The point of skirting the idea of fairness has been one of the downsides of bureaucratic religions. They want to protect designer sin by keeping the doctrines all equal. This puts ingestion morality on the same level as premeditated genocide ,unlawful wars, assassinations, corruption, government overthrows etc. .
And some response
We need more to override the dueling davidians _ Global Truth and Reconciliation.
I may be singing to the choir, with these talking points, but there are over six billion people who need attitude adjustment as you were in the same need just a bit ago. They need this help because many of you did not share your newly acquired awareness with them. If you have made your contribution please use these points for more outreach_give them a piece of your MIND.
For Gandhi, the function of non-violent action was to make the hidden violence of institutions, of the "established disorder" visible; in the same way, we have wanted to make visible the violence done to peasants, citizens, science, democracy, and to the simple duty to govern. The French legal system has finally understood that so that we may all grasp the consequences.
Some other lectures leading to solutions
Franklin Roosevelt said that the domination of our nation by large corporations is the
definition of fascism.
-Labor is prior to, and independent of, capital. Capital is only the
fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first
existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much of higher
-Abraham Lincoln
Under the placid surface [of the economy], there are disturbing trends: huge
imbalances, disequilibria, risks -- call them what you will.
Altogether the circumstances seem to me as dangerous and intractable
as any I can remember, and I can remember quite a lot.
Paul Volcker, Former US Federal Reserve Bank Chairman
April 10, 2005.
"Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes that you can do these things. Among them are a few Texas oil millionaires, and an occasional politician or businessman from other areas. Their number is negligible, and they are stupid."
-- President Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1952
"The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises
in moral philosophy: that is the search for a superior moral
justification for selfishness."
-- John Kenneth Galbraith
"Fascism should more appropriately be called CORPORATISM because it is a merger of state and corporate power." -- Benito Mussolini (from Encyclopedia Italiana, Giovanni Gentile, editor).
Ra Energy Fdn.
Raleigh Myers
Worksheet bio
Call to Action blog a virtual seminar for change. I may be singing to the choir, with these talking points, but there are over six billion people who need attitude adjustment as you were in the same need just a bit ago. They need this help because many of you did not share your newly acquired awareness with them. If you have made your contribution please use these points for more outreach.
Newsgroups beginning in the eighties &
and web,GWYA:2005-04,GWYA:en&q=%22Ra+Energy+Fdn%2E%22
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. - - Margaret Mead
Let us experiment with laws and customs, with money systems and governments, until we chart the one true course - until we find the majesty of our proper orbit as the planets above have found theirs& And then at last we shall move all together in the harmony of our sphere under the great impulse of a single creation - one unity, one system, one design.
Roger Bacon
FAIR USE NOTICE: This may contain copyrighted (C ) material the use of which
has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Such
material is made available for educational purposes, to advance
understanding of human rights, democracy, scientific, moral, ethical, and
social justice issues, etc. It is believed that this constitutes a 'fair
use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C.
section 107 of the US Copyright Law. This material is distributed without
Solar Budget Morality Issue _ Second Hand Smoke
Ra Energy Fdn.
Raleigh Myers
Worksheet bio
If what we are contemplating is not fair to our progeny we have a failed event in retrospect
As with tobacco second hand smoke the after burn of fossil fuel has damaged the downwind fauna and flora everywhere as well as the planet itself. Those who get the benefits of the use of the carbon fuels are liable for the health and welfare of the downwind plume as well as global warming, climate change, acid rain and disease to humanity and the endangering of entire species.
Calif. says secondhand smoke a pollutant
California has declared secondhand smoke a toxic air pollutant Thursday, citing its link to breast cancer.
I may be singing to the choir, with these talking points, but there are over six billion people who need attitude adjustment as you were in the same need just a bit ago. They need this help because many of you did not share your newly acquired awareness with them. If you have made your contribution please use these points for more outreach_give them a piece of your MIND.
For Gandhi, the function of non-violent action was to make the hidden violence of institutions, of the "established disorder" visible; in the same way, we have wanted to make visible the violence done to peasants, citizens, science, democracy, and to the simple duty to govern. The French legal system has finally understood that so that we may all grasp the consequences.
Some other lectures leading to solutions
Franklin Roosevelt said that the domination of our nation by large corporations is the
definition of fascism.
-Labor is prior to, and independent of, capital. Capital is only the
fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first
existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much of higher
-Abraham Lincoln
Under the placid surface [of the economy], there are disturbing trends: huge
imbalances, disequilibria, risks -- call them what you will.
Altogether the circumstances seem to me as dangerous and intractable
as any I can remember, and I can remember quite a lot.
Paul Volcker, Former US Federal Reserve Bank Chairman
April 10, 2005.
"Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes that you can do these things. Among them are a few Texas oil millionaires, and an occasional politician or businessman from other areas. Their number is negligible, and they are stupid."
-- President Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1952
"The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises
in moral philosophy: that is the search for a superior moral
justification for selfishness."
-- John Kenneth Galbraith
"Fascism should more appropriately be called CORPORATISM because it is a merger of state and corporate power." -- Benito Mussolini (from Encyclopedia Italiana, Giovanni Gentile, editor).
Ra Energy Fdn.
Raleigh Myers
Worksheet bio
Call to Action blog a virtual seminar for change. I may be singing to the choir, with these talking points, but there are over six billion people who need attitude adjustment as you were in the same need just a bit ago. They need this help because many of you did not share your newly acquired awareness with them. If you have made your contribution please use these points for more outreach.
Newsgroups beginning in the eighties &
and web,GWYA:2005-04,GWYA:en&q=%22Ra+Energy+Fdn%2E%22
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. - - Margaret Mead
Let us experiment with laws and customs, with money systems and governments, until we chart the one true course - until we find the majesty of our proper orbit as the planets above have found theirs& And then at last we shall move all together in the harmony of our sphere under the great impulse of a single creation - one unity, one system, one design.
Roger Bacon
FAIR USE NOTICE: This may contain copyrighted (C ) material the use of which
has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Such
material is made available for educational purposes, to advance
understanding of human rights, democracy, scientific, moral, ethical, and
social justice issues, etc. It is believed that this constitutes a 'fair
use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C.
section 107 of the US Copyright Law. This material is distributed without
Sub Marcos Calls for uniting our Autonomous Community struggles
Ra Energy Fdn.
Raleigh Myers
Worksheet bio
If what we are contemplating is not fair to our progeny we have a failed event in retrospect
Sub Marcos Calls for uniting our autonomous community struggles. He is becoming a leading voice in the first Nations movement. The movement's basic agenda is the Autonomous community _ that is what they are fighting -negotiating for.
The first Global Consulta was a global effort to direct the Zapatistas to seek negotiations rather than arms to settle these questions. Now we should consider joini ng with these efforts globally which will be important as the gaming of life support becomes known, the five city system becomes unsustainable, agriculture fails and transportation is curtailed due to the energy crisis and cosmic sense prevails.
By Hermann Bellinghausen
La Jornada
January 26, 2006
Candelaria, Campeche, January 24: "The hour has arrived and we are willing,"
said Matea Lo'pez Sa'nchez in the Chol language, during the reception of
Subcomandante Marcos by Other Campaign adherents and sympathizers. "We have
struggled much," cried out this man from the El Pa~elo ejido, a communal
farmland of 700 residents. "For a long time, we wanted to have a dialog with
the comrades of the EZLN on our current lands," he said.
Maclovio, from the same village, spoke of the deceptions of the "alternate
PROCAMPO" program [an expansion of the PROCAMPO agricultural subsidies
program] that President Fox promoted but which never arrived. "This tour by
the Other Campaign has let us realize many things. Where did that money end
up? Who collected it in our place?"
Subcomandante Marcos would later reply that the money was not lost. "They
held on to it for the elections. Now you'll see how it gets to you, in order
to convince you to vote for some political party."
Upon arriving in Candalaria, in southern Campeche state near the Guatemalan
border, "Delegate Zero" toured the streets of the 8000-person town - where
he concluded his tour of the state - on foot. Families and children came out
of their houses and schools to "see Marcos," who walked surrounded by
members of the Campeche branch of the Other Campaign, sympathizers, and
journalists. He smoked his pipe, the characteristic smell of his tobacco in
the air.
During the welcome ceremony in a hall with more than two hundred people from
Candelaria and a dozen surrounding towns, Bernarda Bautista of the Pedro
Baranda ejido spoke to Marcos of "the debts that swallow up the peasant
farmer, who is always running around to make sure the rich have lower
electric bills," she said. She denounced Fox's "People's Insurance" policy
as "a joke."
"The doors to the hospitals are locked from the inside. There is no
medicine. The doctors are never there, or else they're drunks. The fields
are dead. The men immigrate and never come back, or they come back dead.
That's why we want poor people to unite with other poor people," she added,
before telling Marcos: "We are happy that you are here."
In these lands, which were once used to grow the sapodilla trees used for
chewing gum, then used for logging, then collectivized into ejido farmlands,
and today export laborers to again being looted by loggers, the Zapatista
delegate listened to these and other experiences. He then made the
recommendation: "You have your organizations, your cooperatives. Don't leave
them. Keep fighting, because you are not doing it alone. That is what the
Other Campaign says, that you unite with other compa~eros and also with us."
That night, in Candelaria's main square, Marcos said: "We know well that in
Campeche there are people that have come from all the different states to
make a living, to work. And here, like in any part of the country, they have
been met with contempt, exploitation and humiliation. But you have told us
your stories of pain and rebellion."
Delegate Zero spoke of the people's "war without weapons" to win their
rights, which is going to tour the country and join with the central states,
the Gulf states, the Pacific states, and the northern states, in an
earthquake that can already be felt." He called out for the scattered
struggles that still have not "found success, to join up in one place and
from there begin to walk and to transform the country into one that is
really run by the people, without leaders who sell out or end up in high
public office forgetting about the people."
That morning he had said that "political parties that participate in
elections" could not participate in the Other Campaign. This followed shouts
from a speaker from the Convergencia party, who had called out, according to
Marcos, to "struggle for a president, and who said that he supported Evo
Morales, who is now president of Bolivia, and Hugo Cha'vez and Fidel Castro.
What he didn't say," continued the subcomandante, "is that his leader is
(national Convergencia leader) Dante Delgado Rannauro. And those from that
political party keep doing what Delgado Rannauro did."
Marcos recounted that former president Carlos Salinas de Gortari placed
Delgado Rannauro in charge of "the Chiapas problem" after the Zapatista
uprising. Then, when the rebels began occupying the farms of big landowners,
"Dante paid other peasant farmers to invade the lands where our comrades
were, in order for there to be a fight between the campesinos. And they
continue to do that here in Campeche."
Before inviting such people "to get out of here," he spoke of former
Secretary of Foreign Affairs Jorge Casta~eda, "who if he has done anything
it has been to attack the people of Cuba and do everything possible to break
off relations with them. And if anyone has sold out to the U.S. government
it has been Jorge Casta~eda, a great friend of Dante Delgado who was nearly
Convergencia's presidential candidate. Ask him about it when you see him."
Collective Parallel Lives
The Xpujil Indigenous and Popular Regional Assembly, which received Delegate
Zero when he arrived in the municipality (county) of Calakmul, was born
during the draught of 1993, which devastated the region as the then-governor
of Campeche showed indifference and even mocked the victims. The new
organization (in great part comprised of Chol, Tzeltal, and Maya peasant
farmers), though only completely consolidated in 1995, by 1994 had already
developed an inevitable affinity with the Zapatista uprising in Chiapas, so
far away and yes so close to the indigenous colonizers of Calakmul.
"Despite the bad government's attempts to annihilate us, we still have an
abundance of life," said Chol secretary of the Regional Council and
participant in the Other Campaign Roberto Lo'pez Pe'rez yesterday, as he
greeted the arrival of Delegate Zero in the Xpujil multifunction hall. The
hall is located right next to the PRI (Institutional Revolutionary
Party)-dominated town hall for the municipality of Calakmul, which is
officially "historic, ecological, free and sovereign," and where the
business of plundering precious woods continues with impunity. The
"ecological" aspect of the municipality only applies to the campesinos, who
are prohibited from cutting down the trees. Only the big logging companies
can do it, and these cut down countless trees.
Speaking before 1,000 people, the indigenous representative said, "We have
suffered through a low-intensity war due to organizations that were born
especially to try to destroy us, and who used government resources to divide
us. But we are still alive because we bring our roots, culture and customs
from our native lands and they have given us the strength to carry on in
In a speech that he delivered first in Chol and then in Spanish, Lo'pez Pe'rez
welcomed Subcomandante Marcos "and all the members of the EZLN and their
supporters in Chiapas," and concluded by proclaiming: "Vivan - long live -
those who have given their lives to this struggle."
Not far from here Calakmul's tropical jungle, one of the most important in
the northern hemisphere, just had a sudden, strong and brief downpour that
was refreshing but also a reminder of how scarce and expensive water is.
Some pay 1,500 pesos ($140 dollars) for the most limited service one can
imagine. Together with electricity costs, the supply of this precious liquid
weighs heavily on the family economies of the indigenous.
Next Antonio Molina Me'ndez spoke for another one of the four organizations
that received and spoke with Delegate Zero: the S'Cajel Ti Matye'el
Cooperative Society of Agricultural Producers. He spoke in Tzeltal, with
Felipe Jua'rez translating. They told the story of how the cooperative was
born a few months after the Zapatista uprising in Chiapas, and although it
has followed a very different path, it arrived at very similar conclusions.
"We have been here since then, supporting the class struggle." He called
"for the freedom to speak and to unite. We must plant the seed of
consciousness; that is the most important thing."
Ruperto Ko Wo, an old Mayan man, told how he arrived in Chalakmul with his
parents in the 1940s, but was without his own land and his "first corn"
until 1965. He described the racial, linguistic, and social diversity of a
region populated by the will of the federal government in one of the final
"internal conquests," when southern Campeche was opened to immigrants from
Michoaca'n, Guerrero, Oaxaca, and many other states.
This occurred during the 1960s. Ten years later, the Echeverria regime
pushed forward the last great colonization inside the Lacandon Jugle, in the
Marque's de Comillas region. And later still would arrive the refugees from
the Guatemalan civil war. A member of the Regional Council said that more
than 25 languages are spoken in Calakmul.
Ko Wo said: "We are in favor of a policy of alliances that will help
alleviate the poverty of our region. People live here who fight for a new
constitution and a national dialog" The disparaging "observers" from the PRI
town hall (not to mention the "ears" spying both for them and for the army)
were unable to hide their nervousness. A military base lies not far away.
The distance from the mountains of Chiapas to the south of Campeche, between
which lie the state of Campeche and northern Guatemala, is great.
Nevertheless, they have similar existences, of which Plutarch could have
written in his Parallel Lives.
Hermann Bellinghausen is a special correspondent for the Mexican daily La
Jornada, where this article appeared. Translation by The Other Journalism
with the Other Campaign.
I may be singing to the choir, with these talking points, but there are over six billion people who need attitude adjustment as you were in the same need just a bit ago. They need this help because many of you did not share your newly acquired awareness with them. If you have made your contribution please use these points for more outreach_give them a piece of your MIND.
For Gandhi, the function of non-violent action was to make the hidden violence of institutions, of the "established disorder" visible; in the same way, we have wanted to make visible the violence done to peasants, citizens, science, democracy, and to the simple duty to govern. The French legal system has finally understood that so that we may all grasp the consequences.
Some other lectures leading to solutions
Franklin Roosevelt said that the domination of our nation by large corporations is the
definition of fascism.
-Labor is prior to, and independent of, capital. Capital is only the
fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first
existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much of higher
-Abraham Lincoln
Under the placid surface [of the economy], there are disturbing trends: huge
imbalances, disequilibria, risks -- call them what you will.
Altogether the circumstances seem to me as dangerous and intractable
as any I can remember, and I can remember quite a lot.
Paul Volcker, Former US Federal Reserve Bank Chairman
April 10, 2005.
"Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes that you can do these things. Among them are a few Texas oil millionaires, and an occasional politician or businessman from other areas. Their number is negligible, and they are stupid."
-- President Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1952
"The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises
in moral philosophy: that is the search for a superior moral
justification for selfishness."
-- John Kenneth Galbraith
"Fascism should more appropriately be called CORPORATISM because it is a merger of state and corporate power." -- Benito Mussolini (from Encyclopedia Italiana, Giovanni Gentile, editor).
Ra Energy Fdn.
Raleigh Myers
Worksheet bio
Call to Action blog a virtual seminar for change. I may be singing to the choir, with these talking points, but there are over six billion people who need attitude adjustment as you were in the same need just a bit ago. They need this help because many of you did not share your newly acquired awareness with them. If you have made your contribution please use these points for more outreach.
Newsgroups beginning in the eighties &
and web,GWYA:2005-04,GWYA:en&q=%22Ra+Energy+Fdn%2E%22
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. - - Margaret Mead
Let us experiment with laws and customs, with money systems and governments, until we chart the one true course - until we find the majesty of our proper orbit as the planets above have found theirs& And then at last we shall move all together in the harmony of our sphere under the great impulse of a single creation - one unity, one system, one design.
Roger Bacon
FAIR USE NOTICE: This may contain copyrighted (C ) material the use of which
has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Such
material is made available for educational purposes, to advance
understanding of human rights, democracy, scientific, moral, ethical, and
social justice issues, etc. It is believed that this constitutes a 'fair
use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C.
section 107 of the US Copyright Law. This material is distributed without
Osama's Dead, the Tape is Phony: ABC News
Ra Energy Fdn.
Raleigh Myers
Worksheet bio
If what we are contemplating is not fair to our progeny we have a failed event in retrospect
Osama's Dead, the Tape is Phony: ABC News
I may be singing to the choir, with these talking points, but there are over six billion people who need attitude adjustment as you were in the same need just a bit ago. They need this help because many of you did not share your newly acquired awareness with them. If you have made your contribution please use these points for more outreach_give them a piece of your MIND.
For Gandhi, the function of non-violent action was to make the hidden violence of institutions, of the "established disorder" visible; in the same way, we have wanted to make visible the violence done to peasants, citizens, science, democracy, and to the simple duty to govern. The French legal system has finally understood that so that we may all grasp the consequences.
Some other lectures leading to solutions
Franklin Roosevelt said that the domination of our nation by large corporations is the
definition of fascism.
-Labor is prior to, and independent of, capital. Capital is only the
fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first
existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much of higher
-Abraham Lincoln
Under the placid surface [of the economy], there are disturbing trends: huge
imbalances, disequilibria, risks -- call them what you will.
Altogether the circumstances seem to me as dangerous and intractable
as any I can remember, and I can remember quite a lot.
Paul Volcker, Former US Federal Reserve Bank Chairman
April 10, 2005.
"Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes that you can do these things. Among them are a few Texas oil millionaires, and an occasional politician or businessman from other areas. Their number is negligible, and they are stupid."
-- President Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1952
"The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises
in moral philosophy: that is the search for a superior moral
justification for selfishness."
-- John Kenneth Galbraith
"Fascism should more appropriately be called CORPORATISM because it is a merger of state and corporate power." -- Benito Mussolini (from Encyclopedia Italiana, Giovanni Gentile, editor).
Ra Energy Fdn.
Raleigh Myers
Worksheet bio
Call to Action blog a virtual seminar for change. I may be singing to the choir, with these talking points, but there are over six billion people who need attitude adjustment as you were in the same need just a bit ago. They need this help because many of you did not share your newly acquired awareness with them. If you have made your contribution please use these points for more outreach.
Newsgroups beginning in the eighties &
and web,GWYA:2005-04,GWYA:en&q=%22Ra+Energy+Fdn%2E%22
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. - - Margaret Mead
Let us experiment with laws and customs, with money systems and governments, until we chart the one true course - until we find the majesty of our proper orbit as the planets above have found theirs& And then at last we shall move all together in the harmony of our sphere under the great impulse of a single creation - one unity, one system, one design.
Roger Bacon
FAIR USE NOTICE: This may contain copyrighted (C ) material the use of which
has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Such
material is made available for educational purposes, to advance
understanding of human rights, democracy, scientific, moral, ethical, and
social justice issues, etc. It is believed that this constitutes a 'fair
use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C.
section 107 of the US Copyright Law. This material is distributed without
Ra Energy Fdn.
Raleigh Myers
Worksheet bio
If what we are contemplating is not fair to our progeny we have a failed event in retrospect
Franklin Roosevelt said that the domination of our nation by large corporations is the
definition of fascism.
-Labor is prior to, and independent of, capital. Capital is only the
fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first
existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much of higher
-Abraham Lincoln
Under the placid surface [of the economy], there are disturbing trends: huge
imbalances, disequilibria, risks -- call them what you will.
Altogether the circumstances seem to me as dangerous and intractable
as any I can remember, and I can remember quite a lot.
Paul Volcker, Former US Federal Reserve Bank Chairman
April 10, 2005.
"Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes that you can do these things. Among them are a few Texas oil millionaires, and an occasional politician or businessman from other areas. Their number is negligible, and they are stupid."
-- President Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1952
"The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises
in moral philosophy: that is the search for a superior moral
justification for selfishness."
-- John Kenneth Galbraith
"Fascism should more appropriately be called CORPORATISM because it is a merger of state and corporate power." -- Benito Mussolini (from Encyclopedia Italiana, Giovanni Gentile, editor).
Ra Energy Fdn.
Raleigh Myers
Worksheet bio
Call to Action blog a virtual seminar for change. I may be singing to the choir, with these talking points, but there are over six billion people who need attitude adjustment as you were in the same need just a bit ago. They need this help because many of you did not share your newly acquired awareness with them. If you have made your contribution please use these points for more outreach.
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. - - Margaret Mead
Let us experiment with laws and customs, with money systems and governments, until we chart the one true course - until we find the majesty of our proper orbit as the planets above have found theirs& And then at last we shall move all together in the harmony of our sphere under the great impulse of a single creation - one unity, one system, one design.
Roger Bacon
FAIR USE NOTICE: This may contain copyrighted (C ) material the use of which
has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Such
material is made available for educational purposes, to advance
understanding of human rights, democracy, scientific, moral, ethical, and
social justice issues, etc. It is believed that this constitutes a 'fair
use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C.
section 107 of the US Copyright Law. This material is distributed without