Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Raleigh Myers
Ra Energy Fdn,
Founded in 1973
Ra-Chi is our agenda

Frankencorp the Enemy Within _ talking points

Much of what we do, is to give talking points to focus the conversation on lowest common denominator solutions and thinking. Many have seen some of these points before, how about those you might share this with... Creative Commons encourages you to share and enhance...


WE need to rattle the cage a bit here with a global consciousness uptick, or put another way, a mass realization that the waking of the Collective Consciousness are destined to become WeThePeopleIsm 1775...

On the solution side above and beyond nations and parties... Before we have a revolution, lets have a global election of We The People by We The People for We The people as a bill of rights voted with We The People. This land is Your Land, This Land is My Land, This Land (Spaceship Earth) Is Made for You and ME as we have been singing around the world in a hundred or so languages for the last fifty years _ we have already voted....
We have a way out with the global vote _ a covenant between ourselves _ WeThePeopleIsm 1775 planet wide...
Lowest Common Denominator in human equality is a covenant between ourselves to go where no one has ever gone before...

All GDP FICA based Medicare talking points...

WE already have GOP approved PUBLIC OPTION flood insurance...

Harvard Study: Lack of Insurance Causes 45,000 Deaths Every Year
By Staff, AlterNet
That's one every 12 Seconds on average. _

Top Five Health Care Reform LiesĀ­and How to Fight Back


Are We The People Worth Healthcare Or not _ Ask Around _ Tweet etc.

We can provide healthcare for all at half the cost and give K through college European style for what we are paying.... more talking points on paying for wellness, Withholding is insurance not tax ...

Beyond all our other failures, when all is said and done we can accommodate all on Earth in a universal standard of living for what we pay for 37th place health care in the USA today...

These videos tell it all... War on Triage by Arbitrage Corporate health care... 20 trillion in 10 years for 37th place health care

Trailer to Sicko _ Lets stuff the swiftboating where the sun don't shine _ Twitter these...

California OneCare: Full Care, For All, For Less

Healthcare industry Whistleblower Wendell Potter formerly of Cigna Insurance ... Profits Before Patients...

Everybody in nobody out...

VIDEO | Keith Olberman: Legislators for Sale
Keith Olbermann, MSNBC Countdown: "Finally tonight, as promised, a Special Comment on Health Care Reform in this country, and in particular, the 'public insurance option.'"

Raleigh Myers
Ra Energy Fdn.
Founded in 1973
Ra-Chi is our agenda

Op Eds more of the latest going back decades

Videos Ought 2010 A Transcendence Odyssey a movie where ALL the worlds' a stage Everyone is in it _ See Currency The Redistribution of TIME and Digging Slavery's Grave, the secular version.

Let us experiment with laws and customs, with money systems and governments, until we chart the one true course - until we find the majesty of our proper orbit as the planets above have found theirs. And then at last we shall move all together in the harmony of our sphere under the great impulse of a single creation - one unity, one system, one design.
  Roger Bacon

Let WE The People vote on a covenant between ourselves...

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material is made available for educational purposes, to advance
understanding of human rights, democracy, scientific, moral, ethical, and
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section 107 of the US Copyright Law.

  Creative Commons License
Ought 2010 by Raleigh Myers is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.

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Obama Speech _ He Needs to Give...

Raleigh Myers
Ra Energy Fdn,
Founded in 1973
Ra-Chi is our agenda

Obama Speech

Posted on Obama's web site, the people know this much, we now know that you know that we know....

Script for the signing statement on emergency powers vested in the president as we are in a War.
Google: speech raenergy

This URL or will give you the scratch sheet on this and the hyperlinks...
Google Options raenergy
Citizens...Beyond putting the country in emergency status from war and other factors affecting the common good, our ability to pay for what we consume has out striped the possibility of ever doing so, leaving humanity in perpetual debt _ the figures show it and the history's ugly trial of deceit, criminal intent from the money changers to have caused, blackmailed, manipulated this to happen, dictates our path here... we can now prove criminal intent and the district attorneys of most of states have made their cases and the Financial Crisis Inquiry Group vs. Pedora hearings in the 30s have proven this out ... some notes here on what the public already knows...
We have been caged by the money changers who have blackmailed Twain's Congress again. We need to consider the common good here and can't pass up the opportunity to cut the healtcare costs in half _ from 6% of GDP to 3% with all transaction GDP FICA collecting the premiums of Medicare for all _ everybody pays on all transactions to insure the public aka the consumers. When We The People have control of the system we can keep the costs from escalating from 6% to 12% or 2 trillion today to forty to fifty trillion in ten years, nearing today's gross domestic product of the planet. This is the most significant thing we can do by simple subtraction to keep the cost of government and the bankruptcies, foreclosures, econo-collapse etc. of the citizens in check in one act. We can not pass this up in any way while the collective consciousness is still a factor.

We need to curtail the military industrial complex so again an executive order to wrap up the wars and fold the proceeds into human benefits. Health care being measured in ships and ammunition by Eisenhower, gives us the intestinal fortitude to go with our collective conscious on this aka the high moral ground...

So we are signing an executive order to set in motion the needed relief the country and the planet needs to counter a hostile takeover of the planet by the banking sector who have on numerous occasions told us in no uncertain terms that they care not who makes the laws or enforces them, as long as they control the currency. We can prove criminal intent and will prosecute those who have perpetrated this crime against humanity...

In the course of moping up the mess... We need to save our cities and those of the rest of the world. In order to do that we need to put rent to own 1/3 income citizens in the foreclosed and near FUBAR homes to maintain a tax base enabling the place where you and almost everybody lives, to continue providing services and to keep them from privatization by carpet baggers waiting in the wings with stolen loot which they think still has value. This is why the timing of this and the whole disaster has to be represented here. We gave them all the chance to straighten out and they just thumbed their noses at us as you all watched in horror using your money to give bonuses or hush money to keep whistle blowers at bay. We slowed this down to save jobs and savings as much as we could, but got no cooperation, so be it.

The value of the mortgages will cancel some of the gaming or speculative values and we are demanding the derivatives be separated from the mortgages which the bankers have resisted, keeping the zombie banks artificially afloat while the homeowners are on the street and the cities are closing down services while the surrounding homes lose value also. This in turn automatically puts the banks brokerages and insurance companies into insolvency as they rely on the speculative value of the housing and the associated derivatives to keep them solvent on paper.  The phantom wealth they would attempt to pay claims with is gone by attrition and the value of the currencies have been diminished by the loss of the value of the mortgages that created the currencies along with the derivatives etc. are also gone _ to date almost ten trillion printed by speculation and then lost on just the housing which the derivatives are based on, kills the currency. Saving the cities comes before speculation and gambling instruments and trumps everything else.

Banks can't guaranty deposits and insurance companies can't pay claims putting the burden of averting this human disaster on We The People' s government.

As an emergency situation bigger than any thing that has happened on the planet has been dumped on our lap full of poison pills and planted IUD from the last administrations' lack of vigilance and some on purpose. The health insurance immediately cuts the GDP and debt growth when we assume the liabilities of health insurance as an all transaction all GDP FICA collecting the premiums of Medicare for all. Life insurance and pensions IRAs etc. go into Social Security. The population will be consolidating infrastructure and consumption is already down by thirty percent with another thirty to go. We are giving zoning restrictions the heave and allowing light manufacturing and co housing to every structure increasing some of the value. cottage industry diminishes the need for transportation and less use of roads and the time people would use to earn the funds to rebuild the amenity infrastructure can be rerouted to these retrofits. The scratch sheet for more rational and inconvenient truth...The rest of the restructuring chess game can be seen at...

 Thomas Jefferson: "Banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies."

Any questions?

Raleigh Myers
Ra Energy Fdn,
Ra-Chi is our agenda

Let WE The People vote on a covenant between ourselves...

FAIR USE NOTICE: This may contain copyrighted (C ) material the use of which
has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Such
material is made available for educational purposes, to advance
understanding of human rights, democracy, scientific, moral, ethical, and
social justice issues, etc. It is believed that this constitutes a 'fair
use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C.
section 107 of the US Copyright Law.

  Creative Commons License
Ought 2010 by Raleigh Myers is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.

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