Saturday, August 01, 2009

OUGHT 2010

Raleigh Myers
Ra Energy Fdn,
Ra-Chi is our agenda

OUGHT 2010

A Transcendence Odyssey

When we really get ready for the "more for the most" lowest common denominator simplicity


GAIA 2010 _  the movie, a prophetic paradigm shift flow chart in parable……

Video: see Digging Slavery's Grave and

Currency The Redistribution of TIME

"The Shift" is taking place as we speak...

We Are The World We Are The Children...

Madonna Get Stupid Its Time...

WE begin the exercise with today's lack of success in creating equality for our children of the universe who have a right to be here. We imagine a statistical village of 100 citizens to create the demographics that we can all relate to _ family.


We have scripted this as a successful exercise to give us the feel of a job well done by a few billion of us getting together in our name as a commonality….


GAIA 2010 the dawning of the age of Aquarius


We can imagine ourselves on Dec 21, 2012 celebrating a new year _ a new precession of 26,000 revolutions around the sun, while we reminisce over the last few thousand years culminating in a MEME harvest enabling humanity to live within the solar budget.


2010: The planet of the land of the unborn(the meek) has been returned to it's rightful stewards. After a period of electronic advise and consent, to study the alternatives, in essence voted to empower their progeny with a Premise as a  Covenant From EVERY CITIZEN to EVERY OTHER CITIZEN.

As stewards of democracy, we too can have a covenant  with one another _ Bill Moyers ( Last Line) is a beginning.


When all on Earth discovered in a consciousness up-tick, that they can bring up their families with much less consumption, the paradigm shift began. Family being the most important thing, it was only a short stroke to give this chance to their progeny without further ado.


Humanity discovered their common destiny along with reverse role fairness, after millennia of obfuscation by distracting influences.  We are all One , One and the Same, all one name became the return to the original hard wired cosmic reality practiced as a teaching mosaic by our Indigenous brethren.


The planet was renamed GAIA by it's citizens in advance by the proxy vote of humanity, who live in harmony with each other, operating the planet as a global municipality in virtual reality _ HOME RULE literally.


Their global village anthem "This Land is your land, This land is my land, This land is made for you and me" became the mantra for change and the verbal vote as a MEME. It triumphed over the "bombs in air" "land of our ancestors" "greed is great" type diversions by becoming the second third fourth etc. anthems of almost every country on Earth.


Extortion for life support by a parasitic class has been overcome with some simple clone of Earth back to the future kisstech. The Universal citizens now produce their own food which was the key to eliminating ruthless cartel dominion over the planet _ eliminating cash crop agriculture along with the meat diet freed up major portions of the planet for the "equal opportunity for all" which they voted for. The potato, Termite fungus, Jerusalem Artichoke, Honey from bees were resurrected for an almost infinite run, feeding millions at home,


Trading grain irrigated with abundant water for Middle East oil in essence had been burning food for transportation long before agi-fuel _ living large amounted to triage by arbitrage of the money changers of biblical fame.


Two thirds of the grain crop was traditionally fed to the meat and dairy cattle and cereals, bread and beer took much of the rest of the crops. Sprouting the grains directly gave a millennial boost to the food supply especially when we consider the processing, middle men, transportation etc. of the food itself and then transporting humanity twice a day to earn the currencies to buy it, tied to the five cities needed for all this, the enslavement of humanity was now in focus.


Approaching two billion or so self sufficient households in small support group villages provisioning themselves with appropriate technology did the trick _ clone of Earth technology. They live, work and provide their nutrition on the same acre or so of ground they live on ala Waltons, shrinking mankind's footprint from nearly fifty acres per family to one acre eliminating the five city system in the overdeveloped first world.  Provisions, figured up front, for up to ten billion people provisioning themselves with the highest standard of living ever, on what amounts to less land then the lower forty eight United States. The treadmill units saved by infrastructure consolidation facilitated this progeny empowerment statement. 


There is no outside supply side entity per say only sharing- bartering with their fellow villagers(support group) and within their bioregion. The Community Currencies, the Redistribution of TIME   based on the nutritional calorie, local employment and trading systems are full employment economies of scale. The Waltons and Little House on the prairie in the Solar Hydrogen Economy _with Mike Mulligans Space Shuttle in the basement enabled the Redistribution of TIME, Humanity's Cosmic Commons.


The Global Human Energy Policy for the Second Super Power came of age. The need, climate change, currency collapse, agriculture manipulation etc., required some advance intervention. 20/20 foresight where 20% of the overdeveloped first world finally allows the remaining 80% of humanity to share the planet, while all realize an enhanced Universal Standard of Living, enabling 100% of our collective progeny to realize Full Empowerment, while taking up less footprint percentage wise than today's opulence _ all the people on Earth supported with a universal standard of living on less resources than we consume today all within the solar budget _ all considering our progeny many generations hence due to established calorie based value constants.


The human footprint is the resource use as well as the land used to provide life support for each citizen. A Universal Footprint shares the planet rather than vending it. A universal currency frees mankind from the tyranny of slavery _ the redistribution of TIME takes mankind's inheritance out of probate.


Solar Swarm

[]  A solar swarm where billions of Hydrogen producing units were assembled by the end users enabled the Solar Hydrogen Economy in the hands of the people. One interactive HYDROGEN pipe to the structure, consolidated the five part amenity infrastructure _ the Hydrogen by product was the water supply-- - while, multitasking energy for heating and cooling, cogeneration of electricity on site, providing motor fuel and electrolyzing (turning water exhaust back to Hydrogen) the Hydrogen fuel cell motor in the wheel electric transport and a Stirling electric Replace the wheels of any vehicle transport system, and the destructive distillation of sewerage trash and garbage on site _ the existing vehicles were converted by changing the wheels and transportation was decreased by ninety percent eliminating the need to manufacture new vehicles _ moving humanity twice a day came to an end _ negapork

Concentrator Collector URL

Not having to be near developed services (especially water, sewerage or septic perks and facilities) reduced the value of land as booty and made almost any land livable. The taxes-profit saving from not having to replace, install or maintain the five part infrastructure, land fills, skyfills, purification works, and the piping and chlorine was redirected.


The treadmill time of the planet's citizens, went to retrofit the existing structure stock to solar Hydrogen town gas and the "built into the planet" permanent biosphere program to house and feed all on Earth.. The shoes of the fisherman exercise finally materialized.


There is no competition for life support, they provide it themselves in a guaranteed situation that can't be taken away and requires no money (trade beads) per say to maintain it _ taxes, outside infrastructure or parasites. The Virtual reality controlled government is manned by a year of probono service for all and devoted to these aims.


By having the ability to nourish body, mind and soul without the output of energy wasted on the usury treadmill, transcendence is possible. Freedom is nothing left to loose. True citizen Emancipation is the product of this synergy.


This may sound like some utopian nonsense at first glance but when you strip the 'can't profit if we don't sell em anything reactionary negativity' these truths are self-evident.


The Waltons training videos on television are a generic example of this exercise starting with the basics "you" Man's Inner Nature and Development (MIND) . see MEANS OF PRODUCTION see. HYDROGEN ECONOMY it will guide you through the discussion and other postings in our kickstarting a dead planet think tank so to speak.


The Waltons on television was a ten-year effort (training videos) to demonstrate small footprint low ground pressure life support as an alternative to destiny deprivation (poverty) on one hand and mindless opulence on the other _ part of our owner's manual synergy. Most people around the globe, when asked, will admit that they could settle for that life style _ three generations under one roof as the ultimate conservation exercise.


Live, learn, work, produce your own food on the same acre or so you live on etc. is a reality with Permaculture, Fukuoka and countless old folks who still know how _ and without the supply side dominance (Hegemony of Predation) with all the games (Man-opoly).  Life is for "BEING" not for creating wealth mostly for others. You should not have to think of your self as a worker, trade name or slave designation or whatever, just yourself _ a citizen of the universe who has a right to be here.


If you want to be taken seriously, when talking about development, by the increasingly aware population of the planet, you need to start with simple logic: If our so called civilized society occupies up to 25 acres per person in the US, much in other countries used for export, and five cities occupied for part of a day or season per group for their opulence and all the arable land on Earth is being used or already ruined and two thirds of the people on earth (two thirds undeveloped world) have nothing at this point, how can we share our standard of living on an equal footing with the rest of the Earth's population? It would take about five or six more planets at the current population with our captive consumer supply side provisioning system. And furthermore almost four new citizens a second who have a right to be here will expect their prophetic inheritance. USDA, Pimentel, WWI Brown see Raleigh's OPED 3695 igc:pnews


So much for the big lie _ Kind of puts trickle down-up supply side economics on the same level as the Easter bunny, SantaClaus and vaporware. As Hitler said a big lie is easier to flack than a small one and a repetitive lie is history if we let it happen. Take the overview and spread it around there isn't much else. Ask the question: Is it sustainable development or sustainable life support you are really trying to define?



An Energy Policy for a shared planet. Providing a universal standard of living for all on earth while using less resources that we in the first world uses today is the Premise. Global Human Energy Synergy in the name of Humanity within the solar budget.


The Paradigm shift, the dawning of the age of Aquarius, is a point in time in the precession of the equinoxes which is represented by the Mayan Calendar as well.


"We should transcend from what is to what ought"


The First Nations World Gathering is on board


Transcending from what is to what ought … Abraham


"The meek shall inherit the Earth"

Christ Michael



When we see through the myths and the mythologies we can see clearly that all of this is for the betterment of humanity.

G20 _ RESTRUCTURING _ Currency, Housing, GM, Chrysler, Ford, Circuit City, etc.

G20 _ RESTRUCTURING _ Currency, Housing

 WeThePeopleIsm _ Paradigm Shift _ TINA 2.0 (There Is a New Alternative)




The Movie flow chart of the paradigm shift in progress where

all the worlds' a stage and

 " All" the 6.6 billion men and women are in it.


Find "YOUR" missing piece to this greater puzzle, the world is waiting for you.


The Paradigm Shift on Steroids

 RA-CHI is the working agenda


Video scenes as we or others produce them


GAIA 2010 _  the movie, a prophetic paradigm shift flow chart in parable……

Video: see Digging Slavery's Grave and

Currency The Redistribution of TIME

"The Shift" is taking place as we speak...

We Are The World We Are The Children... mxT21uFRwM

Madonna Get Stupid Its Time...


Coming soon from scripts below


Solar Swarm _ Solar Hydrogen Economy the Gandhi Strategy

Premise-Covenant _ You Already Sung "This Land Is made For you and Me" Now turn that into a covenant with the advise and consent of humanity…

Ra Energy Fdn.
Raleigh Myers
Worksheet bio

Call to Action blog a virtual seminar for change

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. - - Margaret Mead

Let us experiment with laws and customs, with money systems and governments, until we chart the one true course - until we find the majesty of our proper orbit as the planets above have found theirs& And then at last we shall move all together in the harmony of our sphere under the great impulse of a single creation - one unity, one system, one design.
                                                                                                              Roger Bacon

FAIR USE NOTICE: This may contain copyrighted (C ) material the use of which
has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Such
material is made available for educational purposes, to advance
understanding of human rights, democracy, scientific, moral, ethical, and
social justice issues, etc. It is believed that this constitutes a 'fair
use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C.
section 107 of the US Copyright Law. This material is distributed without

 Creative Commons License
Ought 2010 by Raleigh Myers is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.


Are We The People Worth Healthcare Or not _ Ask Around _ Tweet etc.

We can provide healthcare for all at half the cost and give K through college European style for what we are paying.... more talking points on paying for wellness, Withholding is insurance not tax ...

Beyond all our other failures, when all is said and done we can accommodate all on Earth in a universal standard of living for what we pay for 37th place health care in the USA today...

These videos tell it all... War on Triage by Arbitrage Corporate health care... 20 trillion in 10 years for 37th place health care

Trailer to Sicko _ Lets stuff the swiftboating where the sun don't shine _ Twitter these...

California OneCare: Full Care, For All, For Less

Healthcare industry Whistleblower Wendell Potter formerly of Cigna Insurance ... Profits Before Patients...

Everybody in nobody out...

Ra Energy Fdn.
Ra-Chi is our agenda
Raleigh Myers

Op Eds more of the latest going back decades

Videos Ought 2010 A Transcendence Odyssey a movie where ALL the worlds' a stage Everyone is in it _ See Currency The Redistribution of TIME and Digging Slavery's Grave, the secular version.

Let us experiment with laws and customs, with money systems and governments, until we chart the one true course - until we find the majesty of our proper orbit as the planets above have found theirs. And then at last we shall move all together in the harmony of our sphere under the great impulse of a single creation - one unity, one system, one design.
  Roger Bacon

Let WE The People vote on a covenant between ourselves...

FAIR USE NOTICE: This may contain copyrighted (C ) material the use of which
has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Such
material is made available for educational purposes, to advance
understanding of human rights, democracy, scientific, moral, ethical, and
social justice issues, etc. It is believed that this constitutes a 'fair
use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C.
section 107 of the US Copyright Law.

  Creative Commons License
Ought 2010 by Raleigh Myers is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.