Can Another Pope Realize A One Cosmos One Creator Universe?
Ra Energy Fdn.
Raleigh Myers
Worksheet bio
If what we are contemplating is not fair to our progeny we have a failed event in retrospect
Can Another Pope Realize A One Cosmos One Creator Universe?
Transcending 'From What Is To What Ought' has been lost in the Dividian Shuffle where the Mammonist straw man has created Dueling Dividians rather than Rejoining religions teaching spirituality _ the art of coexistence.
The Shoes of The Fisherman exercise is the feeding and housing of all on Earth
Two thousand dollars per citizen, ten thousand per family, ten trillion for the planet, gleaned from the tithing to organized usury for fossil fuel and infrastructure can build every family on earth a freedom and feeding unit with a sustainable technology package capable of sheltering and feeding a family of five on the same acre of land they live on. Allocating one acre per family globally would entail a land mass of less than half the lower forty eight united states. By consolidating the amenity infrastructure with the Hydrogen Economy, phasing out the red meat diet and surrogate agriculture with the sustainable technology package, land will be affordable, available and worthless as booty.
Witnessing unfairness demands resistance whether private, public or government. Our teachings on fairness and justice are in jeopardy every time we don't resist.
Call to action for the Big Dig _ Emancipation and empowerment ahold be the goal of any Theologian.
Ra Energy Fdn.
Raleigh Myers
Worksheet bio
Call to Action blog a virtual seminar for change
Newsgroups beginning in the eighties click on date and web
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. - - Margaret Mead
Let us experiment with laws and customs, with money systems and governments, until we chart the one true course - until we find the majesty of our proper orbit as the planets above have found theirs& And then at last we shall move all together in the harmony of our sphere under the great impulse of a single creation - one unity, one system, one design.
Roger Bacon