Saturday, March 15, 2008

We need a covenant -- with one another

Ra Energy Fdn. Raleigh Myers Worksheet bio

Ra_Chi is our agenda

If what we are contemplating is not fair to our progeny we have a failed event in retrospect --Raleigh


We have been led to the state of the world by our failed organizations, governments and even our religions. It is about time that WE THE PEOPLE take the responsibility to make nice.

We have the communication facilities for the first time in the planet's history. Let us start with a brief rundown on the base of the problem. We have a series of catch 22s set up by illustrious wise guys who have organized the systems for life support to enrich the minority of the population.

We have at the lead a series of religions never connected. The down side is that they have been infiltrated by these so called wise guys. The result is five thousand dividians calling each other heathen over differences created by these infiltrator zealots. This has split the ability of the citizens to cooperate with each other in solving the problems that have been in essence created by this mess.

We have created Corporations and given them limited liability and person hood even over national borders. This has given the core investor group a bulldozer blade to romp over the needs of humanity with impunity.

Central Currency systems create the usury track to the wealth of a few.

The simple way to free ourselves is to create a covenant from every citizen to every other citizen.

In this covenant we need to graduate from give us our daily bread and forgive us our trespass as we forgive those who trespass against us to a system to disassemble the catch 22s in that statement.

The Corporatist trade treaties have put the resources for the planet into the hands of an extreme minority leaving our progeny with little chance of ever securing a universal standard of living even though they have a right to be here just like the trees and the stars.

The trees are in danger but the stars are the work of the creator. Why has the Earth become the property of a few corporations and if you can't pay taxes you loose your so called property-land.

The Privatization of the commons is one of the tragedies we have to reverse. The First World Indigenous have the solution. The planet belongs to the unfinished work of the creator _ our progeny. Leasing it back as stewards not owners as a birth right solves a multitude of catch 22s. We as collective consciousness can vote on it.

Land is the main excuse for war because of the resources on the land. Corporations or individuals owning the resources is a licence to steal. Peace at last!!! Venezuela is taking the lead.

The ownership of the means of production has put us on a collision course with the cosmos. Destroying the spaceship is no way to enjoy our cruse. Creating the proper standard of living has been a challenge but it can be done.

The way we group ourselves in villages, the energy and infrastructure is no brainer if we just decide citizen to citizen we are going to share rather than hold each other up at gun point between corporate borders.

Every thousand years or so groups of people come together to exercise change. Four thousand years ago such exercise was launched. The idea was to create a way of mankind recording their sixty six thousand miles an hour journey thorough space. The texts record progress and folly on the transcendence from what is to what ought. The religions formed around some of these ideas have formed bureaucracies and managed to keep various versions of what ought at bay for the last four thousand years. If religions are to be relevant in creating commonality, the citizens need to take charge and guide their bureaucracies to form a common bond between the children of the universe who all have a right to be here.

Discussing a Covenant From EVERY CITIZEN to EVERY OTHER CITIZEN in parable. The flow chart _ all together we can get it all together. Spacemother Gaia is going through some changes and we need to give her some attention.


Barack Obama "YES WE CAN" video So what experience are we talking about in the current elections. Obama says share the presidency rather than just vote for him. Nowhere in the GOP or the DLC is there a hint of sharing anything. Experience in the brinksmanship of the levers of government by the brightest of the bright has proved to be a disaster for over ninety percent of the population. Jack Kennedy was 42 when elected and made change the new definition of history. Lech Welesa, a shipyard Electrician with no experience in government, became the president of Poland in the worst of times _ today we have an Idiocracy created by the status quo. We now need to manage a PARADIGM SHIFT not just change. The alphabet soup crowd brought us GAIAcide and Corporatism _ it could hardly get any worse. If we get a young president with an already shifted mindset, the youth of the world will respond in kind _ much of the planets war torn population are under thirty.

My name is John McCain and i approve of this war crime

On the other side We have John McCain as Dr. Stragelove incarnate \

Lets get the PHDs Hippocratically involved

The Universe is the Hydrogen Economy _ Solar Hydrogen a solar budget issue

Satyagraha, as defined by Gandhi, can mean "an effort to discover, discern, obtain or apply the Truth".

Through just five or six intermediaries, you could be linked to millions of others

Op Ed blogging into the last century


Escaping the Matrix is the Door Getting Through to the other side _ Global Transformation: The Text: A stream of consciousness on problem and solution

Humanity has a common name _ Ra Sha Da Ma

Energy Policy for the second superpower

VIDEO: What is a Progressive?

Being an Activist is a high calling _ seeking the high moral ground for fairness is prophetic.

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. ~Margaret Mead

Select and paste if the URLs are split Google it for more info also click on groups example: Solar Hydrogen Economy


Some other lectures leading to solutions

Corporatist - Fascistic factoids FDR Eisenhower Mussolini Lincoln warned of the corporatist-Fascist attack strategy.

Ra Energy Fdn. Raleigh Myers Worksheet bio Blog Op Ed back 20 years

Call to Action virtual seminar for change.

I may be singing to the choir, with these talking points, but there are over six billion people who need attitude adjustment as you were in the same need just a bit ago. They need this help because many of you did not share your newly acquired awareness with them. If you have made your contribution please use these points for more outreach_give them a piece of your MIND.

Let us experiment with laws and customs, with money systems and governments, until we chart the one true course - until we find the majesty of our proper orbit as the planets above have found theirs& And then at last we shall move all together in the harmony of our sphere under the great impulse of a single creation - one unity, one system, one design. Roger Bacon

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