Monday, May 02, 2011

Big Picture _ Starship Earth Reclamation Project

Big Picture _ Starship Earth Reclamation Project

We are depleting the planet-starship 30% faster than it can replenish. Putting a vector on our exercises is crucial to coming to grips with our starship issues.

The job here is to accommodate ten billion citizens who have a right to be here, with a universal standard of living with half the resources of today. Recognizing that we all have a right to be here is still something we have to get together and make it so _ reversing the psy ops of the money changers.

The logic of lowest common denominator, is how we can empower our progeny. We need to ratchet down our human foot print from where we are. Question, if what you are about to do will head things in a different direction or if it is worth doing at all.

Every minute we waste propping up our square peg in a round hole, milking parlor for cash cows, life support systems of today, is an insult to our progeny.

The urgency dictates that we fess up to the impending disaster and all get with an end product that will work under these parameters _ This land is made for you and me.

Like the Gandhi strategy to determine fairness as a simple test... will it be of use to all with the added insight of empowering our progeny , the mother father sister brother lover of all common causes.

Getting through the door to the other side is a work in progress directed in part by the MEME harvest of accumulated insight of the artistic community over millennia...
MIND becomes a reality when we chase the other side of the edge of the envelope rather than what has been established synthetically _ what IS. Man's Inner Nature and Development is the part of Humanity that seeks. Seekers become seers when the fractal capability in all of us is allowed to function _ some call it Hemispherical Integration, the Akashic, the ethers-dark matter, meditating, communing with nature, inductive thought, Zoning, Alpha, Theta, indigenous knowledge, the stilled small voice within, the sound of silence _ what ought.

To crash the system, like it or not, vigilantes have activated the doomsday events for currency termination...

Quadrillions of phantom derivative exploitation gives the mathematics of fiat currencies the bare bones of an ultimate calamity. Organized Usury has stifled itself while the universe watched the great terrain robbery unfold.

That having been said we now need an alternative metric for a TIME direct solution that has been staring us in the face since the money changers began. How do we value the redistribution of TIME if all the currencies resemble the Zimbaway as the world currency? A the Bishop Said to Amadeus, Too many notes:)

Granted we need to ratchet down to the new LCD directives, but it should head in the paradigm direction for the sake of universal life support and the foot print ogre looming over us all. In other words Digging Slavery's grave comes out as the Paradigm Shift or what we OUGHT to have done at the beginning of the anthropocine, leaving out the nose ring of the money changers' along with the resulting divisiveness.

Creating a new value system from scratch is easier than most would figure at fist glance. Simply put we can value TIME direct by giving it a value index based on human caloric intake provided by the Earth itself or Pachamama with enough teat for tat.

After all everybody living needs about 2000 calories a day, so why not project it as a birthright, cosmic currency to back up the cosmic right to be here, estimated earnings as the casino predators calculate it _ a birthright in a covenant between ourselves that should have been understood as a Three Rs Archetype of Fairness new beginning.

It is hard to deny We The People's real personal worth, the ownership of their own TIME, when Corporate Worthies even base the worth of their stock on estimated earnings based on estimated consumption, sales, Human need etc. then leverage that into even more phantom wealth based on futures, derivatives in the quadrillions.

All the currencies can be calculated back to the effort put into earning the currency, pensions, savings, personal property etc. but not casino finance aka unearned income.

All together WE have to initiate We The People's directive of THIS LAND (STARSHIP) IS MADE FOR YOU AND ME _ the eighty or so countries and fifty USA states dancing and revolting in locked step are in need of a global plan, a planet in need of Hemispherical Integration _ double entendre intended :)

Get it viral get out the GLOBAL vote... Google: TENINIC  Read it, then vote on it in Facebook click on LIKE and when a few billion people Friend all of us and appear altogether on the same page, WE, the newly awakened collective consciousness, now has a way of breaking the stranglehold of global slavery _ Les Miserables unshackled...


Much of what we do, is to give talking points to focus the conversation on lowest common denominator solutions and thinking. Many have seen some of these points before, how about those you might share this with... Creative Commons encourages you to share and enhance...


Raleigh Myers
Ra Energy Fdn.
Founded in 1973
Ra-Chi is our agenda

Op Eds more of the latest going back decades
more more...

Ought 2010 A Transcendence Odyssey a movie where ALL the worlds' a stage Everyone is in it _ See Currency The Redistribution of TIME and Digging Slavery's Grave, the secular version.

Let us experiment with laws and customs, with money systems and governments, until we chart the one true course - until we find the majesty of our proper orbit as the planets above have found theirs. And then at last we shall move all together in the harmony of our sphere under the great impulse of a single creation - one unity, one system, one design.
  Roger Bacon

Let WE The People vote on a covenant between ourselves...

FAIR USE NOTICE: This may contain copyrighted (C ) material the use of which
has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Such
material is made available for educational purposes, to advance
understanding of human rights, democracy, scientific, moral, ethical, and
social justice issues, etc. It is believed that this constitutes a 'fair
use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C.
section 107 of the US Copyright Law.

  Creative Commons License
Ought 2010 by Raleigh Myers is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Empowering Cities _ We All Live in Cites Not States

Empowering Cities _ We All Live in Cites Not States

When Neo CON Koch party election mistakes begin to empower the states over the cities we have a preemptive power problem reminiscent of 1930s Germany, Italy, Spain, Attempted FDR overthrow etc....

Self sufficient VILLAGES, Support groups are the lowest common denominator in life support.  If we are to empower all of humanity equally, we need to get local.  The hundred family support group village carved out of the cites, is the ultimate goal, not states and nations tied together by free to mess with currencies

Now we have proven criminal intent, we need to begin by taking the stolen foreclosures and renting them out. We have to save the cites even at the cost of the states. We have to live somewhere but don't have to support hundreds of layers of representative Neo CON infiltrated government to do it.
Drop the artificial state nation ties propping up nose ring currencies then self sufficiency in hundred family support groups become the norm, rather than planned sc arcity for the sake of more profits for psychopathic corporatism.

As we ratchet down from the outrage of the get a life if you can afford it, to TIM E direct, we have to restructure our life support interaction strategies...

All together WE have to initiate We The People's directive of THIS LAND (STARSHIP) IS MADE FOR YOU AND ME _ the eighty or so countries and fifty USA states dancing and revolting in locked step are in need of a global plan, a planet in need of Hemispherical Integration _ double entendre intended :)

Get it viral get out the GLOBAL vote... Google: TENINIC  Read it, then vote on it in Facebook click on LIKE and when a few billion people Friend all of us and appear altogether on the same page, WE, the newly awakened collective consciousness, now has a way of breaking the stranglehold of global slavery _ Les Miserables unshackled...


Much of what we do, is to give talking points to focus the conversation on lowest common denominator solutions and thinking. Many have seen some of these points before, how about those you might share this with... Creative Commons encourages you to share and enhance...


Raleigh Myers
Ra Energy Fdn.
Founded in 1973
Ra-Chi is our agenda

Op Eds more of the latest going back decades
more more...

Ought 2010 A Transcendence Odyssey a movie where ALL the worlds' a stage Everyone is in it _ See Currency The Redistribution of TIME and Digging Slavery's Grave, the secular version.

Let us experiment with laws and customs, with money systems and governments, until we chart the one true course - until we find the majesty of our proper orbit as the planets above have found theirs. And then at last we shall move all together in the harmony of our sphere under the great impulse of a single creation - one unity, one system, one design.
  Roger Bacon

Let WE The People vote on a covenant between ourselves...

FAIR USE NOTICE: This may contain copyrighted (C ) material the use of which
has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Such
material is made available for educational purposes, to advance
understanding of human rights, democracy, scientific, moral, ethical, and
social justice issues, etc. It is believed that this constitutes a 'fair
use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C.
section 107 of the US Copyright Law.

  Creative Commons License
Ought 2010 by Raleigh Myers is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Key Stroking the Planet _ Phunney Money Acquiring Land, Oil, Food, Water QE2-3-4-5-6-

Key Stroking the Planet _ Phunney Money Acquiring Land, Oil, Food, Water QE2-3-4-5-6 etc.

Phoney funny money made in closed loop tulip trading of derivatives, traunches of second story mortgages even garlic cloves, oil, food etc., are used to generate key stroke credit to create other bubbles using the quantitative easing cash as seed capital.

Phantom profits on paper trading is causing life support itself to be the a bubble. The tulip trade type of nonsense has brought us the artificial price spike in energy, food, and the Chinese are trading garlic cloves to generate capital to carpet bag the planet literally. The idea behind the FED's helicopter money, is to keep the ridiculously high artificial value of the mortgages, the original leverage point of the new found fiat phunney money, as high as possible. Beyond that, to keep the value of the booty as high as possible and un-affordable to WTP. But keeping it as high as possible so when the carpet baggers go to re sell, game, etc. the booty, they have already stolen with all the fast track foreclosures And that of course is after they have, devalued the currency with QE2-3-4-5-6- Ponzi paper, inflated the cost of living, robbed, sacked, privatized, pawned etc. the savings and pensions, along with cities, states and the federal government of We The People. What is it you don't understand about liquidating humanity _ Any questions?

Some indications, incriminating evidence etc. of this are the fact they are continuing to block, in locked step, any reforms to stop all this and are determined to keep on this same track to tweak these obvious results to advantage the bankster class. The banking fraud investigations should be able to expose a clear path demonstrating criminal intent, so WTP( We The People) will own, by confiscation, the mortgages they robbed, along with those we already own at HUD, Fannie Fredie, GMAC etc. After all We The People took the ten trillion dollar loss, by the in house bankster pumping and then dumping, shorting etc. of the speculative value of the mortgages as a premeditated heist. Then helicopter Ben's ten trillion to booty, pun intended, to attempt to get WTP to pay thrice for a thieving scheme that went south... Later day Pirates use the SHIP of state... think Corporatist perp walk at the end of the movie Avatar, as they are being loaded into some galactic Elba island transport ...

Saving the cities by putting 1/3 income rent to own into the confiscated housing, will jump start the city budgets with tax paying potential home owners and get the value of the housing to where it was almost affordable, in 1989. This can also serve to tank the banks and get these parasites out of the way. The insurance companies who dabbled in the derivatives will also tank along with the bubble machines they have conspired in locked step with the Worthies, to create, to facilitate the acquisition of the planet. The Insurance companies that cover health insurance will have to be liquidated and the policies converted to Medicare FICA( Federal Insurance Collection Act). The life insurance, pensions, annuities 401Ks etc. will no longer qualify and have to go to Social Security FICA( Federal Insurance Collection Act) etc.

We The People are the only entity with the authority and the means to justify a seamless rescue of the people's wealth. Justice is when fairness has been breached and they have been caught with their parasitical paws in the cookie jar... Save Cities Rent to Own 1/3 Income for Foreclosures... the whole nine yards, countering the Mellon Liquidation of humanity in progress _ the rescue, take back and restructuring strategy...

It isn't any secret that they are in the business of looting humanity as the Mellon papers stated in the last depression that they caused for this express purpose. They have been attempting to dismantle all the safety measures established to keep this from happening again and are marching around going even further into their 1930s CREEPing fascism model, brown shirts, second amendment solutions and all...

CREEPing Fascism has been a long time coming and it is time for us frogs to get out of the boil water and short circuit this. WeThePeopleIsm was a Grand 1775 experiment begun by the people and now it has been infiltrated by the Koch-Armee-FOX Corporatists. We need to take off the ditto lemming costumes and get with the needs of our progeny rather than the catechisms of corporatism sold to us with the same psy ops strategies they used in Germany in the thirties and every government overthrow since... WeThePeopleIsm Is All The Isms _ Corporatism Is Just Fascism, the mother of all left behind poison pills  still harming Humanity by remote control...

On the solution side above and beyond nations and parties, with the perp walk of the corporatists in the movie Avatar, still fresh in our minds, Before we have a revolution, lets have a global referendum, a revolt of the star stuff...

As things progress down the rabbit hole, some of you might want to take a look at this stuff again _ red pill recommended...


Much of what we do, is to give talking points to focus the conversation on lowest common denominator solutions and thinking. Many have seen some of these points before, how about those you might share this with... Creative Commons encourages you to share and enhance...


Raleigh Myers
Ra Energy Fdn.
Founded in 1973
Ra-Chi is our agenda

Op Eds more of the latest going back decades
more more...

Videos Ought 2010 A Transcendence Odyssey a movie where ALL the worlds' a stage Everyone is in it _ See Currency The Redistribution of TIME and Digging Slavery's Grave, the secular version.

Let us experiment with laws and customs, with money systems and governments, until we chart the one true course - until we find the majesty of our proper orbit as the planets above have found theirs. And then at last we shall move all together in the harmony of our sphere under the great impulse of a single creation - one unity, one system, one design.
  Roger Bacon

Let WE The People vote on a covenant between ourselves...

FAIR USE NOTICE: This may contain copyrighted (C ) material the use of which
has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Such
material is made available for educational purposes, to advance
understanding of human rights, democracy, scientific, moral, ethical, and
social justice issues, etc. It is believed that this constitutes a 'fair
use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C.
section 107 of the US Copyright Law.

  Creative Commons License
Ought 2010 by Raleigh Myers is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Global Vote is JOB ONE _ This message will self-replicate after it's directives are understood...

Global Vote is JOB ONE _ This message will self-replicate after it's directives are understood...

Job at hand: In general, for Humanity to morph into a collective consciousness, commonality, coexistence by free will etc. _ by the harvesting a series of MEMEs, the works of artists and wise persons, rejoining, harvesting our past efforts as one, working as a collective, rather than feuding factions _ unlocking the money changers global logjam.

Preparing Humanity's "nest" goes beyond Gandhi's destiny deprived. Making way for Progeny, the Unborn, the unfinished work of your partnership in creation etc. is what is next for those who are truly digging slavery's grave in elevated consciousness _ joining the artists and wise persons. We have already overdone the Churchill Bacon experiment.

The awakening of humanity to vote for a covenant, bill of logical or cosmic rights between ourselves _ above and beyond any authority that exists on Earth today, is the necessary outcome...

First part of the job at hand is to catch up on what is possible when everybody is included...

It�s difficult to get a man to understand something if his salary depends upon his not understanding it... Upton Sinclair

As things progress down the rabbit hole, some of you might want to take a look at this stuff again _ red pill recommended...

Global Vote the MAXIMEME the omnibus bill

Raleigh Myers
Ra Energy Fdn.
Founded in 1973
Ra-Chi is our agenda

Let us experiment with laws and customs, with money systems and governments, until we chart the one true course - until we find the majesty of our proper orbit as the planets above have found theirs. And then at last we shall move all together in the harmony of our sphere under the great impulse of a single creation - one unity, one system, one design.
  Roger Bacon

Let WE The People vote on a covenant between ourselves...

The Solar Swarm will be the results of the currency crash. As Digging Slavery's grave becomes the norm, investor class will no longer be deciding how humanity spends it's time...

FAIR USE NOTICE: This may contain copyrighted (C ) material the use of which
has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Such
material is made available for educational purposes, to advance
understanding of human rights, democracy, scientific, moral, ethical, and
social justice issues, etc. It is believed that this constitutes a 'fair
use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C.
section 107 of the US Copyright Law.

Ought 2010 by Raleigh Myers is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.

We are reaping the MEME harvest as the timing mechanism...


Monday, August 09, 2010

Forgiving Our Trespasses Releases the Self Inflicted Curse

Raleigh Myers
Ra Energy Fdn,
Founded in 1973
Ra-Chi is our agenda

Forgiving Our Trespasses Releases the Self Inflicted Curse

OK; In most spirituality disciplines, we privately reach out with a form of what some call the Lord's prayer, designed to give ultimatum or a performance initiative _ self ruminating covenant etc.. We ask for our daily bread and to FORGIVE US OUR TRESPASSES AS WE FORGIVE THOSE WHO TRESPASS AGAINST US, in the name of humanity by name. The message concealed here is that we sign our covenant with humanity, with AMEN. Amen or Amun is the fist name of humanity's first family of sisters and brothers, concealed in the hard wired mythologies _ subliminals of a different kind.

In the name of humanity, the force, image and likeness etc. we desire to become a commonality if we can get by the mistrust of the forgiveness thing, it frees up the hoarding of the daily bread. 3R thinking (Reverse Roll Reflex) breaks the self inflicted impasse or curses etc. of the ring around the rosie bread to forgiveness impass, keeping humanity from the next step, by psychic suggestion, as long as they refused to perform what AMEN stood for _ spirituality the art coexistence, where the first utterances of the dawn folk for brother, as in brothers all, was RA, Amun Amen etc. as the George(Forman) thing got crowded, clever hugh...

So why not. A covenant sharing our desires and declarations sung in our anthem, like THIS LAND IS MADE FOR YOU AND ME, bubbles to the top of the pot here. We need to over think the way we have been cheated (inheritance of the meek stuck in probate) and decide to act together by forgiving the bad guys, 2% of us, and accept all of us as kin, do unto other, brothers all, wandering star stuff etc. . That way we can justify, internalize, accept etc. the Jubilee of land and debt forgiveness to get the daily bread thing rolling _  voting on it in Earnest, Amen's, George's, Christ's sake, Buddha's, Mohammed's, Gandhi's etc. or the WE ARE ONE subliminal of your choice etc. .

The make belive currencies and the warfare to accumulate our space ship in the name of Mammon and rent out the deck chairs as they slide down the sinking deck can be mitigated by a global vote of a covenant between us all. This re-threads the tapestry of life or ties up the loose ends, in the tangled mess or fuzzy Matrix pictured in the snarled up threading scheme etc.

On the solution side above and beyond nations and parties, with the perp walk of the corporatists in the movie Avatar still fresh in our minds, Before we have a revolution, lets have a global referendum of We The People by We The People for We The people as a bill of rights voted with We The People. This land is Your Land, This Land is My Land, This Land (Spaceship Earth) Is Made for You and ME as we have been singing around the world in a hundred or so languages for over fifty years _ we have in essence already voted....
We have a way out with the global vote _ a covenant between ourselves _ WeThePeopleIsm 1775 planet wide...
Lowest Common Denominator in human equality is a covenant between ourselves to go where no one has ever gone before...

As things progress down the rabbit hole, some of you might want to take a look at this stuff again _ red pill recommended...


Much of what we do, is to give talking points to focus the conversation on lowest common denominator solutions and thinking. Many have seen some of these points before, how about those you might share this with... Creative Commons encourages you to share and enhance...


40 Trillion Saved In Ten Years _ Medicare For All, FICA (Federal
INSURANCE Collection Act) All Transaction
All Pay... listening to the Dick Armey Heritage foundation mantras is a moot point.
Insurance is not considered a tax when collected outside We The People's government...

Health in a handbasket puts it together as they take it apart... Racheal Madow 3/8/10

VIDEO | Keith Olberman: Legislators for Sale
Keith Olbermann, MSNBC Countdown: "Finally tonight, as promised, a Special Comment on Health Care Reform in this country, and in particular, the 'public insurance option.'"

WE need to rattle the cage a bit here with a global consciousness uptick, or put another way, a mass realization that the waking of the Collective Consciousness are destined to become WeThePeopleIsm 1775...

On the solution side above and beyond nations and parties, with the perp walk of the corporatists in the movie Avatar still fresh in our minds, Before we have a revolution, lets have a global referendum of We The People by We The People for We The people as a bill of rights voted with We The People. This land is Your Land, This Land is My Land, This Land (Spaceship Earth) Is Made for You and ME as we have been singing around the world in a hundred or so languages for the last fifty years _ we have already voted....
We have a way out with the global vote _ a covenant between ourselves _ WeThePeopleIsm 1775 planet wide...
Lowest Common Denominator in human equality is a covenant between ourselves to go where no one has ever gone before...

Raleigh Myers
Ra Energy Fdn.
Founded in 1973
Ra-Chi is our agenda

Op Eds more of the latest going back decades
more more...

Videos Ought 2010 A Transcendence Odyssey a movie where ALL the worlds' a stage Everyone is in it _ See Currency The Redistribution of TIME and Digging Slavery's Grave, the secular version.

Let us experiment with laws and customs, with money systems and governments, until we chart the one true course - until we find the majesty of our proper orbit as the planets above have found theirs. And then at last we shall move all together in the harmony of our sphere under the great impulse of a single creation - one unity, one system, one design.
  Roger Bacon

Let WE The People vote on a covenant between ourselves...

FAIR USE NOTICE: This may contain copyrighted (C ) material the use of which
has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Such
material is made available for educational purposes, to advance
understanding of human rights, democracy, scientific, moral, ethical, and
social justice issues, etc. It is believed that this constitutes a 'fair
use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C.
section 107 of the US Copyright Law.

  Creative Commons License
Ought 2010 by Raleigh Myers is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Lowest Common Denominator in human equality is a covenant between ourselves

Raleigh Myers
Ra Energy Fdn,
Founded in 1973
Ra-Chi is our agenda

Lowest Common Denominator in human equality is a covenant between ourselves to go where no one has ever gone before...

As things progress down the rabbit hole, some of you might want to take a look at this stuff again _ red pill recommended...


Much of what we do, is to give talking points to focus the conversation on lowest common denominator solutions and thinking. Many have seen some of these points before, how about those you might share this with... Creative Commons encourages you to share and enhance...


40 Trillion Saved In Ten Years _ Medicare For All, FICA (Federal
INSURANCE Collection Act) All Transaction
All Pay... listening to the Dick Armey Heritage foundation mantras is a moot point.
Insurance is not considered a tax when collected outside We The People's government...

Health in a handbasket puts it together as they take it apart... Racheal Madow 3/8/10

VIDEO | Keith Olberman: Legislators for Sale
Keith Olbermann, MSNBC Countdown: "Finally tonight, as promised, a Special Comment on Health Care Reform in this country, and in particular, the 'public insurance option.'"

WE need to rattle the cage a bit here with a global consciousness uptick, or put another way, a mass realization that the waking of the Collective Consciousness are destined to become WeThePeopleIsm 1775...

On the solution side above and beyond nations and parties, with the perp walk of the corporatists in the movie Avatar still fresh in our minds, Before we have a revolution, lets have a global referendum of We The People by We The People for We The people as a bill of rights voted with We The People. This land is Your Land, This Land is My Land, This Land (Spaceship Earth) Is Made for You and ME as we have been singing around the world in a hundred or so languages for the last fifty years _ we have already voted....
We have a way out with the global vote _ a covenant between ourselves _ WeThePeopleIsm 1775 planet wide...
Lowest Common Denominator in human equality is a covenant between ourselves to go where no one has ever gone before...

Raleigh Myers
Ra Energy Fdn.
Founded in 1973
Ra-Chi is our agenda

Op Eds more of the latest going back decades
more more...

Videos Ought 2010 A Transcendence Odyssey a movie where ALL the worlds' a stage Everyone is in it _ See Currency The Redistribution of TIME and Digging Slavery's Grave, the secular version.

Let us experiment with laws and customs, with money systems and governments, until we chart the one true course - until we find the majesty of our proper orbit as the planets above have found theirs. And then at last we shall move all together in the harmony of our sphere under the great impulse of a single creation - one unity, one system, one design.
  Roger Bacon

Let WE The People vote on a covenant between ourselves...

FAIR USE NOTICE: This may contain copyrighted (C ) material the use of which
has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Such
material is made available for educational purposes, to advance
understanding of human rights, democracy, scientific, moral, ethical, and
social justice issues, etc. It is believed that this constitutes a 'fair
use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C.
section 107 of the US Copyright Law.

  Creative Commons License
Ought 2010 by Raleigh Myers is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.

Monday, July 05, 2010

WeThePeopleIsm _ The Revolt Of The Star Stuff

Raleigh Myers
Ra Energy Fdn,
Founded in 1973
Ra-Chi is our agenda

 WeThePeopleIsm _ The Revolt Of The Star Stuff

ISMs of the world unite. We are only ONE anyway, why fight it?

snip: from Video: Digging Slavery's Grave
Since the beginning of time and creativity there has been an unfolding of the blossom of humanity, the brotherhood and sisterhood of the star dust from whence we all came. We all come from the same place, and are truly ONE in every sense of the word. So how did some small part of the stardust become separate from, insensitive and condescending to the rest of the star dust?

Scroll to 9:00 minutes on the scroll bar...

On the solution side above and beyond nations and parties, with the perp walk of the corporatists in the movie Avatar, still fresh in our minds, Before we have a revolution, lets have a global referendum of We The People by We The People for We The people as a bill of rights voted with We The People. This land is Your Land, This Land is My Land, This Land (Spaceship Earth) Is Made for YOU and ME as we have been singing around the world in a hundred or so languages for the last fifty years _ we have already voted....
We have a way out with the global vote _ a covenant between ourselves _ WeThePeopleIsm 1775 planet wide...

As things progress down the rabbit hole, some of you might want to take a look at this stuff again _ red pill recommended...


Much of what we do, is to give talking points to focus the conversation on lowest common denominator solutions and thinking. Many have seen some of these points before, how about those you might share this with... Creative Commons encourages you to share and enhance...


40 Trillion Saved In Ten Years _ Medicare For All, FICA (Federal
INSURANCE Collection Act) All Transaction
All Pay... listening to the Dick Armey Heritage foundation mantras is a moot point.
Insurance is not considered a tax when collected outside We The People's government...

Health in a handbasket puts it together as they take it apart... Racheal Madow 3/8/10

VIDEO | Keith Olberman: Legislators for Sale
Keith Olbermann, MSNBC Countdown: "Finally tonight, as promised, a Special Comment on Health Care Reform in this country, and in particular, the 'public insurance option.'"

WE need to rattle the cage a bit here with a global consciousness uptick, or put another way, a mass realization that the waking of the Collective Consciousness are destined to become WeThePeopleIsm 1775...

On the solution side above and beyond nations and parties, with the perp walk of the corporatists in the movie Avatar still fresh in our minds, Before we have a revolution, lets have a global referendum of We The People by We The People for We The people as a bill of rights voted with We The People. This land is Your Land, This Land is My Land, This Land (Spaceship Earth) Is Made for You and ME as we have been singing around the world in a hundred or so languages for the last fifty years _ we have already voted....
We have a way out with the global vote _ a covenant between ourselves _ WeThePeopleIsm 1775 planet wide...
Lowest Common Denominator in human equality is a covenant between ourselves to go where no one has ever gone before...

Raleigh Myers
Ra Energy Fdn.
Founded in 1973
Ra-Chi is our agenda

Op Eds more of the latest going back decades
more more...

Videos Ought 2010 A Transcendence Odyssey a movie where ALL the worlds' a stage Everyone is in it _ See Currency The Redistribution of TIME and Digging Slavery's Grave, the secular version.

Let us experiment with laws and customs, with money systems and governments, until we chart the one true course - until we find the majesty of our proper orbit as the planets above have found theirs. And then at last we shall move all together in the harmony of our sphere under the great impulse of a single creation - one unity, one system, one design.
  Roger Bacon

Let WE The People vote on a covenant between ourselves...

FAIR USE NOTICE: This may contain copyrighted (C ) material the use of which
has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Such
material is made available for educational purposes, to advance
understanding of human rights, democracy, scientific, moral, ethical, and
social justice issues, etc. It is believed that this constitutes a 'fair
use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C.
section 107 of the US Copyright Law.

  Creative Commons License
Ought 2010 by Raleigh Myers is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

FUBAR The Nation _ Then Resist All Repair

Raleigh Myers
Ra Energy Fdn,
Founded in 1973
Ra-Chi is our agenda

FUBAR The Nation _ Then Resist All Repair

Imagine what it would have been like if they actually helped us get through their left behind poison pills and unexploded bombs let alone their incessant obfuscation and down right unrelenting seditious push back _ attempted government overthrow by any other name. Seems like they were afraid we would notice their screw ups, if we were able to repair the wreckage they left behind. If one connects the dots, the left behind century of attempted sedition comes to light, on wealth's Neo CONservative War Against Humanity...

However one looks at it in broad terms, we see the consistent removal of wealth, personal property etc. from WE The People and the giving it to the investors hiding behind the bulldozer blade of limited liability corporations with personhood. The right wing extremist judges on the supreme court have just ponnied up up their coffin nails with the go ahead to the Corporatist swift boaters to exercise their freedoms _ promised freedoms for the (corporate) ownership society the Bushscists so eloquently birthed the housing bubble with. Now they are attempting to ban any reforms that might stymie the corporate ownershipers turned pawn stars, from scooping up more of the planet into their carpet bags. The swift boaters can now freely demonize the people for protesting their liquidation, by swifting the people's candidates that might interfere with the partial birth abortion of humanity by the Eugenics group posing as pro life _ pro life if you can afford it _ eugenics on the genocide side no matter how you chose your side...

They got caught red-lining then ginned up the ownership society as a PR legislative stunt, to take advantage of the liar loans they could put together with Fannie and Freddie taking the rap. Then selling the AAA rated, extorted etc. CDOs to foreigners, while shorting the whole mess to produce the targets for failure collapsing the housing bubble. When that was nicely done they interfered with legislative reforms so the properties would go neatly into their carpet bags. The foreign countries are now tanking after their banks were bailed out with liar loans for countries and shorted to provide the targets for the carpet bagging of whole countries.

Some people before profit restructuring We The People can cause to happen...

A few vigilantes got in there and took the whole mess beyond any recognition of any existing currencies. Quadrillions in phantom profits and phoney unbacked derivatives did the trick. Most of the fortune one thousand, Banks, Insurance entities are defunct due to the nothing ness of the currencies. Debt based currencies with no way to ever roll over that much debt put Humanity in the most embarrassing way.

Most people on Eaarth now realize that the whole currency scam was to liquidate the planet into the hands of just a few money changers of biblical fame concealing their usury habits. Another way to look at it is organized Usury...

If the value of currencies coins precious metals are just the figment of the imagination _ imagine what humanity now thinks of banking and currencies when the ownership of the planet is at stake, from a Progeny POV. How can one realize the ownership of land, resources, the commons, Space ship Eaarth etc. when the currencies used to buy armies to pillage, monies, trade beads to buy land etc. can no longer hold together from a fairness POV.

Now one might ask how are we going to untangle this mess without collapsing the whole of society, as bad as it is. We have been voting on the solution in song for half a century: This land is made for you and me. Many of our progeny have already been born and see we haven't made good on it yet.

To get around the seditious money changers we have to act in unison, like all together as a super power, the force, WeThePeopleIsm for real this time. A Seven Billion people up tick in consciousness is the hundred monkeys on steroids ... make it so

As things progress down the rabbit hole, some of you might want to take a look at this stuff again _ red pill recommended...


Much of what we do, is to give talking points to focus the conversation on lowest common denominator solutions and thinking. Many have seen some of these points before, how about those you might share this with... Creative Commons encourages you to share and enhance...


40 Trillion Saved In Ten Years _ Medicare For All, FICA (Federal
INSURANCE Collection Act) All Transaction
All Pay... listening to the Dick Armey Heritage foundation mantras is a moot point.
Insurance is not considered a tax when collected outside We The People's government...

Health in a handbasket puts it together as they take it apart... Racheal Madow 3/8/10

VIDEO | Keith Olberman: Legislators for Sale
Keith Olbermann, MSNBC Countdown: "Finally tonight, as promised, a Special Comment on Health Care Reform in this country, and in particular, the 'public insurance option.'"

WE need to rattle the cage a bit here with a global consciousness uptick, or put another way, a mass realization that the waking of the Collective Consciousness are destined to become WeThePeopleIsm 1775...

On the solution side above and beyond nations and parties, with the perp walk of the corporatists in the movie Avatar still fresh in our minds, Before we have a revolution, lets have a global referendum of We The People by We The People for We The people as a bill of rights voted with We The People. This land is Your Land, This Land is My Land, This Land (Spaceship Earth) Is Made for You and ME as we have been singing around the world in a hundred or so languages for the last fifty years _ we have already voted....
We have a way out with the global vote _ a covenant between ourselves _ WeThePeopleIsm 1775 planet wide...
Lowest Common Denominator in human equality is a covenant between ourselves to go where no one has ever gone before...

Raleigh Myers
Ra Energy Fdn.
Founded in 1973
Ra-Chi is our agenda

Op Eds more of the latest going back decades
more more...

Videos Ought 2010 A Transcendence Odyssey a movie where ALL the worlds' a stage Everyone is in it _ See Currency The Redistribution of TIME and Digging Slavery's Grave, the secular version.

Let us experiment with laws and customs, with money systems and governments, until we chart the one true course - until we find the majesty of our proper orbit as the planets above have found theirs. And then at last we shall move all together in the harmony of our sphere under the great impulse of a single creation - one unity, one system, one design.
  Roger Bacon

Let WE The People vote on a covenant between ourselves...

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  Creative Commons License
Ought 2010 by Raleigh Myers is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.

Thursday, April 08, 2010

FCIC We Already Know This Much _ Cut the Bull

Raleigh Myers
Ra Energy Fdn,
Founded in 1973
Ra-Chi is our agenda

FCIC We Already Know This Much _ Cut the Bull

 The Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission is back in session. The videos and presentations are ready for your perusal.

Before they end we should present what we know of the banking fraud just so they will keep to the script lets have a look see at what we have already found out on our own...

web version...

Raleigh Myers
Ra Energy Fdn.
Ra-Chi is our agenda

 "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of our currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and the corporations that will grow up will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing of power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs." Thomas Jefferson

[]  Mark Twain. "The money powers prey upon
the nation in times of peace and conspire against it in times of adversity.

Its all about WeThePeopleIsm vs. Mussolini's Corporatism

When we talk of getting out the pitchforks _ there is a tradition and a vision...

The court of last resort is no longer the Supreme Court. It's "Nightline

 NOW Video: On Credit and Creditability tells it all

 Revealed 80% Of Foreclosures Involve Bankster Fraud  at FCIG Hearings says Glen Theobald Miami Dade Mortgage Fraud Task force police at the the Bankster hearings aka Financial Crisis Inquiry Group Pedora hearings. transcript

Video 60 Minutes: Banker talks of unlawful practices in predatory lending…


Video: Eight million people are at risk of losing their homes because Wall Street abandoned responsible lending practices to gain short-term profits.


Video: Credit Crunch 101

Planet Money a PBS effort to document the big picture...


Video: Senator Harkin on the whole nine yards…

 http ://


Video: For some solutions Keith Olbermann's "Special Comment" on Bank Bailout


Video: William K. Black on the econo-crash on Moyers journal… The Best Way To Rob A Bank Is To Own One


Video: Eliot Spitzer telling it like it is…

  http :// +#

Question for the Fed and G-20: Why Are Our Banks Running Commodity Casinos?

Read more at:

One champion of this market fundamentalism was Alan

Greenspan, then chairman of the Federal Reserve. Last

October before a House Committee, Greenspan admitted he

was mistaken and expressed astonishment at how

corporations could not even safeguard their own

self-interest from going over steep speculative cliffs.



Hey with this kind of preplanning how could we take it for any thing short of criminal intent...

How Goldman Secretly Bet on the US Housing Crash
Greg Gordon, McClatchy Newspapers: "In 2006 and 2007, Goldman Sachs Group peddled more than $40 billion in securities backed by at least 200,000 risky home mortgages, but never told the buyers it was secretly betting that a sharp drop in US housing prices would send the value of those securities plummeting."
Read the Article

In 2007 a group of state attorneys general formed the State Foreclosure Prevention Working Group (SFPWG), which tried to gather information from major banks about what kinds of loans were causing problems and what the banks were doing to solve them. The banks turned to Dugan, who instructed them not to work with the state officials. Federal pre-emption was so sweeping, according to Dugan, that banks couldn't cooperate with state regulators on gathering data.

How about Paulson betting on the housing crash while Treasury Secretary under Bush...

In a nutshell, Paulson made the killing of a lifetime by figuring out how to bet against the housing bubble. The trade was extremely complex and extremely tough to implement – after all, you can't just go out and short real estate. The Greatest Trade Ever unfolds like a movie plot, beginning with details of Paulson's life and background and then slowly building to climax.

 The Scope Of The MONEY CHANGER PROBLEM _ A Who Done It is No Mystery

Criminal Intent Op Eds turning booty to stolen goods that can be taken back by We The People …...

 How the Bush Administration Protected Predatory Lending and Let the Financial Crisis Grow

What to do about it Talking Points:,GGLG:2006-24,GGLG:en&q=Criminal+Intent++raenergy


A former Goldman Sachs analyst pleaded guilty Tuesday to conspiracy to commit securities fraud and insider trading, We The People find the defendant, Goldman Sachs …..Guilty

Criminal fraud may be the most underreported aspect of our current financial crisis. In this "Road to Ruin" report, former subprime lenders from Ameriquest, once the country's largest lender, describe a system rife with fraud. They describe how a "by-any-means-necessary" policy pushed employees to cut corners and falsify documents on bad mortgages and then sell the toxic assets to Wall Street banks eager to make fast profits...

Eliot Spitzer telling it like it is...

Bushscists Interfered With States Regulating Predatory Lenders

Let us now consider the financial crisis and the panic bailout. No one should think that the crisis was unforeseen. Back in February 08, Eliot Spitzer, in one of his last acts as governor of New York, warned about the impending crisis created by predatory lending, and reveled that the Bush Administration was blocking state efforts to deal with it. His

extraordinary warning, in the Washington Post, is worth quoting at some length:

In 2003, during the height of the predatory lending crisis, the OCC ( Comptroller of the Currency ) invoked a clause from the 1863 National Bank Act to issue formal opinions

preempting all state predatory lending laws, thereby rendering them inoperative. The OCC also promulgated new rules that prevented states from enforcing any of their own consumer protection laws against national banks.


The federal government's actions were so egregious and so unprecedented that all 50 state attorneys general, and all 50 state banking superintendents, actively fought the new rules.


Several years ago, state attorneys general and others involved in consumer protection began to notice a marked increase in a range of predatory lending practices by mortgage lenders. …

How many left behind nice job Brownies are still hacking the figures and hindering the regulation of existing laws?

This is outright fraud _ criminal intent:

Eliot Spitzer: Their fundamental accounting structure was wrong, and when we prosecuted them we brought a case that they had allegedly manufactured fictitious reinsurance contracts designed to create the appearance of capital on the books which was not there and this was was a structure that had been designed and orchestrated at the very top of the company.

Fareed Zakaria: So they were basically fudging the numbers to make it look like they had a stronger balance sheet than they actually had?

Spitzer : Precisely. That is exactly right. The underlying effort was to create the illusion of financial strength that was not actually there. And as we dug more deeply into the underlying structure and organization and accounting that was ongoing at the company we knew there was a problem. Four people have been convicted in this and the former CEO was called an unindicted co-conspirator in the federal courtroom by the federal prosecutor. So, this was a fundamental effort to alter the facts and lie to the public."

It's a Bird… It's a Plane … No, it's Spitzer to the Rescue
by Mike Whitney / April 2nd, 2009






FBI saw mortgage fraud early


The FBI was aware for years of "pervasive and growing" fraud in the

mortgage industry that eventually contributed to America's financial

meltdown, but did not take definitive action to stop it.

"It is clear that we had good intelligence on the mortgage-fraud schemes,

the corrupt attorneys, the corrupt appraisers, the insider schemes," said a

recently retired, high FBI official. Another retired top FBI official

confirmed that such intelligence went back to 2002.

 Swecker went on to describe the scenario that ultimately wrecked financial

havoc around the world: "Often mortgage loans sold in secondary markets are

used by financial institutions as collateral for other investments. ...

When loans sold in the secondary market default and have fraudulent or

material misrepresentation ... these loans become a nonperforming asset,

and in extreme fraud cases, the mortgage-backed security is worthless.

Mortgage fraud losses adversely affect loan-loss reserves, profits,

liquidity levels and capitalization ratios, ultimately affecting the

soundness of the financial institution itself."


The Office of Thrift Supervision and the Office of the Comptroller of the

Currency "and the bank regulators are really the first line of defense,"

the first official said. "The investigative agencies (like the FBI) are the

second line of defense. We all caught the mortgage fraud aspect. But none

of us caught the corporate fraud aspect."


But even if the regulatory agencies had come to the FBI with the tips, the

resources necessary to pull off such an inquiry simply did not exist.


"It was a sleight of hand because the public thought the administration was

resourcing counterterrorism when in fact they were forcing cannibalization

of the criminal program," the retired FBI official said. "Now the chickens

have come home to roost."



Snip: When Spitzer was attorney general of New York, he prosecuted AIG and other Wall Street banks, and Maddow asked him if he saw a connection between those prosecutions and what led to the current crisis.

Spitzer said "Absolutely," and while the specific instruments and

mechanisms, derivatives and credit default swaps, may have changed, the

"fundamental accounting fraud... the desperate desire to cook the books,"

is present in the current collapse.



 The desired results is restructuring with worker owned industries and renter owned homes…..

 GOP(Group Of Predators) suing democrats for instigating the bank fraud is a moot point

Senior Federal Banking Regulator Removed

Binyamin Appelbaum, The Washington Post: "A senior federal banking regulator has been removed from his job after government investigators concluded that he knowingly permitted IndyMac Bancorp to present a misleading picture of its financial health in a federal filing only months before the California thrift was seized by regulators. The Office of Thrift Supervision removed Darrel Dochow as director of its western region, where he was responsible for regulating several of the largest banks that failed or were sold in the past year, including Washington Mutual, Countrywide Financial, IndyMac and Downey Savings and Loan."

Madoff ... May be quite different from what we think.... And look further on the net and you will see that these "victims" have also
been told by the US tax authorities that they will probably also be entitled
to claim back some taxes on these defrauded sums.

Rather than saying this hedge fund has gone bust, due to its choice of
investment assets and investment mythologies, a scenario which is highly
probable in the current financial paradigm, since all the professionals are
predicting that at least 30% of all hedge funds are about to fail, more than
700 of them, the CEO chooses to fess up to fraud. If the CEO admits the fund
has gone bust, then all those wealthy members of the Jewish community get
nothing, but if the CEO admits to fraud they get their money back as
compensation from the US tax payer, just as they are also drawing money back
from the tax payers with the other hand.


Let's Not Conceal the Criminal Dimension of the Financial Crisis

  Practically everyone seems to have obscured the fact that the Western
world has already lived through two big crises with a strong "criminal
smell" during the 1980-1990 period, also in a context of careless real
estate lending and market deregulation.

 Conservatives' Crazy Conspiracy Theories About the Econapocalypse

 For a while, before the presidential campaign, conservatives on Fox News and talk radio had an idea: the economy wasn't that bad, but Americans had been led to believe it was, thanks to an elaborate conspiracy involving the media and Democrats.

After the election, high-profile conservatives, including Bill O'Reilly

 Higher Wages or Bubblenomics:

What's it gonna be?

By Mike Whitney

The investor class has rejiggered the system to meet their particular

needs. Financial wizardry has replaced factories, capital formation and

hard assets while real wealth has been replaced by chopped up bits of

mortgage paper, stitched together by Ivy League MBAs, and sold to investors

as priceless gemstones. This is the system that Bernanke is trying to

resuscitate with his multi-trillion dollar injections; a system that shifts

a larger and larger amount of the nation's wealth to a smaller and smaller

group of elites.

From Bernanke and Greenspan's perspective, any small gain by workers is

tantamount to communism. They will continue to do everything in their power

to preserve the current labor-debasing system which keeps workers just one

paycheck away from the homeless shelter.



Financial Meltdown 101


By Arun Gupta, Independent. Posted October 13, 2008.


Were Oil Prices Manipulated by Enron-Style Scheme?


60 Minutes: "About the only economic break most Americans have gotten in the last six months has been the drastic drop in the price of oil, which has fallen even more precipitously than it rose. In a year's time, a commodity that was theoretically priced according to supply and demand doubled from $69 a barrel to nearly $150, and then, in a period of just three months, crashed along with the stock market. So what happened? It's a complicated question, and there are lots of theories."


Paul Krugman has some thoughts…..


Man made by 25 people… Road to Ruin: Twenty-Five People at the Heart of the Meltdown


Fiscal Therapy Getting the economy back on its feet, giving taxpayers a break, saving your retirement fund and your kid's college tuition? Done. And it won't cost you a penny. http ://


The Real Truth behind the Citigroup Bank Nationalization

By F. William Engdahl, 24 November 2008 The measures are without precedent in

US financial history. It is by no means certain they will salvage the

dollar system. group_abyss.html



Soros sees no bottom for world financial "collapse"




How The Republican Party Has

Conned America for Thirty Years


by Thom Hartmann


Published on Monday, January 26, 2009 by


Hoover enthusiastically followed the advice of his

Treasury Secretary, multimillionaire Andrew Mellon, who

said in 1931: "Liquidate labor, liquidate stocks,

liquidate the farmers, liquidate real estate. Purge the

rottenness out of the system. High costs of living and

high living will come down... enterprising people will

pick up the wrecks from less competent people."


Thus, the Republican mantra was: "Lower taxes, reduce

the size of government, and balance the budget."


At the same time, Arthur Laffer was taking that

equation a step further. Not only was supply-side a

rational concept, Laffer suggested, but as taxes went

down, revenue to the government would go up!


Neither concept made any sense - and time has proven

both to be colossal idiocies - but together they

offered the Republican Party a way out of the



But David Stockman came up with a great new theory about what was going on - they were "starving the beast" of government by running up such huge deficits that Democrats would never, ever in the future be able to talk again about national health care or improving Social Security - and this so pleased Alan Greenspan, the Fed Chairman, that he opened the spigots of the Fed, dropping interest rates and buying government bonds, producing a nice, healthy goose to the economy. Greenspan further counseled Reagan to dramatically increase taxes on people earning under $37,800 a year by increasing the Social Security (FICA/payroll) tax, and then let the government borrow those newfound hundreds of billions of dollars off-the-books to make the deficit look better than it was.

 And it all seemed to be going so well, just as it did in the early 1920s when a series of three consecutive Republican presidents cut income taxes on the uber-rich from over 70 percent to under 30 percent. In 1929, pretty much everybody realized that instead of building factories with all that extra money, the rich had been pouring it into the stock market, inflating a bubble that - like an inexorable law of nature - would have to burst.

But the people who remembered that lesson were

Wanniski decided to turn the classical world of

economics - which had operated on this simple

demand-driven equation for seven thousand years - on

its head. In 1974 he invented a new phrase - "supply

side economics" - and suggested that the reason

economies grew wasn't because people had money and

wanted to buy things with it but, instead, because

things were available for sale, thus tantalizing people

to part with their money. The more things there were,

the faster the economy would grow.


Everything you ever wanted to know about the biggest economic meltdown

since the Great Depression but were afraid to ask.


Snip: George Soros A Plan for Economic Recovery

February 12, 2009 | 05:08 PM (EST)

The size of the problem is even larger than it was in the 1930s. This can

be seen from a simple calculation. Total credit outstanding was 160 percent

of GDP in 1929,
and it rose to 260 percent in 1932 due to the accumulation

of debt and the decline of GDP. We entered into the Crash of 2008 at 365

which is bound to rise to 500 % or more by the time the full

effect is felt
. And this calculation does not take into account the

pervasive use of derivatives, which was absent in the 1930s but immensely

complicates the current situation. The situation has been further

aggravated by the haphazard and arbitrary way in which it was handled by

the Bush administration. The public and the business community suffered a

shock in the aftermath of the Lehman Brothers default, and the economy has

fallen off a cliff. The next two quarters will show rapid deterioration.



12 Deregulatory Steps to Financial Meltdown

Wall Street's Best Investment What can $5 billion buy in Washington?


Quite a lot.


Over the 1998-2008 period, the financial sector spent more than $5 billion

on U.S. federal campaign contributions and lobbying expenditures.

by Robert Weissman

Published on Saturday, March 7, 2009


Snip: The Case for Giving Eli Lilly the Corporate Death Penalty… GHW Bush was on the board…

The same group of predators, who are withering medicare on the vine, wer promoting drugs that were bankrupting medicare….
Lilly-Zyprexa scandals didn't just start in 2006. A 2003 Lilly-Zyprexa

scandal involved Medicaid and the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill

(NAMI), ostensibly a consumer organization. That year, Zyprexa grossed

$2.63 billion in the United States, 70 percent of that attributable to

government agencies, mostly Medicaid. Zyprexa cost approximately twice as

much as similar drugs, and state Medicaid programs, going in the red in

part because of Zyprexa, were attempting to exclude it in favor of similar,

less expensive drugs. When Kentucky's Medicaid program attempted to exclude

Zyprexa -- its single largest drug expense -- from its list of preferred

medications, NAMI bused protesters to hearings, placed full-page ads in

newspapers, and sent faxes to state officials. What NAMI did not say at the

time was that the buses, ads, and faxes were paid for by Lilly.

 The Case for Giving Eli Lilly the Corporate Death Penalty



On Job flight and minimum wage Bushscists are king…

Poverty level goal of 2$ a day justifying job flight is Fascist agenda?


By James Lieber

The Village Voice

January 28, 2009


James Lieber is a lawyer whose books on business and

politics include Friendly Takeover (Penguin) and Rats

in the Grain (Basic Books). This is his fifth article

for the Voice.


It's 2009. You're laid off, furloughed, foreclosed on,

or you know someone who is. You wonder where you'll fit

into the grim new semi-socialistic post-post-industrial

economy colloquially known as "this mess."


You're astonished and possibly ashamed that mutant

financial instruments dreamed up in your great country

have spawned worldwide misery. You can't comprehend,

much less trim, the amount of bailout money parachuting

into the laps of incompetents, hoarders, and

miscreants. It's been a tough century so far: 9/11,

Iraq, and now this. At least we have a bright new

president. He'll give you a job painting a bridge. You

may need it to keep body and soul together.


The basic story line so far is that we are all to

blame, including homeowners who bit off more than they

could chew, lenders who wrote absurd adjustable-rate

mortgages, and greedy investment bankers.


Credit derivatives also figure heavily in the plot.

Apologists say that these became so complicated that

even Wall Street couldn't understand them and that they

created "an unacceptable level of risk." Then these

blowhards tell us that the bailout will pump hundreds

of billions of dollars into the credit arteries and

save the patient, which is the world's financial

system. It will take time-maybe a year or so-but if

everyone hangs in there, we'll be all right. No

structural damage has been done, and all's well that

ends well.


Sorry, but that's drivel. In fact, what we are living

through is the worst financial scandal in history. It

dwarfs 1929, Ponzi's scheme, Teapot Dome, the South Sea

Bubble, tulip bulbs, you name it. Bernie Madoff? He's



Credit derivatives-those securities that few have ever

seen-are one reason why this crisis is so different

from 1929.

Last year, the Bank for International

Settlements, a consortium of the world's central banks

based in Basel (the Fed chair, Ben Bernanke, sits on

its board), reported the gross value of these

commitments at $596 trillion. Some are due, and some

will mature soon. Typically, they involve contracts of

five years or less.


Obviously, the $600 trillion includes not

only many unseemly replicated death bets, but also some

benign derivatives that creditors bought to hedge risky

loans. Instead of sorting them out, the Bush

administration tried to protect them all, while keeping

the counterparties happy and anonymous.


Paulson has taken flack for spending little to bring

mortgages in line with falling home values. Sheila

Bair, the FDIC chief who often scrapped with Paulson,

said this would cost a measly $25 billion and that

without it, 10 million Americans could lose their homes

over the next five years.


During the Bush years, white-

collar law enforcement actually dropped as FBI agents

were transferred to anti-terrorism. Even so, according

to William Black, an effective federal litigator and

regulator during the 1980s savings-and-loan scandal, by

2004, the FBI perceived an epidemic of fraud. Now a

professor of law and finance at the University of

Missouriâ€"Kansas City, Black has testified to Congress

about the current crisis and paints it as "control

fraud" at every level. Such fraud flows from the top

tiers of corporations-typically CEOs and CFOs, who

control perverse compensation systems that reward

cheating and volume rather than quality, and circumvent

standard due diligence such as underwriting and

accounting. For instance, AIGFP's Cassano reportedly

rebuffed AIG's internal auditor.


Black suggests that derivatives should be "unwound" and

that the payouts cease: "Close out the positions-most

of them have no social utility." And where there has

been fraud, he adds, "clawback makes perfect sense."

That would include taking back the ludicrously large

bonuses and other forms of compensation given to CEOs

at bailed-out companies.


Mike Whitney writes:


  The global economy is decelerating at the fastest pace on record. Forty

percent of global wealth has been wiped out. The banking system is

insolvent, unemployment is soaring, tax revenues are falling, the markets

are in shock, housing is crashing, deficits are soaring and consumer

confidence is at its lowest point in history.


When you look at some of the numbers, you can see the time bombs that are

ticking away. According to Ed Bonawitz, many countries are in deep shock:

"Ireland's external debt, at $1.8 trillion, equals 900 percent of the

country's $200 billion GDP. The United Kingdom's external debt of $10.5

trillion equals 456 percent of its $2.3 trillion GDP. Switzerland's

external debt of $1.3 trillion equals 433 percent of its $300 billion GDP.

Now that the credit markets are locked tight, renegotiating the terms of

these loans is virtually impossible." U.S. banks are said to have a loan

ratio of around 26-to-1, and European Banks have one that is around

60-to-1. to_the_brink_of_disaster/


Eliot Spitzer | The Real AIG Scandal

Eliot Spitzer, Slate Magazine: "Everybody is rushing to condemn AIG's bonuses, but this simple scandal is obscuring the real disgrace at the insurance giant: Why are AIG's counterparties getting paid back in full, to the tune of tens of billions of taxpayer dollars?"


Is There an Antidote to the Republican Amnesia?

Rep. Barney Frank

Democratic Congressman from Massachusetts

Posted March 18, 2009 | 04:45 PM (EST)



Memory eventually fails us all, but apparently the decline strikes one

party far more than the other.


In recent weeks, my friends across the aisle have expended a lot of breath

proclaiming that the Democrats caused the present financial crisis by

failing to pass legislation to regulate financial services companies in the

years 1995 through 2006.


There is only small one problem with this story -- throughout this entire

period the Republicans were in complete charge of the House and for the

most critical years they controlled the House, the Senate, and the




The situation worsened in 2004, in an extraordinary move toward

deregulation that never even got to a vote. At the time, the European Union

was threatening to more strictly regulate the foreign operations of

America's big investment banks if the U.S. didn't strengthen its own

oversight. So the top five investment banks got together on April 28th of

that year and ­ with the helpful assistance of then-Goldman Sachs chief

and future Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson ­ made a pitch to George

Bush's SEC chief at the time, William Donaldson, himself a former

investment banker. The banks generously volunteered to submit to new rules

restricting them from engaging in excessively risky activity. In exchange,

they asked to be released from any lending restrictions.
The discussion

about the new rules lasted just 55 minutes, and there was not a single

representative of a major media outlet there to record the fateful



Donaldson OK'd the proposal, and the new rules were enough to get the EU to

drop its threat to regulate the five firms. The only catch was, neither

Donaldson nor his successor, Christopher Cox, actually did any regulating

of the banks. They named a commission of seven people to oversee the five

companies, whose combined assets came to total more than $4 trillion. But

in the last year and a half of Cox's tenure,
the group had no director and

did not complete a single inspection. Great deal for the banks, which

originally complained about being regulated by both Europe and the SEC, and

ended up being regulated by no one.


The real story of AIG morphed from AIC all the way back to funding the Bolsheviks…


The Big Takeover


Freeze the 1.5 Quadrillion Derivatives Bubble as a First Step Towards World Economic Recovery

The Underlying Cause of the Financial Meltdown… Derivatives were illegal in the United States between 1936 and 1983. In 1933, an attempt was made to corner the wheat futures market using options, and the resulting outcry led to a 1936 federal law banning such options on farm commodity markets. This ban was repealed by the Futures Trading Act of 1982, signed by President Reagan in January 1983.


The Commodity Exchange Act of 1936 more info…



On pension guarantees by the U.S. government were Bushwhacked… Pension insurer shifted to stocks Belt said in an interview that he operated under "a more prudent risk

management" style and said he "would have maintained the investment

strategy we had in place." Belt left in 2006 and Millard arrived in 2007.


Under Millard's strategy, the pension agency was directed to invest 55

percent of its funds in stocks and real estate. That included 20 percent in

US stocks, 19 percent in foreign stocks, 6 percent in what the agency's

records term "emerging market" stocks, 5 percent in private real estate and

5 percent in private equity firms…


The Government Accountability Office is preparing a new review of the

investment policy, but in the meantime it continues to place the agency on

its list of federal programs at "high risk."


Does US Face G20 Mutiny?

The U.S. media are silent about the most important topic policy makers are discussing here (and I suspect in Asia too): how to protect their countries from three inter-related dynamics:

(1) the surplus dollars pouring into the rest of the world for yet further financial speculation and corporate takeovers;

(2) the fact that central ba
nks are obliged to recycle these dollar inflows to buy U.S. Treasury bonds to finance the federal U.S. budget deficit; and most important (but most suppressed in the U.S. media,

(3) the military character of the U.S. payments deficit and the domestic federal budget deficit.


 The problem of speculative capital movements goes beyond drawing up a set of specific regulations. It concerns the scope of national government power. The International Monetary Fund's Articles of Agreement prevent countries from restoring the "dual exchange rate" systems that many retained down through the 1950s and even into the '60s. It was widespread practice for countries to have one exchange rate for goods and services (sometimes various exchange rates for different import and export categories) and another for "capital movements." Under American pressure, the IMF enforced the pretence that there is an "equilibrium" rate that just happens to be the same for goods and services as it is for capital movements. Governments that did not buy into this ideology were excluded from membership in the IMF and World Bank – or were overthrown…


The Next Financial Crisis Hits Wall Street, as Judges Start Nixing Foreclosures

Today's Wall Street, it turns out, is just another straw man for a rigged wealth transfer system... Now we see the aftermath of that inefficient allocation of capital: a massive glut of condos and homes pulling down asset prices in neighborhoods as well as in those ill-conceived securitizations whose

triple-A ratings have been downgraded to junk.

The result of the foreclosure solutions is bank tanking, What Obama needs to say and do...


Video: For some solutions Keith Olbermann's "Special Comment" on Bank Bailout


Video: Can't make it here any more…


Video: Jim Cramer Attacks NY Attorney General Cuomo a year ago for attempting to stop predatory lending…









Ra Energy Fdn.
Ra-Chi is our agenda
Raleigh Myers
Worksheet bio
Op Eds more of the latest going back decades

Videos Ought 2010 A Transcendence Odyssey a movie where ALL the worlds' a stage Everyone is in it _ See Currency The Redistribution of TIME and Digging Slavery's Grave the secular version.

It is time for a look at the solution from a 'more for the most' Lowest Common Denominator POV _ Getting back to the hard wired knowledge LCD Talking points

Let us experiment with laws and customs, with money systems and governments, until we chart the one true course - until we find the majesty of our proper orbit as the planets above have found theirs& And then at last we shall move all together in the harmony of our sphere under the great impulse of a single creation - one unity, one system, one design.
                 Roger Bacon

FAIR USE NOTICE: This may contain copyrighted (C ) material the use of which
has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Such
material is made available for educational purposes, to advance
understanding of human rights, democracy, scientific, moral, ethical, and
social justice issues, etc. It is believed that this constitutes a 'fair
use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C.
section 107 of the US Copyright Law.


  Creative Commons License
Ought 2010 by Raleigh Myers is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.



Much of what we do, is to give talking points to focus the conversation on lowest common denominator solutions and thinking. Many have seen some of these points before, how about those you might share this with... Creative Commons encourages you to share and enhance...


40 Trillion Saved In Ten Years _ Medicare For All, FICA (Federal INSURANCE Collection Act) All Transaction
All Pay... listening to the Dick Armey Heritage foundation mantras is a moot point.
Insurance is not considered a tax when collected outside We The People's government...

Health in a handbasket puts it together as they take it apart... Racheal Madow 3/8/10

VIDEO | Keith Olberman: Legislators for Sale
Keith Olbermann, MSNBC Countdown: "Finally tonight, as promised, a Special Comment on Health Care Reform in this country, and in particular, the 'public insurance option.'"

WE need to rattle the cage a bit here with a global consciousness uptick, or put another way, a mass realization that the waking of the Collective Consciousness are destined to become WeThePeopleIsm 1775...

On the solution side above and beyond nations and parties... Before we have a revolution, lets have a global election of We The People by We The People for We The people as a bill of rights voted with We The People. This land is Your Land, This Land is My Land, This Land (Spaceship Earth) Is Made for You and ME as we have been singing around the world in a hundred or so languages for the last fifty years _ we have already voted....
We have a way out with the global vote _ a covenant between ourselves _ WeThePeopleIsm 1775 planet wide...
Lowest Common Denominator in human equality is a covenant between ourselves to go where no one has ever gone before...
Raleigh Myers
Ra Energy Fdn.
Founded in 1973
Ra-Chi is our agenda

Op Eds more of the latest going back decades
more more...

Videos Ought 2010 A Transcendence Odyssey a movie where ALL the worlds' a stage Everyone is in it _ See Currency The Redistribution of TIME and Digging Slavery's Grave, the secular version.

Let us experiment with laws and customs, with money systems and governments, until we chart the one true course - until we find the majesty of our proper orbit as the planets above have found theirs. And then at last we shall move all together in the harmony of our sphere under the great impulse of a single creation - one unity, one system, one design.
  Roger Bacon

Let WE The People vote on a covenant between ourselves...

FAIR USE NOTICE: This may contain copyrighted (C ) material the use of which
has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Such
material is made available for educational purposes, to advance
understanding of human rights, democracy, scientific, moral, ethical, and
social justice issues, etc. It is believed that this constitutes a 'fair
use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C.
section 107 of the US Copyright Law.

  Creative Commons License
Ought 2010 by Raleigh Myers is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.